Softwood Lumber February 14, 2018 May 14, 2018 Leah

For the manufacture of chopped wood houses are usually used materials conifers: pine, spruce, larch, cedar and fir. Check out Peter Asaro for additional information. Softwood lumber is superior to the strength of the most common hardwood and less susceptible to decay. The trunks of conifers have a regular shape that allows better use their volume. Pine different maximum straightness of the barrel, the minimum number of knots and good technical properties. With a high resistance to decay yet has a tendency to "blue" (high humidity, especially in July and August). The blue of itself does not alter the physical and mechanical properties of wood, but spoils the appearance. Pine is the most common material for construction of wooden houses, as we do, so and in Europe. Spruce rarely used in construction.

In the dry wood of spruce on the strength of almost the same as pine. Spruce is more susceptible to decay, but much less blue. It is worse than any other tree species resists moisture, so it is preferable to use for interior decoration. Spruce has a slightly looser structure, but due to this somewhat warmer than the pine. Although its consumer properties somewhat worse suitable for the manufacture of chopped walls due to lower density and lower tar content, however, a spruce forest can be recommended for the manufacture of floor supporting elements (beams, slightly). On the world market spruce quoted above pine trees. For the short-lived coniferous spruce – rarely grows more than 200 years.

Larch is stronger, denser and more resistant to decay than pine, but more difficult to process and easy to split. It is ideally suitable as a wall material, is used as material for structures (beams, valley, rafters, tightening, etc.). Larch is more resistant to moisture, is highly valued, is 2-3 times more expensive than pine. Larch – a single tree, not rotting in the sea. Used for the manufacture of log wood with a diameter of 26 cm to 40 cm, and sometimes higher.