MATESO GmbH released version 7 Augsburg, 03 April 2013 anyone who moves much in the Internet, has various accounts or must memorize numerous access data, support in terms of password and identity management needs at some point. From April, MATESO presented their software password safe and repository in the 7th generation. “Under the motto mobility” password safe not only in over 100 areas was developed, but also many features added. Now, users will have their passwords everywhere available as an app, or even on the Web. New: At the same time with version 7 October offers native password safe and repository apps native password safe apps. Whether iOS or Android with just a few clicks it is possible to synchronize passwords between PC and mobile device”, said Christian Strobel, Director of marketing and sales for October. A cross-device secure cloud sync with iCloud (iOS) and dropbox, to iPad, makes easy and comfortable use on multiple devices such as iPhone.
Innovation password safe airPass, GeoFav and more with password safe airPass a record can be released temporarily. Via Wi-Fi, it is easily possible to access with a conventional browser foreign PCs or Macs on the password safe. Also known as GeoFav (Favorites) are new to the password safe app. Let also local to configure the most important passwords, for example, ideal for users who require other favourites per Office or Home Office. An integrated browser with automatic password entry, Web bookmarks, customizable input masks, to credit cards, customer cards, notes, manage PINs and passwords, of course, complete the functionality of password safe. Security is a top priority.
Options such as password generator, expiration date the database, destruction mode available to many login attempts option. The data banks and data backups are completely encrypted with the 256-bit AES algorithm. Safe password safe Web Access browser, tablet or Smartphone through the Live access via Web is achieved for the first time a complete platform independence to the databases of the Enterprise Server.