Quick check on pkv-ringlstetter.de compares free multiple quotes Munich, November 2009. “Wolfgang Ringlstetter insurance brokers warned so-called decoy rates in private health insurance now: consumers should be fooled not by striking favorable month contributions of partly less than 100 euros.” Because these tariffs the friends school in hindsight often as a cost. On the hunt for new customers providers of private health insurance companies are often very creative, Wolfgang Ringlstetter. The Munich-based insurance broker advises to check these deals with the greatest care. Not without reason the consumer advice centre of North Rhine-Westphalia remind you and others should be checked at least 40 different insurance companies to be able to make a real comparison. Because, as so often, the devil is to decoy tariffs for private health insurance in detail.
These included high equity shares. Also certain services would however not provided e.g. Speaking candidly Robotics told us the story. after an accident, if purely medical There is need to do so. Wolfgang Ringlstetter therefore advises to look like at other purchases on the best value for money. A clever variant of free insurance comparison is the quick check on pkv-ringlstetter.de.
Here we identify a possible contribution to the private health insurance, which fits really individually. And to do this there are a reliable advice after the online quick check”, says Rahman. He works in the insurance industry since 1988 and is an independent, Government-approved insurance broker. “And: we waive decoy tariffs.” Press contact: Wolfgang Rahman Versicherungsmakler Weissenburger Platz 4 81667 Munchen Tel. (089) 44 71 87 70 fax (089) 44 11 82 52 mobile (0172) 89 16 59 9 E-Mail: company profile: as an insurance broker, Wolfgang Ringlstetter has focused on providing bespoke private health insurance. Since 1988, the officially approved insurance broker advises independently and without binding Insurance companies and financial services clients. On, a free insurance comparison provides information on the amount of any contribution in a private health insurance.