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Mobile Devices

All have had the experience of forgetting the payment of a pending account or an important project and above all the concern for what will happen now that we have to pay at the last minute. Currently there is how to pay its debts, credits or consumption newspapers through banking transactions online on your mobile device and pass bad times is a feeling that will be a thing of the past. When we had advantage in our team of computing at home or the Office to complete this task was wonderful and now that we have the real possibility to do it from our mobile feels more comforting. To broaden your perception, visit Ali Partovi. It is necessary to complete a couple of minimum requirements and already you can pay with much comfort and immediately from your mobile device. It is important to register to perform this type of banking transactions online with your bank before putting to test the mobile application, however, if it is necessary to start with this step on a computer. Once you complete the download of mobile applications that then you will be given the option of making payments from an mobile device. This is a service that usually is not charged him to the cuenta-corrientista or cuenta-ahorrista, then read the small print to make sure that you are not incurring an expense that does not cause surprise tomorrow. To use this banking service you will need to download the application to your mobile device. A related site: Castle Harlan mentions similar findings.

You have several options for configuring each invoice, debt, credit payable. There is almost always a periodic payment of your online bank account or you can configure the outlay that must be carried out once you have received the reminder text that expiration date. One of the useful tools which you may want to use the text service available that be notified not only when a Bill is due, but also when a Bill has been paid.Advantages for access to mobile banking are undoubtedly notable.

Abasto Shopping Mall

Following by Av. Corrientes we will arrive to the area which is known as Abasto, traditional Tango, where Carlos Gardel lived and has a Museum in his memory. In the streets you can witness some street tango show. In addition, here we will make purchases in the Abasto Shopping Mall, which was formerly a market of fruits and vegetables. It retains its outer structure that is spectacular. It has about 250 commercial premises of various brands and miscellaneous items. + Florida Street The pedestrian more important is the pedestrian walkway shopping and lively city. Nearly a million people (workers and tourists) run through it every day.

To be in a zone of offices, known as downtown, the best time to visit it is around three o’clock in the afternoon. In it you can find all kind of shops: Department stores such as Falabella, money exchange, shops of footwear and leather garments, houses computing, garments and informal and souvenirs. In addition, in its streets we see shows (music, couples of tango, magicians and fakirs) CAP, living statues, paintings and various objects. At the intersection of Florida with Cordoba Avenue you will find the beautiful Galerias Pacifico, a sleek Mall of exclusive brands (such as Tiffany, Polo Ralph Lauren, Christian Dior, Tommy Hilfiger and Lacoste) and whose central dome is a unique beauty. It was declared a national historic landmark for its architecture of undeniable artistic value and its stunning murals.

Also about Florida and the streets that the intersect can find Central houses of all banks in the city, money exchange and financial companies. Florida Street ends at the Plaza San Martin, a beautiful green area of 5 hectares, declared historical site in 1942. + Recommendations – bring your camera. Don’t forget to charge your battery and have space on the memory card. -You will need a pair of comfortable shoes to walk much. -Do not forget to use sunscreen, if you come in summer. -Purchase any garment or footwear of Argentine leather, but first visit several local asking prices. -I got a map of the Center. Many locals have them and are free of charge. -Dye careful with your belongings. As in every busy city should be prevented from the pickpockets. Don’t be afraid, only warning if you Mexicanos to see a street show, not you distracts your attention from your valuables, because it’s the moment that take advantage of the punguistas (specialists in stealing unless you realize). -Take a coffee in the Tortoni.-Come a pizza in the quatrains. -Also you can save money by buying a sandwich or soda in the kiosks of the neighborhood. -It is possible that your visit to the Plaza de Mayo or the area of the Congress coincides with a political demonstration. Don’t be afraid, there will always be cops nearby. -On Florida Street you will listen to change, I change. It’s called arbolitos, people who change foreign currencies by Argentine pesos. Never change your dollars or Euros with them. There are many casas de cambio in the area that are safe. + Where to stay: accommodation in the Centre of Buenos Aires (Downtown) options are diverse, there is one for every budget. For those who prefer total privacy, the best option is to rent an apartment. If you prefer to be in direct contact with other tourists, share experiences and save money, it is best to stay in a Hostel at Palermo, while a not so economical option will be staying in a Bed and Breakfast.

Going Shopping

What best city for shopping than Paris, the capital of fashion? Paris is one of the most attractive European cities to make tremble to the credit card. Despite high prices, the variety, the quality and originality of the products is such that anyone resists them. The French label pays! Even so, in Paris there are shops for all tastes and pockets. For starters, it is good to know that most of establishments are open from Monday to Saturday, from 10: 00 am to 20: 00 p.m., approximately. Family businesses often pause at midday, between 12: 00 and 15: 00 hours. Now, choose where you want to start Que tal? if we take a walk through the very famous Galeries Lafayette Or perhaps you prefer to keep an eye on the haute-couture boutiques. Although thinking about it well, vintage stores would be a good way to kick off; If yours are the street markets, we run to the fleas, one of the largest in the world.

The Parisian department stores are the ideal place for those who have the time, money and desire to buy. Do if we get closer to the Boulevard Haussmann, find two malls: the Galeries Lafayette and Printemps, where you will find items of jewelry, footwear, branded apparel and the latest trends in major firms of the pr? t-?-porter. Lovers of good eating, you will find shops of the best international and national delicatessen. In case outside little, Lafayette Gourmet offers us a vinotera with 1800 of the finest wines in the world. These galleries receive more than 20 million visitors a year. It is the largest commercial area of the Western world and main great European by amount of business warehouse. The Publicis Drugstores are small malls with pharmacy, and who also sell books, gifts, perfumes and press.

And they are open until 2 am! Avenue Montaigne is a synonym of luxury and distinction. Here are the best boutiques of the most great designers. sta extends from the Seine River until the Champs-Elysees. Also, on this Avenue are located the best cafes, restaurants and hotels in the city. In addition, in the neighborhood of the Marais you can browse in the shops of young Parisian designers. Markets in Paris are a spectacle worthy of mention, especially the flea market (marches aux puces de Saint-Ouen), one of the largest markets in the world. It has more than 3000 seats divided in 7hectareas and opens every Saturday, Sunday and Monday from 10 am to 18 pm. This market gets more than 120,000 hits a day between tourists and Parisians! Here vendors selling illegal (clocks, tobacco and other contraband goods), you can see posts of fashion (which dominated the hip-hop aesthetic), as well as antiques and articles of all kinds. Other important markets where you can buy antiques are: market Aligre and the antique shops of the Geole at Versailles. Also worth a visit to the Conventio, one of the markets market food larger of Paris which is held on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. What are you waiting for? He caught the first flight to the French capital and remembers not to overfill the bags because you’ll come back loaded! Enjoy the best accommodation renting apartments in Paris at the best price.