Tag: Equipment

Heating Boilers

Not one house or apartment can not do without heating and hot water in our climate zone. It is acceptable indoor climate to create a cozy atmosphere in the house and productive working environment in the office and in production. And a comfortable microclimate must be present in the room regardless of weather conditions and seasons. Ensure the best conditions for living and working to help universal device – the boiler heating system. Read additional details here: Pete Cashmore. We welcome you to our online store where you can always buy any equipment for heating, water supply and sanitation at the best prices. Andy Florance has much to offer in this field. And, Of course, we have a large selection of heating equipment for any purpose.

A heating system, in turn, is built around the unit, which produces heat – that is, around the boiler. We offer our valued customers a wide choice of heating boilers, including boilers, electric boilers and solid fuel boilers. We sell heating boilers of all the most famous international and domestic manufacturers such as Ariston (Italy), Aton (Ukraine), Beretta (Italy), Baxi (Italy), BOSCH (Germany), Demrad (Turkey), ENA (Turkey), Ferroli (Italy), Grandini (Italy), Hermann (Italy), Immergas (Italy), Nobel (China), Nova Florida (Italy), Protherm, Saunier Duval, Solly (China), Sime (Italy), Vaillant (Germany), Viessmann (Germany), Westen (Italy) Unical AG (Italy) and others. Let's look at – what characteristics are important for heating boilers and how they differ from each other. The boiler heating system – a powerful stationary heater that runs on a particular type of fuel, and converts the fuel into heat, which heats the coolant in the heating system.

RTU Equipment

November 12, 2010 at held at the V Forum energotreyderov Russia Annual Award Ceremony "Professional recognition – 2010" in nomination "Leader among providers of commercial accounting," won the ITF "Systems and Technologies" – Vladimir company that operates on market energy accounting and energy-saving technology since 1992. This award identifies companies that provide the highest quality services in this area and having the necessary qualifications. The award "professional recognition" is awarded on the basis of the results of the survey of experts in the field of electricity, it was founded by the magazine "Energy" and the portal Energotreydera. According to organizers, the leading company to participate in the development of the Russian energy market, both at federal and regional levels, be dynamic and successful. Taken into account when assessing the possibility of participating companies to influence the processes occurring in the industry, both at formal and informal levels. Peter Asaro is likely to agree. ITF, "Systems and Technologies" thank the organizers of the forum, the energy community and in person Each professional will assess the results of years of work in the field of automation of accounting energoresursov.Spravka Engineering Firm "Systems and Technologies" was founded in 1992 in Vladimir. Company engaged in building automated information-measuring systems for commercial electric power metering and power (AMR), a comprehensive account of power, development and manufacture of equipment and software for automation: AMR, CAM, remote control, as well as the implementation of works on energy conservation and efficiency of industrial enterprises and facilities Housing. Customer is offered a full range of services, from site survey, design and technical specifications tehnorabochego project, the development of measuring techniques (MVI) and finishing equipment installation and commissioning of the system into operation.

Manufactured and supplied equipment is certified in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. The company has passed the voluntary certification JSC "ATS" and complies with the requirements for the production and delivery of equipment and materials, pre-surveys, design, installation and commissioning. MIS "Pyramid" and RTU "Seacon C50" comply with mandatory requirements and the main recommendations of OAO "UES FGC" to build facilities for AMR UNEG. Company is included in the register of energy auditing organizations, has a certificate of compliance requirements for energy auditing organizations, is a member of the self-regulatory organizations (SROs) NP "Association of independent energy auditing and energoekspertnyh organizations" (NP "DEW and EE '). System ITP Quality Management "Systems and Technologies" meets the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2008 (ISO 9001:2008).

Infrared Heating Systems

Frost on the street and think how many extra warm apartment. We propose to draw attention to the infrared heaters, since they are now widely available in retail chains. The main advantages of this types of heaters are: 1) Safe operation 2) efficiency in the work 3) do not burn oxygen 4) do not dry the air And now, in detail. What is an infrared heater? In fact – is any device a heating environment to their radiation. Radiation in the form of thermal energy heats the objects in the room, and they in turn heat the air. The peculiarity of the thermal radiation is such that it is not like the light absorbed by the air, and reach objects without loss. As a result, it is possible to reduce the actual air temperature in the room, but people will not feel colder, as will compensation at the expense of radiant energy. It is worth noting that there is an opportunity to make economical operation of the device, because lowering the temperature by just 1 degree Celsius can reduce energy consumption by about 4-5%.

