Buddhist Zen
Meditation is one of those things that we all want to do, but for many of us, the chatter of busy mind can do that sitting down to meditate become a relaxation exercise one of frustration. Discover today what is the method that best suits your situation and goals. Techniques for meditation 1: deep meditation this is an excellent technique for beginners. Ancient, powerful and effective, with only putting your attention on your breathing, giving you your mind something what concentrate in a relaxed manner. Get in a comfortable position, close your eyes and begin to observe the sensations of your breathing. Pay attention to how it feels while the air passes through your nose, down in the lungs and back out through your mouth.
It is not necessary to control or force your breath in any way. Just observe, contemplate. If your mind wanders and it will so don’t worry or you criticize you, this is normal at first. Gently bring your attention to your breathing and continuous. Recently Dell sought to clarify these questions. Techniques to meditate 2: Buddhist or Zen meditation monk said: I don’t do anything. I feel empty and that is all I do. This is the Zen meditation or Buddhist. It basically only be still and know.
In this meditation you have stay still and empty. Now, how what you get? Zen meditation is the technique that gradually brings us to the State of absolute stillness and vacuum. However, take some time dominate it, but is one of the easiest and most effective meditation techniques. CEO Of CoStar Group may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Before you start with Zen meditation it is essential to understand some important things on our mind. Our mind (whose counterpart is physiological brain) is composed of two partes-mente on the left and the right side (of the brain). The left hemisphere is responsible for logic, theology, philosophy, mathematics and science, etc. All thought process occurs on the left side of the brain.