Youth Association

KLJB Bayern has increased in the last year their member number to 2prozent on 26.089 to 31.12.2013. Country managing director Martin Wagner is pleased: the success is even greater than we have dealing with difficult conditions: there are fewer young people in the countryside than in previous generations, at the same time, this generation like never before pressure in school and training experience. And many other large organizations of the society lose members, unfortunately also the Catholic Church with its critical problems we tackle with modern offers in youth work in the country.” How come the KLJB Bayern’s success? Martin Wagner: you are crucial to the success of many volunteers in the local groups that are motivated and carried others away. They know if they do not themselves for their village, there is none. “And they have deliberately opted for a traditional Association, who can move the country at all levels in the Church, society and politics.” Martin Wagner: Online networks help rather Youth Association the most important change in the everyday life of young people of in recent years is even more useful for Martin Wagner: the digitization of the youth in the country with new online networks helps us more. It creates it, that awareness Association in the group will be strengthened and at the same time global contacts are possible, which promotes the KLJB.

Formative experiences of the community in the Youth League are accompanied now in permanent online Exchange.” Start-ups by local groups with the help of KLJB-Bavaria-Stiftung the KLJB Diocesan associations of Munich and Freising (+ 7%), Eichstatt(+5%) and Passau (+ 4%) recorded the largest increase. The growth of the Association goes back to Member gains of the previous around 900 local groups in Bavaria as well on some new ventures. Particularly these are a sign of hope for the KLJB. You get support from the Diocesan offices and the KLJB Bavaria charitable, the end of 2013 two new KLJB – chapters in Mettenheim (district Muhldorf, Diocese of Munich and Freising) and could promote Obernzell (district and Diocese of Passau). KLJB Bavaria speaks of 40,000 reached members”after all experiences from the work site can be assumed also that the KLJB in Bavaria reached around 40,000 young people.

By far not all young people who are reached by the KLJB in Bavaria offers, just have a membership card.

Health Networks

More power at the physician network Spessart EC of Chairman Dr. Norbert Staab reported about the successful project internal network dates”more members. Thus, a better service and quicker appointments at the specialist provided the patients within the network. The project also contributes to the binding cooperation between House and medical specialists”the ENT specialist Staab said. The members agree that the medical care of main-Kinzig-Kreis in the future can be achieved only in close cooperation of all the medical care in the District of involved. Particular problems are the growing doctor shortage, but increasingly also the lack of specialist in this context. Thus, patients have some difficulties to find even a general practitioner already in some places.

It is also increasingly difficult for patients to get appointments with medical specialists in a timely manner. We are intensively and successfully addressed these problems “Dr. Ulrich Dehmer due to bad ORB. By learning about the doctors in the Circle one another, trust is created across the disciplines. This in turn facilitates the daily work.

We expect a further increase interest of colleagues to join our network. Bobby Sharma Bluestone is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Especially because increasing the daily work, and some hardly space for other activities can be, do we need a local medical community of interest, the two Board members Dr. Eberhard Wetzel and Dr. Ulrich Dehmer declared compliant. In addition, the interests of participating doctors can be better represented than would be possible alone in a strong community. In a next step, the doctor network about the own professional group want to cooperate, more with other professions, such as maintaining or therapists. We must ourselves more interdisciplinary on and be active beyond the traditional sector boundaries,”emphasizes Edmund Frohlich, who is charged with his consulting company cheerful Management GmbH ( with the management of the network. Only in this way can in the next few years, demographic change in health care in the country be mastered. These also are the conditions, to obtain a financial support from the outside, unless by the physicians Association (KV) or the public sector. The successful training for aspiring general practitioners, which was established together with the district hospitals and the House Medical Association and where more than ten young doctors and doctors have found their way into the district is at the core of the reflections. You can also connect on the analyses and proposals of the action programme for the municipal services of general interest (MORO), which Edmund Frohlich for the physician network has regional actively participated in Spessart.

Professional Association

For some time I was working in the Ministry of labour of my country (Peru), performing advisory for people looking for employment. The program was called Superate and was a proposal to decrease unemployment. People with more than 06 months unemployed are freshmen and were evaluated, subject to talks on employability and business management. Following others in the talks and employability consultants, other officials I found back then developed its work focusing on the curriculum vitae and interview. Up to be had a video showing where developing an interview type, indicating that it should be and which not. As Knight said. However, they all had clear was that: If a person to State looking for employment by more than 06 months and has not been able to find, it is not possible that with talks and recommendations of specialists, you can find it in the coming months 06 and finish the year working. With us or against us there is a story about the Bay of pigs (Cuba).