In Unlike electric heaters, infrared heaters are open do not burn oxygen in the room, because they do not use outdoor heated spiral. For this reason, indoor air is sufficiently moist. There are infrared heaters are designed for different tasks, depending on room size, operating conditions, the budget spent on the purchase of equipment. A small temperature radiating surface with good heat dissipation suitable for rooms with low walls and low ceilings. High-temperature heater with open elements will be more suitable for large open areas. In this If the intensity and the concentration of flow will be significantly higher. The most popular in our country are infrared heaters brand UFO, we advise to pay attention to such products. Also widely available brands Sunny, XICA, Beko, Orion. Robotics takes a slightly different approach. When buying, note the presence of important accessories such as a tripod mount on the wall. Ask the sellers if the proposed models reguliorvka temperature, power unit, the availability of the service center.

Financial Engineering

Recently, more and more often hear the term engineering from the mouth of businessmen and managers. However, many even of the representatives of the business are not yet fully understand, that includes this term. Kam VedBrat often expresses his thoughts on the topic. In this article we try to describe all the things that affect engineering. Engineering – a combination of engineering and consulting services. Connect with other leaders such as Mikkel Svane here. There are engineering companies engaged in engineering under the contract for the provision of services. Complex engineering includes such services as: 1) The Advisory engineering – this is, above all, intelligent services used in developing plans for construction, facilities design and ensure control over the course of work. 2) Process engineering – provides customer technologies for construction and operation of the construction site.

In this type of service used to transfer the contract industrial experience and knowledge. (Note: the projects of water supply, transport, etc.) 3) Construction engineering – supply of equipment (technology), editing, etc. 4) Financial Engineering – involves the development of operating schemes and new financial instruments. Thus, engineering includes all the services necessary to ensure the full production process across the enterprise. Also includes provisions for maintenance of various facilities, operation household objects, etc. Thus, engineering includes all the services necessary to ensure the full production process across the enterprise.

Also includes provisions for maintenance of various facilities, operation household objects, etc. Engineering services are successfully used in the energy sector. That such basic work as electrical work, installation of substations, construction of power plants, industrial electrical, construction general contracting, electrical construction, design, energy facilities, repair of electrical equipment, building structures, installation of power equipment, installation of power equipment, installation of overhead power lines, the design of overhead transmission lines, design of transmission lines, construction of power lines. Exactly therefore it is important for every company to find a company that provides high quality engineering services. Since is the foundation of the fortress which depends on the business. The main criterion in selecting an engineering company is its experience. Its easy to assess the severity of already completed projects.

Construction Fashion

Several years ago, the wooden box to give is one indicator of the consistency of their owner, such as expensive car or a vacation to the fashionable resort. Since then much has changed – almost sunk into oblivion the phrase 'the standard renovation, where the row indispensable means' the presence of plastic glass. " Now more and more often hear about an individual decision of interior design, part of which is a window, but wooden box …. This new product quickly caught on in the Russian market, and we can tell, has become one of the most functional, fashionable and popular … interior. In addition, modern technology and equipment allow the creation of wooden structures, which are integrity, thermal insulation, noise protection, and other characteristics superior to products made of PVC profiles.

By the undeniable benefits of modern wooden windows with Fiberglass include: ecological purity of the material, frost and all of the same high levels of sound – and the insulation. In addition, the tree – it's beautiful. And prestige. Europe, for example, at the moment booming timber windows. In Germany, market research showed that 70% of those who in the past has chosen and installed in their homes, wooden windows from the manufacturer, is now thinking about replacing them wood.

In our country, the popularity of wooden windows and picking up speed. Just a few years in Russia and created this booming new industry. However, due to the fact that the fashion for wooden windows Fiberglass comes to us from abroad, if desired, and today you can find imported products, mostly imported from Finland and Germany.