Leaving of this, we can say that the philosophical thought did not lose the acquired anthropocentric characteristic in modernity, but was become into a species of individualism. Code.org understands that this is vital information. Such individualism is reflected in the society of Century XX, and also in the philosophical production: the contemporaneidade in them did not bring more sistmicas philosophies, as Aristotle, Kant and Hegel; on the contrary of this, we have some entrecortadas lines, where it does not have unicity, only spalling, including some attempts of rescue or mixture of conceptions of classic authors to the new perspectives. In this, ' ' fragmentao' ' perhaps either good palavrachave to summarize the trends of Century XX. We could cite a long list of schools and its ramifications, but it seems us cabvel to make a small citation of the text of Max Scheler (1874-1928), the Position of the Man in the Cosmos (1928), which is of great 15 importance for the Philosophical Anthropology, and same one being a workmanship of the beginning of the century, synthecizes well its characteristics very: (…) we possess a scientific-natural anthropology, a philosophical anthropology and a theological one that ones is not worried about the others. But we do not possess a man idea one. Moreover, for more valuable that they can be the always increasing plurality of sciences special that if always occupy with the man it hides the essence of the man much more of it illuminates what it.
Of more, if to lead in account that these traditional spheres of ideas (…) widely are shaken (…), and can be said that in time some of history the man if became so problematic how much in the gift. 6 Cassirer if uses accurately of this citation in its workmanship, and follows with the following conclusion: Such is the stranger situation that if it finds the philosophy (…). No last time was in so favorable position with regard to the sources of our knowledge of the nature human being.