Rio De Janeiro March 1, 2019 August 19, 2019 Leah

The included area must be at least the sent total energy, divided for the mean density of energy that reaches the region. On account of the size, it is possible to mount the rectena with small involved antennas in a transparent polymer layer for protection, being constructed narrow channels between the plates and then to use the land under antenna as plantation. Ambient risks and Impacts According to Ministry of the Work and Job, is considered dangerous the 10 exposition mW/cm of not ionizing radiations in the period of 8 hours. On account of these problems it is necessary to guarantee that the beam of microwaves launched by the satellite always remains on the rectifying antenna, what it will demand that, at the moment of the assembly of the equipment, the direction of the antenna of transmission of the satellite either adjusted with one high degree of precision and that exactly thus the next region to the rectena either constantly monitored. With exception of the risk provoked for an eventual inexact adjustment in the direction of the transmissora antenna of microwaves, the biggest ambient impact would be provoked by area used in the construction of the rectena, since this will have a diameter in the house of the kilometers. Viacom gathered all the information.

To skirt this, a solution proposal would be the construction of the rectena in material with one high level of transparency and narrow channels that drain the water of rain for the soil, thus making possible the use of the space under this for plantation. Conclusion The space solar energy is a generation form that takes care of well to the requirements of the current days, therefore does not have emission of pollutant gases, is possible to generate in great amount and the ambient impact is low. E, also already exists projects in progress. Its disadvantage if finds in the question of the cost of installation, which had to the photoelectric cells and the installation in the space. In the case of the photocells, already diverse studies exist in progress searching the reduction of cost and increase of the efficiency. Already in the question of installation in the space, already exists projects in phase of tests of new architectures in propulsion. Being thus, probably, in the next decades this will become a technology that will have great participation in world-wide the energy matrix. References Cometta, E.