It added in addition that the election of ” Readers of SOA World” of Fiorano in front of IBM, Oracle and Sun demonstrate once again that Fiorano provides a productivity without precedent to resolve the needs of information in real time, to peer-to-peer (of equal to equal), distributed by means of the virtualizacin of services for aplicaciones”. About Average SYS-CON Average SYS-CON it has appeared three years successive in ” Inc. Charles Koch may also support this cause. 500″ like the deprived publishing company with the fastest growth in America; being the publishing house of magazines leader in the world that serves exclusively to the markets as ” i-techology”. Between the titles of the magazines good known and respected of SYS-CON they are: Java Developer” s Journal” , SOA World, .NET Developer” s Journal, Web Services Journal, Wireless Business & Technology, XML-Journal, WebSphere Journal, ColdFusion Developer” s Journal, PowerBuilder Developer” s Journal, Linux Business Week, LinuxWorld Magazine, MX Developer” s Journal and Information Storage & Security Journal. Charles koch can aid you in your search for knowledge.
Every Average month SYS-CON reachs more than half million professionals of ” i-technology” through its specialistic publications, magazines, books, conferences, programs of education and interactive vestibule SYS-CON. About Fiorano the software of Fiorano it virtualizes distributed services to unravel the value in applications of legacy, customized and in package through agents ” of equal to igual” of high productivity and real time with application-aware components (component compatible with application). The global leaders including ABN Love, CME Group, DHL Worldwide, NASA, POSCO Steel, Qwest Communications, Rabobank, Schlumberger, The Sports Authority, Thomas Weisel Partners, Vodafone, and Guarda Coasts from the United States has developed Fiorano SOA Platform (Platform SOA of Fiorano) to impel the innovation through open architectures of data flow message-driven (of messages), standards-based, (on the basis of standards) constructed in a matter of days and that rent a productivity without precedent. Fiorano ESB and Fiorano MQ offer the main network (asynchronous and synchronous) of greater production of mail in real time, lower and faster latency of the industry to harness applications of collaborative job stream, high performance and great availability whose services are distributed by all the panorama of YOU. Fiorano complements the technologies of virtualizacin of servant and storage, virtualizing the services of application through distributed agents ” of equal to igual” unfolded with schemes of visual composition that save the lagoon of capacity between the commercial models and the implementation – the model it is the ready application to work. For more information, a goes.