Tag: books & magazines

Vegetarian And Baking Without Flour – Also For Sweet Tooth

Fresh from the printing press of carbohydrate arm: vegetarian and baking without flour the vegetarians among the followers of low-carbohydrate diets will be cheering. After several requests, this book by Jutta Schutz is now in the trade (books on demand GmbH, Norderstedt, ISBN 978-3-83911-579-4). This is not just about a cookbook with a Bulletser variety of recipes such as: pancakes with Chanterelle ragout, cauliflower in the oven, chili tofu balls and peanut stew. Michael Dell often says this. And damage the mouth water obtrude one also at the mere thought of crispy breakfast sandwiches, strawberry cream pie, low carb semolina or walnut cookie from the microwave oven: not just the palate comes at his own expense! Because this would be a book of Jutta Schutz, if the author would have not also the one or the other news for people with diabetes type two. Diabetes and vitamin B1 deficiency, diabetes and LCHF (low carb high fat) and diabetes and the positive influence of almonds are some topics. The author writes in a kind of likable, understandable to the layman. All articles and studies, which was used, with citations.

Zurich Chanfer

The new high tech thriller directed by Chanfer is now available in GERMAN! The tech trust is now also in German as ‘ technology antitrust “available. Chanfer has his new thriller sent to current developments in the high-tech sector, take-overs and monopolies with crime and associated voltage. Experience the story of J & P consulting, see their last chance in the invitation to tender for the Spitzenclustern and suddenly in a battle of high temperature superconductor Inc.geraten, unless they were asked. Follow the trail of a killer named KORE that sake ruthlessly admits obstacles in human form out of the way their mentor and take share of Jessica Harrington, who tried the takeover of their company, which deals with superconducting wires to prevent Haflinger in Zurich unliebsam is remembered in Boston while at the same time Inspector on his past. Chanfer can end the various elements sent in a magnificent showdown in Massachusetts. The reader is about the entire book through the opaque Support ways and contexts of global research. “The whole world is dominated by maximum 30 people,” said Kobayaschi “and Krumpfig agreed to him!” QUOTE from the new Chanfer. Read and judge for. You will receive the new Chanfer under bchanfer – as hardcover, paperback or E-book.

Gudula Berger

Jubilee action ‘ 15 years BoD 15 copies free ‘ before exactly 15 years ago, in November 1998, began the Saxon Druck – und Verlagshaus with the printing of books-on-demand books on demand. The required digital printing technology has been established on a year earlier with the founding of the Saxon digital printing Center (sdz). sdz belonged at the time to the most modern digital printers in Germany and was consistently innovative, contemporary products, including services, which no doubt book on demand belonged and still belongs. The machines of yesteryear have given way to long much more modern; the SDV direct World GmbH emerged from the sdz. What remains, is the passion for high quality and yet economical printing products as well as for individual and professional services. As books on demand, as books as needed so that can cost-effectively be produced: volumes with fiction, poetry and memoirs test and short runs for publishers of non-fiction and Publication series yearbooks, festschriften and Chronicles of Bachelor’s and master’s theses and dissertations Abibucher, vintage and memory books. Each single piece with a personal dedication or Thanksgiving can be customized at no extra charge.

Worldwide, cost-optimized delivery is of course. Duration of the Jubilee action: November 1, 2013 to 30 April 2014 who until 30 April 2014, emits an order for books on demand in a minimum quantity of 30 copies, receives in addition to 15 soft cover copies of his book free. The promo code is: SDV15BoD. My impression is that longtime customers in cooperation with SDV appreciate especially our reliability and personal contact. Add of course the excellent print quality and value, which is quite compelling and competitive “, explains Gudula Berger, Sales Manager book on demand and 15 copies is looking forward to the start of action 15 years BoD free”. Who from today until April 30, 2014 submits an order for books on demand in a minimum quantity of 30 copies, receives in addition to 15 soft cover copies of his book free. We have already tested a similar action in the past, because she very well has arrived at our customers, we repeat it like, especially since we have a solemn cause,”so Berger.

Alsatian Apple Tart

New recipe special issue from the House of Pascu-media with the E-book autumn enjoyments with apples, pears and plums “Pascu-media continues its series of compact and affordable theme books in digital form. If the leaves of the trees change colour and autumn arrives, the nature gives us a rich variety of fruits. In this book, the two authors Anne-Kathrin Bauer and Friedericke Godel present their favorite recipes with aromatic apples, pears and juicy plums. Sophisticated cake and tarts, delicate, delicious desserts and all sorts of delicious from the glass and the bottle bring autumn fruity delights in the kitchen and on the table. The special issue autumn pleasures with apples, pears and plums”is available as an EPUB file for PC and E-book reader in almost all major E-book stores for downloading. Recipe Overview: Cakes, pies and pastries: pile of Apple, Apple Cake with pudding, Apple Pie with sour cream hood, applesauce cheesecake, Apple pasta, Apple pockets with “Quark-oil crust, Apple wine cake with eggnog cream hood, Basler PEAR cake, Alsatian Apple Tart, gold drops cake, plum cake with amaretto cream, plum cake with fruit glaze, plum streusel cake, plum pockets, six spoonful cake with apples and pears desserts: Apple semolina curd casserole, Apple fritters, Apple Pancakes from the oven, pears Helene, plum Clafoutis, plum dumplings, stake, oven-baked Apple cam of all sorts of bottle and glass: Apple honey, Apple rose jelly, Apple mustard of ala Normandy, Apple lard, Beschwipstes Apple jelly, Beschwipstes Apple compote, Sweet Sour, pears baked apple liqueur, pickled plums Italia”, plum sweet and sour the authors: Anne-Kathrin Bauer comes from a small village in the Swabian forest. The love of cooking and baking set she got from her mother in the cradle”. Anne-Kathrin Bauer was in their cooking habits influenced by her grandmother, who had come after the war as refugees from Hungary in the Swabian countryside.