Youth Association
KLJB Bayern has increased in the last year their member number to 2prozent on 26.089 to 31.12.2013. Country managing director Martin Wagner is pleased: the success is even greater than we have dealing with difficult conditions: there are fewer young people in the countryside than in previous generations, at the same time, this generation like never before pressure in school and training experience. And many other large organizations of the society lose members, unfortunately also the Catholic Church with its critical problems we tackle with modern offers in youth work in the country.” How come the KLJB Bayern’s success? Martin Wagner: you are crucial to the success of many volunteers in the local groups that are motivated and carried others away. They know if they do not themselves for their village, there is none. “And they have deliberately opted for a traditional Association, who can move the country at all levels in the Church, society and politics.” Martin Wagner: Online networks help rather Youth Association the most important change in the everyday life of young people of in recent years is even more useful for Martin Wagner: the digitization of the youth in the country with new online networks helps us more. It creates it, that awareness Association in the group will be strengthened and at the same time global contacts are possible, which promotes the KLJB.
Formative experiences of the community in the Youth League are accompanied now in permanent online Exchange.” Start-ups by local groups with the help of KLJB-Bavaria-Stiftung the KLJB Diocesan associations of Munich and Freising (+ 7%), Eichstatt(+5%) and Passau (+ 4%) recorded the largest increase. The growth of the Association goes back to Member gains of the previous around 900 local groups in Bavaria as well on some new ventures. Particularly these are a sign of hope for the KLJB. You get support from the Diocesan offices and the KLJB Bavaria charitable, the end of 2013 two new KLJB – chapters in Mettenheim (district Muhldorf, Diocese of Munich and Freising) and could promote Obernzell (district and Diocese of Passau). KLJB Bavaria speaks of 40,000 reached members”after all experiences from the work site can be assumed also that the KLJB in Bavaria reached around 40,000 young people.
By far not all young people who are reached by the KLJB in Bavaria offers, just have a membership card.