(IT HISSES, 2005) During the decade of 40, in I specify during the 2 World-wide War, again the Acre if the gumfera economy becomes a strategical point in relation, that is, he is the known one as I occasion of the acriano rubber. However, this period was short and again after the esfacelamento of the world-wide conflict, the situation of them you inject acrianos comes back to the esquecimento and decay happened of failure before the competition in the market with the rubber produced in them you inject Asians of Malaysia. Thus, gradual seringueiros pass in fact to be set free to the agricultural production and of creation of animals. Still in this context the government starts to implement politics of familiar reassentamento, creating the located agricultural colonies in the neighborhoods of the cities and was originated from injects dispossessed. During the decade of 60 and 70, the Acre starts to be white of the Pioneering Front of the Cattle one, that in this period it found in the acriano territory a context Prospero to implement its ambitions. It is evident that this process was demonstrated more as a period of great agrarian speculation, a time that many of ' ' paulistas' ' the innumerable facilitations and subsidies offered for the government had only been possessed of and of the prices offered for the acrianas lands that if demonstrated irrisrios and disconnected with the practised actual value in the market. Another flow of povoamento and settling of the acriano territory was established by ' ' paranaenses' ' , that they were destined to the Acre in search of a better life, been deceptive for false propagandas of agrarian speculators. In set with this reality of the flow of happened people of the center-south of the country for the Acre, a local reality existed where some families needed to regularize or to possess a place to work and to accomplish its experience.
Pioneering Front
April 19, 2018
May 15, 2018