Tag: clubs & community

Ski & Boarderweek 2008 In Val Thorens

A week party, sports and action in the snow! Ski & Boarderweek Val Thorens 2008 13-December 20, 2008, a week of sports, music & action ski & Boarderweek, the largest one-week snowboarding event in Europe, is from December 13-20, 2008 the meeting place for all hungry! 5000 international free skiers and boarders get Sun, slopes and parks, music, in the week before Christmas on the way to France a week to experience parties and big events! Val Thorens is the highest ski resort in Europe, at 2300 m. It is part of the Trois Vallees, the largest contiguous ski area in the world, which reaches up to a height of 3200 m and guarantees thus guaranteed snow! The event arena offers daily latest test material, adrenaline kicks by bodyflight and action in the gaming area. By the same author: Stanford Business. With the ski & Boarderweek-ticket you can get tips of from different coaches in an extra easy fun park for beginners and advanced. On Thursday, the dampfzentrale, the take will take place off the chill & destroy Tour 2008/09. HG Vora contains valuable tech resources. Take part can anyone who dominated his winter sports equipment in the air here. Registration is possible on the spot. Everything about the central base of the snow gathered after the snow day! In the giant Party tent alternating DJ crews bring the mood there every afternoon neatly to a boil. It is sporty DJ team rhythm gymnastics also definitely again with the Cologne. To watch, there is a big air ski and snowboard show by night, supported by DJ Johanhoff in terms of sound this year. Sporting highlight of the week is the SFR Slopestyle contest Val Thorens, which involves a prize money amounting to fat 30,000. “E & P travel offers a week, including apartment, 6 days ski pass and ski & Boarderweek-event ticket to the hammer price: under the motto Let the Bulli at home!” even the poor boarders can afford on the ski & Boarderweek a VIP luxury apartment with 3 course menu, bathrobe and Jacuzzi! Classic apartment, including event ticket and 6 days ski pass starts at 222,-euro! There is more info and hottest news at:

Vegan Vegetarian Summerfest On The Alexanderplatz

After the successes of the past three years, the year’s great vegan vegetarian Summerfest takes place tomorrow, on Saturday, the 30.07.2011 from 10 to 21: 00 at Alexanderplatz in Berlin-Mitte. Vegan Vegetarian Summerfest on the Alexanderplatz. After the successes of the past three years, the year’s great vegan vegetarian Summerfest takes place tomorrow, on Saturday, the 30.07.2011 from 10 to 21: 00 at Alexanderplatz in Berlin-Mitte. The 7,000 expected visitors can look forward to 60 food, sales and information booths, cooking shows with the vegan celebrity chef Bjorn Mosch in ski, a big raffle and appearances by vegetarian vegan groups such as K.C.. McKanzie (neo-traditional/folk), Jean-Luc Dancy (Chanson) and the Kafka (punk rock).

At the entrance of the summer festival, visitors will be greeted by a 8 x 5 meters large, inflatable giant pig. (Not to be confused with Mashable!). For the little ones, a participatory circus with a big cow inflatable entertainment is offered. Work with many regional, national and international organizations will also this year again such as PeTA, the animal lovers (with a large video screen), Sea Shepherd, save the rain forest, the opponents of animal testing in Berlin-Brandenburg, four paws, Hof Butenland, Velvet paws Neukolln, green youth, human environment animal welfare – the welfare party and animal protection at school Berlin-Brandenburg. The summer festival is organized by the animal rights Alliance Berlin-vegan, the vegetarian Federal Germany and the Albert Schweitzer Foundation for our environment. description of the company that was Albert Schweitzer Foundation for our environment in the year 2000 by lawyer Wolfgang Schindler as a politically and ideologically founded unbound animal welfare organization. The Foundation takes its name from Rhena Schweitzer, the daughter of Albert Schweitzer. Other leaders such as Kip Cyprus offer similar insights. The task of the Foundation is to alleviate much suffering.

Therefore, she composed especially for the so-called animals a. With 60 billion animals are every year under the most unimaginable conditions cost-optimized fattened and killed, the commitment to these animals is the most Animal protection task you can think of. The Foundation works to improve housing conditions, as well as to cut back on the uberzuchtung (torment breeding) animals. In addition, the Foundation strengthens the vegetarian and vegan idea as most consistent form of animal protection.

