Software Gmb April 3, 2017 April 30, 2017 Leah

Technically, voice portal solutions help here. They are suitable for standard cases, but “only”. A competent person is required for complex matters. But where do you find the? According to the results of the contact investment study 2012, which surveyed more than 180 senior executives from contact and customer service, the biggest challenge currently is the massive staff shortage in the customer service. Employees gain and hold is a big problem. And so the most planned investments in the area of recruitment, staff development and also workplace design aim. Because the customer service staff can choose today his workplace. This access Rekruiter to very creative ideas: since children dress flea markets are visited, addressed to mothers to get re-entry into professional life or early retirees in allotment colonies.

The apprenticeships created some time ago, “Service dialogue marketing specialist” or “merchant “/ Assistant for dialogue marketing” have indeed created a regulated vocational training, but still not ensured for suitably qualified young. In 2006, nearly 1,000 Apprenticeships were offered. Since 2008 (4.312 training places) the offer is stagnating (2010: 4.327 apprenticeships, Q: CCV and Federal Statistical Office). Here many training positions are currently open. “Actually call centers were meant, to help callers quickly, respectfully and professionally but” writes Helga Schuler ( HR.aspx? aid = 989). The original idea was a “service” idea. The caller should not five times to join in the company back and forth and talk mouth-lazy officers.

If company but see service as unnecessary fixed block without immediate sales opportunity, this idea of service is at the end. Because the positive service experience pays off in the long run. Negative experiences are unfortunately quickly made public in times of social media. Therefore, every company should ask whether you still can afford that in the current buyer’s market. If the Contactcenterbranche away from monitored and cent of focused work way to convert people of facing problem solvers, are working again like people in customer service. Technology can alleviate the problems, simplify or accelerate. But, with emotions, man creates genuine dialogues. And that includes the appropriate environment. If people feel comfortable, because a positive work with good indoor climate, low noise level and a pleasant lighting atmosphere, which the caller can feel. So surprised the high investment demand in the workplace (noise, air,…), which already are derived from the contact investment study 2012 ( does not. Description of the company “Contact-Center-Network e.V.” is a collaboration between manufacturers and service providers of the industry and operator of Objectives of the CC network are the use of trends in the market, setting pulses for customer service concepts and the implementation of the transfer of know how, cooperative marketing measures. The interest group is open to other partners and ideas, to create synergies between the partners.