Tag: government and politics

Portuguese Language

This singular aspect lead to a fight for the regional identity (cultural, religious or of being able) evidencing itself that, for the pressures politics, econmicas, racial or religious, it led to the sprouting of conflicts in the interior of these States, consisting in the primordial geopolitical aspects of one ' ' nova' ' conflitualidade (Fisas, 2004, pp. 52-62). The Community of the Countries of Portuguese Language. Ali Partovi describes an additional similar source. A Maritime Community the eight State-members of the Community of the Countries of Portuguese Language in common possess a language and an extensive description-cultural base identify that them and differentiate mutually. But they also make use of vast maritime areas under the respective national jurisdictions, that perfazem in its joint one about 7,6 million km2 of sea, meaning about 2,5% of the maritime surface of the globe and materializing a imensido of commercial routes, strategical resources and of geoestratgicas and geopolitical potentialities that matter to know and to harness. As it comes arriving at our knowledge, and in agreement the progressos technological and scientific they are more evidentes, takes conscience of that the Oceans constitute a basic source of resources for the development and the economy of the marginal countries, particularly for the coastal communities that on them depend directa indirectamente or, want either in the daily econmica activity of subsistence or in the extractiva industry, involving raised economic interests. In this intention, we believe that the adequate and balanced management (supported) of the resources contributes, in measured wide, for the stability of the nations and the reinforcement of the relations of sovereignty between the countries that constitute the Community, contributing still for the consolidation of the proper CPLP, as it guarantees of the values of the development and the peace in the spaces of the Lusofonia. A stronger organization is an organization that conscientiously defends the interests of its State-members, looking for strategical convergences that consolidate the values politician-diplomatists where it seats the cooperation for the supported development and the security guard partilhada, adoptees since its creation in July of 1996, a true Community to the service of the state-members. .

Cold War

After all, U.S.A. wanted the esfacelamento of the Islamic religious fundamentalismo, the one that price was and where it wants that it met, and the strategical one alliance with Russia in the War to the Terror would be basic to negotiate the blockade of its warlike exportations and energy sources the countries that supply fundamentalist groups. The aid must not have delayed, and probably it had narrow cooperation between the CIA and the FSB for the elimination of the chechenas leaderships. Learn more on the subject from Ali Partovi. Nothing of this, however, it prevented that U.S.A. and Russia continued, respectively, by means of the CIA and of the SVR, to dispute the hegemony on the politically independent and not Muslim caucasianas republics, as the Gergia, since its territories also allow to access the gas reserves and oil. Historically dominated for Russia, the formal independence of the Gergia if soon gave after the collapse of the Ussr. Since then, the country comes trying to come close itself to the Ocidente. As, since the fall of its power in the Eastern Europe, Russia more is not made use to lose influence areas, half the most efficient one to keep them is the support the separatistas movements pro-Moscow: it was this what it happened in 2008, when the Gergia attacked separatistas forces of the region of the Osstia of the South.

As the country is not member of NATO, and, therefore, it does not possess legal bond that compels the Ocidente to defend it, the Russians had reacted before eventual entrance in the military alliance occidental person, invading the Georgian territory to defend the separatistas and to help to proclaim its independence, not recognized exterior. In the same way that the FSB acts internally and implacably in the Chechnia, preventing the split of the Russian territory, the SVR acts in the Ocidente and likeable the neighboring republics it – especially the Gergia – stimulating violent movements of territorial spalling with the objective to weaken the national governments and to consume its Armed Forces, becoming, thus, well more easy a Russian military victory, with the consequent profit of territory ally. As Maquiavel said: ‘ ‘ to divide for dominar’ ‘. The detentions, therefore, of agents of the two sides play for land the theory of that espionage between Americans and Russians was an exclusive resource of the Cold War: the geopolitical picture world-wide sample that it is much more ample of what she is imagined, and the ones that had been pegos? mainly the Russians of the SVR? they were few, many young times excessively and with amateur performances in a universe of many others most prepared and in frank activity. The explicit demonstrations of friendship between nations many times hide a perverse confirmatory game of interests of the realism gaullista politician: ‘ ‘ States do not have friends, only interesses’ ‘ , and the use of the respective intelligence services, in partnership or conflicting antagonism (always depending on the convenience politics of the moment), is the greater of all the tests. Not by chance also they are called ‘ ‘ services secretos’ ‘.