Youth Association

KLJB Bayern has increased in the last year their member number to 2prozent on 26.089 to 31.12.2013. Country managing director Martin Wagner is pleased: the success is even greater than we have dealing with difficult conditions: there are fewer young people in the countryside than in previous generations, at the same time, this generation like never before pressure in school and training experience. And many other large organizations of the society lose members, unfortunately also the Catholic Church with its critical problems we tackle with modern offers in youth work in the country.” How come the KLJB Bayern’s success? Martin Wagner: you are crucial to the success of many volunteers in the local groups that are motivated and carried others away. They know if they do not themselves for their village, there is none. “And they have deliberately opted for a traditional Association, who can move the country at all levels in the Church, society and politics.” Martin Wagner: Online networks help rather Youth Association the most important change in the everyday life of young people of in recent years is even more useful for Martin Wagner: the digitization of the youth in the country with new online networks helps us more. It creates it, that awareness Association in the group will be strengthened and at the same time global contacts are possible, which promotes the KLJB.

Formative experiences of the community in the Youth League are accompanied now in permanent online Exchange.” Start-ups by local groups with the help of KLJB-Bavaria-Stiftung the KLJB Diocesan associations of Munich and Freising (+ 7%), Eichstatt(+5%) and Passau (+ 4%) recorded the largest increase. The growth of the Association goes back to Member gains of the previous around 900 local groups in Bavaria as well on some new ventures. Particularly these are a sign of hope for the KLJB. You get support from the Diocesan offices and the KLJB Bavaria charitable, the end of 2013 two new KLJB – chapters in Mettenheim (district Muhldorf, Diocese of Munich and Freising) and could promote Obernzell (district and Diocese of Passau). KLJB Bavaria speaks of 40,000 reached members”after all experiences from the work site can be assumed also that the KLJB in Bavaria reached around 40,000 young people.

By far not all young people who are reached by the KLJB in Bavaria offers, just have a membership card.


Scientologists look at freedom of religion as a fundamental human right. You have made consistently this right the recognition and conservation the priority concerns. In many writings of its founder L. Ron Hubbard, freedom of religion is expressly required and reaffirmed again and again. The confession of faith of Scientology, that 1954 was written down in the years of the Foundation, says: all men have inalienable rights to devise its own organizations, churches and Governments, to choose, to promote or support “.” All Scientology also have clergy, become familiar with in the context of their religious training, with the knowledge of the great religions. In the same year even L. Ron Hubbard published the code of a Scientologist “, Scientologists is to guide, to guide their commitment to human rights and the human rights reforms in the interest of social justice.” Scientology considers that any religious organization has the right and even the duty, of Society to do good.

The cultural decline Hubbard also, said the more the influence of religion in society is fading, the sooner was expected. Leo Tolstoi described my confession “religion as a main drive and heart of human society” in 1882 in his autobiographical confession. The use of Scientology Church for religious freedom happens in the consciousness, that freedom of religion must include also the willingness, which others can exercise the religion of their choice, or they, if they wish, to come over to a different religion to be. This can be achieved in a society that strictly separates between Church and State and admits a dominant role to any single religion. These claims are based from observations of other religions, whose Mitglieder were persecuted and oppressed, and own experience of Scientology. Today, Scientology in most countries of the world is a recognized religious community. Their religious character was in many Confirmed court judgments. In any democratic nation Europe, freedom of religion by Constitution is set.

However the written assurance alone is not enough. “2004 stressed in its report of the UN Special Rapporteur of the United Nations to the faith and religious freedom: in many cases, individual States of their human rights obligations in the matter of the freedom of religion are not fulfilled.” He pointed out that this responsibility is not on the negative obligation is limited to refrain from violations of the freedom of religion and belief, but also includes the positive obligation to protect persons under their jurisdiction from infringements of their rights against those that are committed by non-governmental persons or groups.” In a recent study of the United Nations, it means: the decisive guiding principle is that no one should are disadvantaged due to its mere membership of a certain group. Is especially strict in any multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi-lingual country “Application of the principles of equality and non-discrimination an indispensable prerequisite for maintaining the political and spiritual unity of the State, as well as for understanding and harmonious relations between the various groups of the society.” Press service of the Scientology Church Bayern e.V. contact: Ms. UTA Ebrusheee the Edward Street 12 80802 Munich TEL: 089-890912639 FAX 089-38607-109 eMail: