Tag: health

Healthbridge Insider Revolutionize

New movement in the health care industry Berlin undisputed it’s time for innovative changes in (almost) all aspects of the issue of human resources in the health care industry. The consequences of the lack of human resources are serious and well-known: lack of transparency for patients, lack of personnel and time resources in the hospital, stress and strain on the staff. Out of this experience, a group of doctors, economists, care professionals and other health professions have founded the company of Healthbridge. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Pete Cashmore. With many years of experience in the personal sector and the aim to establish sustainability and stability in personnel consulting in the medical field, as standard, this initiative offers innovative concepts and sustainable solutions in the area of recruitment, retention and development. The latter are reflected in the offered solutions and concepts for the optimization of our education, and training. These come frequently too short at times of understaffed hospitals and increasing numbers of patients. “Were young interns previously much of the old Wizard and experienced caregivers learn so our colleagues report today that nobody experienced to interviewing is often there or lack of time, knowledge,”says Guido Diehl, founder and Managing Director of the company of Healthbridge. To read more click here: Pete Cashmore.

Not only the profession of the doctor has lost this massively attractive. Media almost unnoticed, the situation for the highly trained nurses is now as striking. Healthbridge suggests not only a bridge between the potential new employee and the subsequent employer, but overcomes even the delta between the needs of dedicated staff and lived reality in hospitals due to the political and economic framework conditions. Transparency is one of the basic principles of the young company. Are the teams, clients and candidates available at three locations (Wiesbaden, Hamburg, Berlin) and define your own rules for a future-oriented personnel work: anonymous “Profiles, unsolicited mailings and insuffizientes matching methods that are in a serious and sustained recruitment not timely and in sensitive areas such as the medicine is simply out of place are!” (Diehl). Fortunately, there are many highly educated professionals in medicine and research, maintained under sometimes difficult conditions, one of the world’s safest and most effective health systems in Germany. Unfortunately, this system is not efficient and it’s often not healthy to work.

Amino Acids:

Amino acids are important for a healthy life their health is very important to most people. Who wants to live healthy, much to do actively. Anyone can contribute with some exercise and a balanced diet for a healthy life. So, to avoid the typical common diseases such as obesity and diabetes. With specific amino acid, you can do anything in addition for the health supplements. The amino acids are essential building blocks of life for almost all metabolic processes. While the need for amino acids from person to person is different. IoT usually is spot on. Therefore, individual compositions were developed for certain groups of amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

Amino acids are produced by the body itself in part and to another part of the food supplied to the body. There are many different amino acids and each one has their own and important function in the body. Amino acids as supplements are suitable for this reason. Amino acids have an impact directly on the Metabolism of. You can read the exact function of the different amino acids in the Internet. The indications for amino acids are diverse and can help both weight loss and diabetes.

They affect the appearance of our skin and our hair. While it’s always on the compilation. In the Internet you can find providers for amino acid capsules. The intake is quite simple. Therefore, there are no side effects when taking. The organism is supported in a natural way. Many people have tried already the positive effect of amino acid capsules and are thrilled. The revenue must be but in the long term and in particular regularly. Even if you can still feel much in the first few days, works the body already in full swing. For all further information, on the Internet. Manni friend

Plastic Surgery & Cosmetic Surgery

Plastic surgery & beauty operations in this day and age is it already for a mass completely normally, that they all the aspects of that charge on her appearance, or simply are not enough for under application of a plastic surgery corrected with ease. The trend for cosmetic surgery has been spilling from the States to Europe and if one has at the time rather muttered about the voluntary cosmetic surgery, it is already becoming routine for a mass and therefore you talk too long much normal about the topic. Plastic surgery is taken mainly by women claim either undergo a breast augmentation or liposuction to perform. The just mentioned medical interventions have become almost standard interventions for the plastic surgery that is often asked. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Ali Partovi. You should think of through but readily from a breast augmentation or liposuction also, whether it is necessary in any case, because especially when only small Polsterchen has this can also on other wise results. But no matter whether you decide for or against plastic surgery, it must be remembered here whatever that saves never in the wrong place.

