CDTI Company
The management of a company demands to carry out numerous tasks of management of the information that can get to consume great amount of time. How much smaller it is east time and better one takes advantage, better results are obtained. For it is essential to make use of the computer science systems. The used technology to have to be simple, effective and safe to realise the administration of the best form and being reduced costs. The manufacture and commercialization of management solutions in accordance with Software for companies are a market in expansion and an essential service for the majority of the companies (including the SMEs). In this sense Dynagent Software, located in Seville, it comes to size developing to solutions from his exclusive System from Management of Dynagent Organizations, based on technology an own semantics, from 2006. This company of software offers a specific specialization of programs in accordance with any sector and policies to him, a software of accessible management online from any part (100% Web) and without intermediaries (implantation and direct support from Dynagent).
Through development of applications of management to size it covers the most common needs with the company as they are the following: – Model of ERP: Integral management of sales, invoicing, logistic, customized product catalogue. – Model of CRM: management of relations with clients and marketing (programs and software of commercial management). – Application MERP or ERP online for manufacturers: Planning of productive processes, software of trazabilidad. Nowadays, the companies that undervalue the importance of the technological management as competitive advantage tends to stagnate and to lose value before the challenges of the global market. The acquisition of technology for the business of the company is something that cannot be improvised, since this must respond to specific needs, to have capacity of adaptation and assimilation so that it can become a competitive advantage against the rest of companies. The products and services of Dynagent Software are guaranteed by a professional human equipment, by satisfaction of its clients and by an ample experience in the sector, and in particular its exclusive semantic technology is financed by the initiative for new technologies NEOTEC of the CDTI. In addition demo gratuitous of a program of management for its company offers the possibility of unloading one from its Web site, which will clear the possible referring doubts to what software is the management of software for its company (ondemand) and how it can help him in the management of its business.