Symantec Backup Exec July 14, 2018 August 1, 2018 Leah

Volume information: provide an estimate of the amount of data to be copied. This will be necessary to take into account for example that backup strategy used, the type of media to make copies or even estimate the time required to perform the copy. Programming: The backup can be automated or manually and must be considered especially the selected time to make them, preferring those of lower activity to reduce discomfort to users (which should not be working while the copies are made). EJ. Night time. Frequency/frequency: Periodicity calendar is easier to understand and manage (daily, weekly, monthly, annual). The frequency of the backups will depend on changes in the information and they will be at least weekly unless not changes have occurred. Viacom has many thoughts on the issue. Type of backup: the amount of information to copy the backup can be full (whole), incremental (only files modified or created since the last incremental backup are copied) or differential (copy the files changed since the last full backup).

The incremental needs less space but is more complicated that the differential restore. Location/storage: Depending on the situation of the copies these could be local if brackets are stored on the same premises in which the information system, is external if they are stored in a different and remote place which would be those conducted over the internet and stored on external servers. Local stores should have the maximum physical security for example through the use of fireproof cabinets under lock and key and in the correct environmental conditions. Support: Is the physical object that stores or contains data or documents, or object likely to be treated in an information system and envelope the which can record and retrieve data. In automated cases discs have zip, CD/DVD, tape, nas/san (with raid), external disk drives, pendrives, etc. You must choose the type of storage media that best suits the needs of the organization.

Also comment that supports must be inventoried, correctly identified, and if necessary to have a record of the same IO. Strategy: Can be permanent or by the rotation of the supports. The simplest is strategic, easier to maintain schema. A regular can be for example the Abuelo-Padre – son with 6 tapes (4 tapes for incremental backups during the week from Monday to Thursday, 1 tape for full backups on Fridays, and the last for the copy complete monthly). Software: The tool used to make copies must support the features that have been planned according to the needs of the company. Copies can be programmed with tasks by using command-line scripts, or with a specific software well free like Cobian Backup, SyncBack or invest in systems of copies as Symantec Backup Exec, Veritas before. Pre-Tareas: Copying actions to perform before backup. EJ. close applications for a correct copy. POS-Tareas: Actions carried out at the end of the copy backup. EJ. turn off computers or restart a service. Source: where the information is to be copied (machine / path)? Growth forecast?. Destination: that support or machine/path is will do the copies? Copies/supervisory control: is very important to verify the correct realization of the copies. Review logs, brackets, and testing of integrity of the copied information is a fundamental part of the procedure. There is nothing worse than thinking that backups are being made correctly and bring us an unpleasant surprise to find bugs in the restoration.