As the group responsible for developing the strategy of invasion by the U.S. marines, they had made body of group and they had focused only on the use of weapons which had by omitting the moment that was lived. Even one of the members gave the voice of alert before this error, but… You know, the pressure of the team. A Penguin in the world of gulls this demonstrated that the way more quickly and effectively to find employment, no is replying to notices in newspapers, nor in the Internet, and least by sending your resume in an indiscriminate way to each company that is put in front.

The truth is that the best way is going down the path of the network of contacts. You are not a hermit. With support from statistics and validated with people who were freshmen in the program which involved, it was discovered that more than 85% had found work through any friendship or recommendation of someone close. However do as say that management its network of? contacts? Your friend is your best enemy first developed a process of knowledge of people (SWOT) and after the presentation of the various mechanisms for Marketearse in the market. The network of contacts (some call it the network of influence), also mentioned, but it was not understood more well it looked like something obvious. But people are not obvious people, we are emotional beings. The teller of this drama of an act ended that, the program only advisers should give general guidelines. They are interested parties who must choose which to use. This only developed a circle Vice: not found employment, and now with some theoretical concepts you already knew they wouldn’t find. The result was that the majority ended up in additional generation of small business workshops. And you like manages your network of contacts?To not leave with honey on the lips, he commented that the best way to manage a network of contact is to avoid isolation. If, when a person seeks employment, tends to be a kind of hermit for their colleagues (shame for being unemployed!!!), or avoids the issue openly. (I’m doing independent consulting work). Attend professional meetings, keep the link with people who share your specialty, become partner of the Professional Association, voluntarily participate in activities of their specialty… We are going is simple first step Lic. Ricardo Candela houses web of the author: original author and source of the article.

Trazate Goals

What prevents that many people reach their personal goals is fear or resistance to change. In other words, fear to adopt habits, attitudes or different actions to the manner in which we have taken so far. What frightens us is leaving your comfort to face new challenges. Now if you think that what lies ahead is better and does not want to stay paralyzed, you must be well convinced and determined to pay the price to assimilate change. Change you must understand it as a process in which you move from point (which represents where are you now) towards a point B (which is your goal) and the process of change is what happens to you in the Middle, i.e. during this journey. At Elon University you will find additional information.

The trigger of your game to accept the change is what issues you have what level of satisfaction in the personal, economic, social, family, etc. If you consider that you are excellent, because you do not need to change, but if you feel that there is something inside it that cries out for change toward something better, listen to it and takes your game. In a practical sense, the first thing you should do is ask yourself which is the current level of personal satisfaction in general?, replying you will have to do so by placing a score with this question number. (from one to ten) and recorded in writing.Once done this, answer the following questions: 1 – why you’ve qualified with that note? 2 – what is what you need so your score would have been greater? 3 – do things that are missing in your life, that shortcomings have? 4 – that unmet needs have been or that you lack? 5 – that is what has had greater weight to make you calificaras you as you did? Apply it to the areas of your life that you consider more urgent to try is advisable in this plan. Of course you can do it whereas several areas, without neglecting none.Do for example, you can start preguntandote how you feel in your family, social, occupational, spiritual life, etc. and around businesses, professional life or economics, you can even be more specific, the following planteandote questions: 1 – how you see your business? 2 – how you feel with your I work in your profession, vocation work?.3. How do you feel with your income? Now you have a solid foundation, a start from which plotting your goals.

What is lacking now is to define your point B, i.e. your horizon, your goal. Fully knowing this will allow you to go in search of the person you want to be. This, we will see in the third part of this article. Forward and mood! Lic. Cristian Laborde group thrive original author and source of the article.

Choose Foods

Once your dog reaches the year of age, you must change food for puppies to adults, gradually. What kind of food for adult dogs are there? There are three types: dry, semi-moist or canned. Dry foods tend to be the most popular option and go through a long process of elaboration. Most companies start with raw materials such as cereals, meat and fat. Kai-Fu Lee does not necessarily agree. They are then ground to help increase the availability of nutrients and mix the ingredients.

