60 Minutes concentrated knowledge – free entry! From June 2013 the ebam Academy during its Webinar series asking high noon each noon again for 60 minutes to the showdown. This isn’t a matter however as classically would suggest to a duel, but dialogue. Concentrated knowledge for corporate practice is taught in the context of short, crisp, informative webinars and attendees can engage interactively. The usual training modules of the ebam are temporally more broad-based; High noon offers the possibility, in the part of area of in a bid to sniff. Somehow can get an insight into the matter, old industry hands can refresh their knowledge. And all in the context of 60 minutes an efficient lunch break. Short topics, important for the operational practice of experienced speakers to the point brought. So in short, the webinar series can be described high noon.
The series starts on the 6th June 2013 with the topic of online marketing in social media”. Speaker is Rene Wetzel, He introduces founder of Music Business Development in Berlin-agency backgrounds and relationships, how projects, companies and products benefit from social media and what potentials and possibilities into dealing with these new opportunities. The second Webinar designed Judith Kobus “money makes events go round? on 13 June 2013 to the topic -Budgeting by events as a fundamental success factor”. It deals with establishing an event budget and provides the relevant cost elements at the heart of their designs. Dealing with a budget plan, whose Unwagbarkeiten are, in the function of standards, quality and last but not least region will be highlighted. Judith Kobus, owner of the Cologne agency cubus-music”has gained many years of experience in the event business, ranging from international and interdisciplinary conferences and festivals to multi-month international tours. Registration is required for participation.
To ensure the efficiency for each, the number of participants is limited to 30 people! By the way: No software installation is required. only speakers or headphones. Click here to go to registration: kursliste.php? LID = 8321 & TID = 832120130606 & OS = 11 & LinkID = webinar-high-noon-ebam there are announced the next topics. Save the date! High noon Webinar of the ebam Academy theme: online marketing in social media speaker: Rene Wetzel date: 06.06.2013 12:00 duration: 60 minutes topic: “money makes events go round? -Budgeting by events as a fundamental factor of success”speaker: Judith Kobus date: 13.06.2013, 12:00 duration: 60 minutes 20 years in the service of the vocational training the training and education of the ebam Business Academy for media, event and culture focuses on commercial, organisational and legal priorities in the areas of music, media, sponsorship, event and culture. The course models range from intensive seminars and compact winter – and summer academies on in-service part-time courses with ever a course weekend per month up to the Full time education. Since 2011, numerous courses and seminars as online course are available. Press contact: Elke Hilger ebam GmbH Business Academy for media, event and culture Engelhardstr.