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Who not to deliver in the date can Ahead have problems with the Federal Prescription of the time extension of the delivery of the FCont for 30 of November, with the publication of the Normative Instruction n 1,164/2011, many entrepreneurs and professionals can want ' ' to leave everything for last hora' '. But it is good for being intent because who not to deliver will be able to suffer to fine from R$ 5 a thousand for month calendar. Moreover, the delivery of the FCont cannot still subject the company to the survey of the profit, being able to have refusals and empecilhos in participating of licitations and negotiations with organizations that deliver the SPED religiously. According to Sebastio Gonalves Luiz Dos Santos, council member of the Self-Regulating Body of the Accountancy Profession of the State of So Paulo, the extension was in virtue of the alterations that are being promoted in the version of the FCont for 2010. ' ' They had created many norms and the society as a whole was not prepared. Optimum it would be if the stated period was bigger. As it was not, prorrogao' happened; ' , it said explaining despite new layouts, validador program and plain referencial had been not yet published and disponibilizados.
This version will have some new features that will allow, of certain form, to make right some things that had been made inadequately in the previous years for the companies. ' ' The recommendation is that the companies do not leave for the last hour and look for, whenever necessary, to be assisted for a consultant especializado.' ' For Saints, it fits to the counting professional/to inform the entrepreneur of all these changes and preference in writing. ' ' The entrepreneur many times does not give attention, and nor of a importance due because he does not want to invest. Only that in this case it does not have escolha.' ' Fiscalization Beyond the fines, the company who not to deliver until the date-limit will go automatically for ' ' mesh fina' '. ' ' The company obviously goes to be fiscalized as the indication of that she has differences between the societrio and fiscal rocking. If the company does not deliver the Fcont, with certainty will be informed for the Federal' Prescription; ' , it affirms.
Lourival Vieira, director of Marketing of the Sispro? Services and Technology for Administration and Finances, bet in the planning to prevent that the work of preparation of the information of the Fcont delays the delivery. ' ' We know that all new stated period given for the Treasury department is a relief for the companies, but the adjournment can bring bigger problems if the company to delay very to initiate its plan of work of treatment of the information and execution of the digital archives. All the companies who already had carried through the delivery of the Fcont now can occupy of other tasks important and to keep the focus in its negcio' ' , the executive of the Sispro comments. ' ' Optimum exactly he is not arriscar' ' , alert. Source: Sispro Services and Technology –