The next step is a process called extrusion, which used an extruder. An extruder is a machine resembling a screw inside a barrel. The food is cooked as they pass through the barrel and changing the rotational speed of the screw. This is how the dog food is cooked and the final results are a spongy mass. Then it is sent through what is known as a matrix where is cut with a knife. The new Kibbles now enter into a dryer where the moisture is extracted. The last step is called wrapper and is the addition of liquids or powders on the outside of the croquettes.

Here is where the fat and flavor are added. Semi-humid foods are produced in almost similar manner as dry food, but when they are going through the extruder temperature is low and dry. Semi-humid foods have obviously increased moisture and have a higher risk of deterioration, mold and bacteria. To help prevent it, manufacturers developed bacteria and mildew inhibitors and the manufacture of special moisture proof bags. Canned foods have existed since the 1800s. Canned or soft dog food is food that comes in cans sealed and then sterilized through heat. Much as in dry foods and semi-humid, raw ingredients for processing are also used. These are added to a mixer and cook. Then, but still hot, are transferred to it the filling machine, placed in vacuum sealed cans and finally they are sterilized. Now that you know how the dog food is made, you’ll be trained for Choose the best. You might want to stay away from semi-humid foods, they have high amounts of salt and sugar. Sugar can contribute to gingivitis, which can cause tooth loss. Salt, can lead to dehydration in some dogs. If you opt for the semi-humid foods, you can add a little water to serve them. Be careful not to add too much, since the food tends to swell when it is very wet and can cause swelling in your dog. It is mixed with dry or canned food. To conclude, it notes make food feel better to your dog. Is your dog a large breed dog? Large breed dogs eat more than smaller breeds and can benefit most from dried foods that are sold in bulk. Canned foods are best for small breeds, but be careful because sometimes canned foods can accumulate Tartar and make your dog sick. Either way, it will finally your dog decide food likes. Find out more about your dog thank you and you have a good day!

Anja Gorn Terminology

From the practice for the practice in the terminology workshop, the participants develop concrete framework conditions for successful terminology management. ‘>Jeremy Tucker. On November 19, 2013 the full service provider for technical documentation and translation, a workshop on the subject of terminology work for practitioners organised itl”. This will take place from 9:30 to 17:30 at the freshly-related new premises of itl GmbH Vienna at the Lerchenfelder stock belt 43 in the 6. In the workshop, the participants under the guidance of the supervisor Anja Gorn, itl GmbH, develop concrete in four work packages framework conditions for successful terminology management. The individual needs of participants in terminology work in the company are at the Center.

The first work package comprises the terminology initial filling. Is addressed under other following questions: where is terminology? What items are included? How does the formal and linguistic cleansing? In the second work package of the terminology in the production of the process Terminology applying the terminology check treated up to the release of the terminology. The third work package deals with the terminology in the translation. In existing systems will be discussed and worked out a process. In the fourth and final work package terminology support by authoring – and terminology management systems and to the questions revolves around: what authoring – and terminology systems are there? What are their advantages and disadvantages? How do systems affect the process? Which system fits best in the company? The workshop aimed in particular at Terminologieverantwortliche, editors, and ubersetzungsverantwortliche in the companies that want to implement a company-wide systematic terminology management and need advice on terminology systems. Learn more about the terminology workshop in Vienna can be found under: seminars/am-19-11-2013-in Vienna terminology for praktiker.html the registration can be done directly via the online form below: seminare/am-19-11-2013-in-wien-terminologiearbeit-fuer-praktiker/anmeldung.

The First Astrology Package

Astrology training + software + book for 199 euros Berlin, may 4, 2009: who would like to learn more about the modern astrology and suggest birth pictures, can learn this with the first complete Astrology package. This includes also an Astrology software for creating personal analysis in addition to a comprehensive Astrology training. Many writers such as Ali Partovi offer more in-depth analysis. The training consists of 120 lessons, about 140 hours of seminar recordings, teaching begleitendem 250 pages, as well as the Astromedizinischen book of the author of education, Peter Johannes Hensel. You learn about quadrants, constellations, aspects, transits,… and can easily interpret birth images. But not only astrological principles are closer, but also extensive information to ASTRO medicine, psychology, the forecasting and consulting practice. The knowledge is imparted through listen files in MP3 format, i.e. more enjoyable learning, better learning effect and the user itself decides where he is the content want to listen to. The introductory price for the Astrology complete package is $199. There are many sound samples and more information on