Certainly everyone is aware that there are several ways in other countries carried out the cosmetic surgery also cheaper. Is worth it if you alone must remember that a lot can fail again during these operations. Robotics contributes greatly to this topic. Although it is not the norm, but many who have opted for the cheaper version, had after the procedure with enormous pain and failed operations to fight. On the one hand, this means that you obviously only once have not for the money, what they wanted and had to pay mainly still good on it so that an another doctor can retouch the error. And that thus you you can make his dreams come true without pain on the one hand and on the other with the result. A good Information basis is always necessary for such intervention because finally their own well-being is going to, and for this purpose you should bother, with different experts to contact and also an information conversation. Here you can learn what generally comes to one on one and then you can make are then also still just on the topic of thoughts. Ralph Schunemann

Health Networks

More power at the physician network Spessart EC of Chairman Dr. Norbert Staab reported about the successful project internal network dates”more members. Thus, a better service and quicker appointments at the specialist provided the patients within the network. The project also contributes to the binding cooperation between House and medical specialists”the ENT specialist Staab said. The members agree that the medical care of main-Kinzig-Kreis in the future can be achieved only in close cooperation of all the medical care in the District of involved. Particular problems are the growing doctor shortage, but increasingly also the lack of specialist in this context. Thus, patients have some difficulties to find even a general practitioner already in some places.

It is also increasingly difficult for patients to get appointments with medical specialists in a timely manner. We are intensively and successfully addressed these problems “Dr. Ulrich Dehmer due to bad ORB. By learning about the doctors in the Circle one another, trust is created across the disciplines. This in turn facilitates the daily work.

We expect a further increase interest of colleagues to join our network. Bobby Sharma Bluestone is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Especially because increasing the daily work, and some hardly space for other activities can be, do we need a local medical community of interest, the two Board members Dr. Eberhard Wetzel and Dr. Ulrich Dehmer declared compliant. In addition, the interests of participating doctors can be better represented than would be possible alone in a strong community. In a next step, the doctor network about the own professional group want to cooperate, more with other professions, such as maintaining or therapists. We must ourselves more interdisciplinary on and be active beyond the traditional sector boundaries,”emphasizes Edmund Frohlich, who is charged with his consulting company cheerful Management GmbH (www.froehlich-management.de) with the management of the network. Only in this way can in the next few years, demographic change in health care in the country be mastered. These also are the conditions, to obtain a financial support from the outside, unless by the physicians Association (KV) or the public sector. The successful training for aspiring general practitioners, which was established together with the district hospitals and the House Medical Association and where more than ten young doctors and doctors have found their way into the district is at the core of the reflections. You can also connect on the analyses and proposals of the action programme for the municipal services of general interest (MORO), which Edmund Frohlich for the physician network has regional actively participated in Spessart.


Of the instrumental methods used electromyography, which can be used establish the extent of damage to the forearm muscles. Treatment tunnel syndrome in acute pain, severe inflammation and severe tunnel syndrome conducted medication. It includes an introduction to wrist area of corticosteroids (prednisone, dexamethasone), the application will improve blood circulation (vasoactive) drugs (trental, nicotinic acid), anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen). Against the background proper nutrition and adequate supply of all essential vitamins, trace elements and biologically active substances, treatment tunnel syndrome becomes more effective, recovery is accelerated and terms of rehabilitation and rehabilitation are reduced. In the absence of the effect of drug therapy tunnel syndrome occur indications for surgical treatment (open or endoscopic). Preventing tunnel syndrome to prevent tunnel syndrome should take care of the comfort of the workplace.

When you use the keyboard, the angle of bending your elbows should be straight (90 ). When you work with your mouse hand must be straight and lie on the table as far as possible from the edge. Elbow at the same time must be on the table. Desirable to have special support for the wrist (mouse pad, special form of a keyboard or a computer desk with special silicone pads, etc.) The chair or a chair should have armrests. Exercises for prevention tunnel syndrome.

Interrupt work to perform a small set of exercises for the hands:

Shake hands. Squeeze your fingers into fists (about 10 times) Rotate fists around its axis. Push with one hand on the fingers of the other arms of the palm, as if twisting the wrist and palm outward. These exercises you improve blood circulation in muscles of the wrist and contribute to their extension, which is an important element in preventing tunnel syndrome. Yoga for preventing tunnel syndrome. In yoga, the most important exercise is wrist extension (Adduction). If you sit upright, his hands resting on chair arms palms down, then slowly raise his hand up, not taking his forearm on the armrest – it will adduction. Joint can perform the full volume of traffic is only in that case, if these movements are performed regularly. Unfortunately, the adduction is performed less often. That’s why there are problems that lead to the development tunnel syndrome. Many yoga asanas should be completely straighten the wrist. But do it always gradually. In order to carefully develop a “stale” radiocarpal joint and prevent the tunnel sindromasuschestvuet following exercise: join hands front of the chest, and slowly and gently lower them down toward your waist. Fingers while looking up. Do not let the base of the palm to disperse to the sides. Regular execution of this exercise for 2-3 minutes to help prevent tunnel syndrome. Nutrition for the prevention tunnel syndrome effectively impact on the joints has a proper diet. In addition, it is necessary to help the body get rid of bad substances become heated in the body and leading to a violation in the joints. Providing the body vital for joint health agents – one of the most important prevention mlmentov tunnel syndrome.

