Tag: career

Yandex Tak

Like everyone else, I guess I started to study html koda.Potomu about him I did not know at all nichego.A using html editors do not understand what and why. Fumbled not a lot of the internet and found a site with it, I downloaded a lot of reading the html uchebnik.Ne created his first page of the Internet. Further more, I created my first website. Michael Dell: the source for more info. Website of hand forging and welding metalla.Tak as I worked on this before, and doing so far. I can not say that it was difficult, because the site was purely out of html code, without scripts and I thought php.Dalshe on what hosting its razmestit.Tak as this is my first website decided to experiment and placed on a free hosting-narod.ru.V later regretted not etom.Vnachale site was only three stranitsy.No subsequently wrote more, and write so por.Hotya says very little. Of course, if the site is nowhere to be registered, no one will see it and will not be registered in Yandex poseschat.Snachalo then began to gugle.I wait, when will.

I did not know that for a quick registration to advertise their resources wherever zaprescheno.Stal not add their link to the site in social bookmarking, forums, and a couple of weeks and t.p.Proshlo here site in the index of search sistem.No on the key demands is not the first mestah.Perechital a lot more about the advancement saytov.Uznal many new things, such as what should be done as an external optomizatsiyu site, and vnutrennyuyu.To is the right choice of keywords, meta tags and t.p.Sdelal minor amendments, and after a site is crawled up, and visitors how to earn pribavilos.Tak on the site? There are many ways earnings on their saytah.Samym affordable and easy way to sell me seemed to have trafika.To you put advertising links on your site, then visitors coming to your site and clicked on nim.A you get for it dengi.Nashel exchange buying and selling traffic Tak.ru Of course the money went not once, but still some pennies byli.Stalo more visitors and become more deneg.Potom I was no longer sell traffic and fly him to the existence of the site has learned more naroda.Pokupat traffic was on the same exchange Tak.ru.Tam easy registration and all very udobno.Seychas will not be something to boast of, the site is young and growing Yeshe, but the most basic I have to do a site ponyal.Nado just for people rather than Search for mashin.Chtoby visitor does not just look at it and went, and still come back and at least sometimes.


If we take note of them, success will accompany you. So, the first – a neat machine. Taxis must be clean from the outside, inside, nice smell, so it was comfortable. It seems a simple task, but it is not, in maintain its cleanliness leaves a lot of strength. The second – a neat, cultured, knowledgeable city driver. He must not smoke in the cabin, has no right to use foul language – seems to be trivial, but not always executable requirements. Third – time for the machine to order.

Then your main motto should be: "The accuracy and speed." Is that it is impossible to call a taxi dispatcher. On the software solution for taxi Infinity this situation will not happen. Built-in call-center, e-cards, a means of communication with the driver via GPRS-Internet will help you quickly and accurately at the time to file a car. The fourth – a predictable rate. Taxis can not and should not be a cheaper private taxi driver, because the companies have to spend much money on driver training, maintenance vehicles in good condition. Private trader can afford to do without all this. But you do not know what kind of man you are lucky.

Sitting down in the same cab, the customer must be sure that minimum requirements are met: the driver is sober, passed a medical examination, the car technically sound. 4. Where to get customers driver should not just ride around the city, its movement must profitable. In Moscow and in any other city is a "win-win" point: train stations, airports, shopping malls. Gather all the information together, put them on the map and discuss where to "catch" clients. Whenever Mikkel Svane listens, a sympathetic response will follow. It is not necessary forget about the dispatch service, which will coordinate the actions of drivers. Phone in a taxi dispatcher, should be accepted and processed. No small role here is a software solution for dispatching taxi. Infinity product for dispatching a taxi with an integrated call-center will facilitate the work of your employees will save time and money and allow you to monitor the work of dispatchers. Record conversations with clients will continuous monitoring, and resolve disputes. Smart people learn from the mistakes of others. Without stepping on other people's rake you can avoid critical situations, to increase revenue from its dispatch taxis even under conditions crisis.

Personal Audio Warranty

Use it as often as possible! At viewing images on a home computer will choose the most stupid, funniest, most awkward picture with your image on it, but a prerequisite here is your … SMILE! In no case do not use photos where you frown at the business suit sitting and pace yourself at work just laugh and positive! After all, the photos – people have already decided this issue … Component # 2. Welcome Audio Message ========== Once your visitors realize that you – an ordinary man, is to invite him to listen to you with an audio button Tell us briefly about the proposal to your site . Suggest a person familiar with the content and try something that’s free, for example, to subscribe for and be sure that after listening to the people already can not simply move the mouse cursor on the X in the upper right corner of the screen and click on his solution: go to my site and subscribe to our newsletter, “Effective use of multimedia on the Internet!” As a bonus for subscribing you will receive a video tutorial of my performance on how to create and place audio button on the website links to download video tutorial program and Impact Web Audio will come to your e-mail immediately after you successfully subscribe Component # 3. Personal Audio Warranty Go ahead. A visitor to your site already had a great desire to buy your product, but … The best remedy for the possible appearance of distrust and skepticism is the different manifestations of the audio button on your warranty, it is recorded in your voice Only your sincerity, just your good intentions should be felt when listening to personal audio-warranty! Solution: check the number of commercial mini-sites, namely a block of personal guarantees.