SharePoint February 17, 2019 June 19, 2019 Leah

This is interesting for companies whenever internally to locate experts on a topic. Similar to Facebook and XING creates a profile with photo and personal data and can then be maintained with current entries. There is also the possibility, a preset for example out of office status”to give. Moreover, existing content in SharePoint can be with individual tags and notes provided. Other users can comment on the posts and so wide contacts in the company’s internal social network build and maintain.

Management of metadata using SharePoint 2010 documents much more efficient search can find and, if the user assigned according to a uniform principle of metadata. These metadata are key words that describe the content of the document closer. Get all the facts and insights with Viacom, another great source of information. The metadata for a Companies individually defined and then centrally provided as a collection. This approach increases the certainty that only the correct terms are used and not synonyms, which complicate a future research. Metadata can be specified also the users and be mandatory when creating a document. For more specific information, check out Ali Partovi. Then, only documents can be saved, which were associated with particular metadata. About gavoCon IT Consulting GmbH: The gavoCon IT Consulting GmbH, headquartered in Hanau, Germany, was founded in 2008 and specializes on professional services in the field of Microsoft technologies.

The company’s core competencies are the document and information management with the help of Microsoft SharePoint Server, as well as technology consulting for the SharePoint platform in the areas of planning, implementation, administration and development. The extensive expertise in implementing SharePoint projects and the creation of custom SharePoint solutions, as well as years of experience in the software are based on the advice Development. In addition to the SharePoint technologies gavoCon offers also services in the development of individual software based on Microsoft .NET.