Marclio Dos Santos Tavares*, Antonio de Souza Arajo and Valter Jose Fernandes Jnior Department of Chemistry – Federal University of the Rio Grande of the North – Department of Chemistry? CEP: 59078 – 970 – Native – RN, Brazil. INTRODUCTION colorimtrica Analysis is based on the change in the intensity of the color of a solution with variations in the concentration. Colorimtricos methods represent the form simplest of analysis of absoro1-3. The human eye is used to compare the color of the solution of the sample with a set of norms until a correspondence is found. An increase in the result of sensitivity and precision when one espectrofotmetro is used to measure the intensity of the color. Basically, it measures the fraction of an incident beam of light that is transmitted by a sample in one determined length of onda4-6. In this experiment one was used espectrofotmetro of mark SHIMADZU model UV-1650. It has two ways to measure the difference in the intensity of the light beam. One of them is percentile transmitncia, %T, what it is defined as: %T = Io/I = log 1/T = – log T (01) For any composed determining, the amount of absorbed light depends on the (a) concentration, (b) of the length of the way, (c) of the wave length and (d) of the solvent. Absorbncia is related in the concentration in accordance with the law of Beer-Lambert7: = bc (02) Where is the extinguishing coefficient (M-1cm-1), b is the length of the way of solution (cm) and c is the concentration (mol liter-1).

Federal Constitution

Introduction Brazil admittedly has a set of the most detached environmental laws of of the world (since it possesss an immense tropical forest), especially since the creation of the CONAMA (National Advice of Environment), in 1981, and also after the Federal Constitution of 1988. It must be recognized by the way, that during years 90, it had a great legislative advance in the ambient area, with approval of you vary laws as: Ambient crimes (9.605/88) and the National Politics of Ambient Education (9.975/99). Unhappyly, the application and fiscalization of these laws have esbarrado in aspects politicians, economic and cultural. The pragmatismo politician has provoked true disasters in the ambient area, this if it becomes evident when we perceive that the ambient agencies of the federal, state and municipal sphere, are being managed for people whom nothing does not have to see with the environment, are the campaign allies politics, that of some form wants is in the government. Learn more about this with Kai-Fu Lee. However, on secretariats or agencies the ambient area, make use of few resources to act of efficient form, what &#039 does not happen more in the agencies; ' importantes' ' that they are busy for managers of the proper party of the government. Of this form, it is almost impossible to work the ambient question with the attention that it deserves, a time that the agencies make use of few financial resources and they do not obtain to keep professionals in number and quality to act in the sector. How many times already we do not hear this phrase ' ' it is impossible to develop itself without it has degradao' ' , but he will be same that we need to degrade the environment stops developing in them, or this is not plus one faceta of the capitalism that still wants to insist on the idea of that pollution is sinnimo of progress, generating ambient disasters behind disasters, and that a small minority if only benefits of the privileges. . ISearch has similar goals.

Miracle Plant Aloe Vera

The Aloe is an ancestral, called also as the desert Lily, plant used as natural medicine to cure all kinds of disease and treatment with Aloe Vera was something natural. Its main source is the Africa of the South and East, although many people located in other areas of the continent. It is a subtropical plant that belongs to the family of Liliaceae, juicy and nourishing, with thick spear-shaped leaves. You can live in any type of weather, without lowering the temperature of zero degrees. It is a plant that has become popular, due to its properties of healing and resistance, in all parts of the world. The plant is used for the preparation of cosmetic products both for the cure of diseases. We already easily find Aloe in creams, lotions, balms and even beverages.

Every day there is more demand for these products and the plant is grown in large quantities. There is no sufficient data when it began to use this plant as a natural remedy, although its properties are well recognized since always. They exist ancient texts that recognize its use as a purgative. In its interior is a residue of latex of yellow color that was used as a laxative, orally, and to clean the intestines. Even celebrities from other eras found in the Aloe plant a solution to their ailments or evils. Alexander the great, for example, used it to heal the wounds of his soldiers. Marco Polo counseled her for stomach pains.

Cleopatra used it to care for and maintain your face beautiful. The variety of properties that the plant has not passed in vain by all past civilizations and each village used it in their own way. The ancient Egyptians, for example, embalsamaban their deceased adding Aloe with other ingredients. They also used it for skin care. The Indians used it as a conditioner for the hair. The Chinese used it to treat many ailments, but especially for skin diseases. In the second world war, he served to cure the burns caused by the catastrophic consequences of the atomic bomb. Aloe Vera treatment was carried out by the teachings received from parents to children, always in order to alleviate and help heal without any condition, totally different from what happens today.