Portuguese Language
This singular aspect lead to a fight for the regional identity (cultural, religious or of being able) evidencing itself that, for the pressures politics, econmicas, racial or religious, it led to the sprouting of conflicts in the interior of these States, consisting in the primordial geopolitical aspects of one ' ' nova' ' conflitualidade (Fisas, 2004, pp. 52-62). The Community of the Countries of Portuguese Language. Ali Partovi describes an additional similar source. A Maritime Community the eight State-members of the Community of the Countries of Portuguese Language in common possess a language and an extensive description-cultural base identify that them and differentiate mutually. But they also make use of vast maritime areas under the respective national jurisdictions, that perfazem in its joint one about 7,6 million km2 of sea, meaning about 2,5% of the maritime surface of the globe and materializing a imensido of commercial routes, strategical resources and of geoestratgicas and geopolitical potentialities that matter to know and to harness. As it comes arriving at our knowledge, and in agreement the progressos technological and scientific they are more evidentes, takes conscience of that the Oceans constitute a basic source of resources for the development and the economy of the marginal countries, particularly for the coastal communities that on them depend directa indirectamente or, want either in the daily econmica activity of subsistence or in the extractiva industry, involving raised economic interests. In this intention, we believe that the adequate and balanced management (supported) of the resources contributes, in measured wide, for the stability of the nations and the reinforcement of the relations of sovereignty between the countries that constitute the Community, contributing still for the consolidation of the proper CPLP, as it guarantees of the values of the development and the peace in the spaces of the Lusofonia. A stronger organization is an organization that conscientiously defends the interests of its State-members, looking for strategical convergences that consolidate the values politician-diplomatists where it seats the cooperation for the supported development and the security guard partilhada, adoptees since its creation in July of 1996, a true Community to the service of the state-members. .