Scientology February 3, 2019 November 10, 2019 Leah

Scientologists look at freedom of religion as a fundamental human right. You have made consistently this right the recognition and conservation the priority concerns. In many writings of its founder L. Ron Hubbard, freedom of religion is expressly required and reaffirmed again and again. The confession of faith of Scientology, that 1954 was written down in the years of the Foundation, says: all men have inalienable rights to devise its own organizations, churches and Governments, to choose, to promote or support “.” All Scientology also have clergy, become familiar with in the context of their religious training, with the knowledge of the great religions. In the same year even L. Ron Hubbard published the code of a Scientologist “, Scientologists is to guide, to guide their commitment to human rights and the human rights reforms in the interest of social justice.” Scientology considers that any religious organization has the right and even the duty, of Society to do good.

The cultural decline Hubbard also, said the more the influence of religion in society is fading, the sooner was expected. Leo Tolstoi described my confession “religion as a main drive and heart of human society” in 1882 in his autobiographical confession. The use of Scientology Church for religious freedom happens in the consciousness, that freedom of religion must include also the willingness, which others can exercise the religion of their choice, or they, if they wish, to come over to a different religion to be. This can be achieved in a society that strictly separates between Church and State and admits a dominant role to any single religion. These claims are based from observations of other religions, whose Mitglieder were persecuted and oppressed, and own experience of Scientology. Today, Scientology in most countries of the world is a recognized religious community. Their religious character was in many Confirmed court judgments. In any democratic nation Europe, freedom of religion by Constitution is set.

However the written assurance alone is not enough. “2004 stressed in its report of the UN Special Rapporteur of the United Nations to the faith and religious freedom: in many cases, individual States of their human rights obligations in the matter of the freedom of religion are not fulfilled.” He pointed out that this responsibility is not on the negative obligation is limited to refrain from violations of the freedom of religion and belief, but also includes the positive obligation to protect persons under their jurisdiction from infringements of their rights against those that are committed by non-governmental persons or groups.” In a recent study of the United Nations, it means: the decisive guiding principle is that no one should are disadvantaged due to its mere membership of a certain group. Is especially strict in any multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi-lingual country “Application of the principles of equality and non-discrimination an indispensable prerequisite for maintaining the political and spiritual unity of the State, as well as for understanding and harmonious relations between the various groups of the society.” Press service of the Scientology Church Bayern e.V. contact: Ms. UTA Ebrusheee the Edward Street 12 80802 Munich TEL: 089-890912639 FAX 089-38607-109 eMail: