Decided pursue this masters in holistic education, was one of the best things I’ve done in my life since I see it as a great opportunity that helped me to know myself, to discover in my qualities and my faults which has also contributed to a significant growth in all aspects of my being, I remember even the moment when casually invite me to attend the Tecnologico de CD. Guzman to receive the first information of this master’s degree, where I had the opportunity to hear the conviction of some of the teachers of that technology that were concluding their masters as the first generation in our system there could see with their experiences the great difference between studying a master of conventional viva voice and one that isn’t, as I could see it in these two years of experiential experiences both professionally and personallyI think that at that time it was visionary by inviting a group of teachers that we collaborate in this institution in a selective way and great diversity of figures that in the end a pleasant experience was to share with them on the journey their expectations about the reflections to our stay of only two days had brought us this new proposal of life; I remember that we were talking about what is interesting about what they had heard of colleagues of how some on the road had been opened has talk from his being and his experience of a real transformation in their lives, and therefore well not we found him negative arguments of any kind but rather pure positive things and since then we were convinced that joining this program of preparation would be of great benefit including institutional and personal.
Spiritual Intelligence
February 8, 2013
July 9, 2014