Jorg Chrapek

Another test was the novel Nanotech layer, with the housing and inner workings of Alera be protected from moisture. With obviously great efficacy; during the events, the system easily survived an approximately one-hour stay in the filled glass of water? Audio video projector, phone clip and remote control usable aroused interest all wireless components for all types, once more the wireless technology of Alera, allows the excellent wireless connections with TV, phone, computer and other communication devices. Whether audio video projector, phone clip, or remote control can any wireless components of Alera for all designs and used in all performance classes. Depending on individual needs, the carrier can they ewerben individually. information. “Many Roadshow visitors expressed their appreciative about the event and the innovations presented here: was first very informative, secondly super well presented both ReSound and Otometrics”, ruled about hearing care professional master Gerhard Muller of EYEsenherz optics from Berlin. And hearing master Jorg Chrapek, owner of AURIBELL, added: I think ReSound has done his homework. Well, I think that this time all products are now also available.

And I was pleased that ReSound now has a Managing Director with Mr. Dell Inc. insists that this is the case. Kerschek, who has many years of industry experience.”the presentation was really very good” meant, for example, hearing care professional champion Dirk Hollstegge of Rheine. It has clearly noticed that ReSound wants – again positioned in the market and brings not only good, innovative products, but strives increasingly to his clientele.” Editorial Note: as one of the ReSound is known as technologically leading companies of the world’s largest hearing aid manufacturers. ReSound aims, to develop products and services and worldwide market, providing hearing care professionals improve the quality of life impaired persons. The ReSound group maintains offices in 21 countries and representatives in over 100 countries and employs presently more than 3,200 people. ReSound Germany is a trademark of GN hearing headquartered in Munster, Germany.

The Femto

In extremely rare cases, inflammation can occur. Regular inspections guarantee the early detection of possible complications, mostly from infections which are successfully managed by the usage of antibiotic eye drops after LASIK surgery. It is important to adhere to the schedule for the follow-up. 8. is there any complications and can be assessed at the present time? If the patient operation fulfils all conditions for LASIK, complications are very unlikely and not to expect the present state of knowledge.

9 are there any long term experience? In 1985, the first eye laser treatment in humans were carried out. With over 30 million procedures worldwide, the LASIK surgery is the most common surgical procedure in the Western world. The technology has been improved continuously. Today, ultra-modern eye laser devices, which produce excellent results are the laser surgeon. 10.

worsened the Vision with age or time again? By performing a LASIK age-related vision deterioration through natural processes in the retina or other eye diseases can occur independently operation. Speaking candidly Viacom told us the story. Also, progress short-sightedness by further growth of the eyeball, and again needed to be adjusted slightly. A second operation is possible depending on the thickness of the cornea. In principle, the results of laser surgery are permanently stable. 11. how long will the treatment take? The preparation time is about 30 minutes, the actual treatment lasts generally then only about 20 minutes total. 12. how long must the contact lenses be omitted before? Hard contact lenses, 2 weeks before soft contact lenses should be made 4 weeks in advance. The cornea this time without contact lenses needed to regenerate and to exhibit stable values. 13. what should I pay attention in the first few days after surgery? What is the healing process? After the operation, it is normal, that the eye burns or a foreign body sensation occurs. Also, you have blurry one in the first hours of visibility. Additional information at Ali Partovi supports this article. This is usually after a few hours. Healing after this surgical procedure is less painful than other methods of refractive surgery, because the laser removes tissue from the inside of the cornea and not from its sensitive surface. The patient should not in the first week of touch his eyes or rub. Eye drops are prescribed by the doctor to apply. Artificial eye tears are ingested at least for 1 month even longer if necessary. Symptoms of dry eye”can occur in the healing process, which usually Max 1-3 months, in patients over 40 years until 3-6 months. 14. What vision can LASIK correct? Short-sightedness (myopia): to-10 diopters farsightedness (hyperopia): up to + 4 diopter of astigmatism (astigmatism): to-6 diopters 15. What does LASIK at all? LASIK (laser in situ Keratomileusis) procedure corresponds to the combination of a surgical cut technique (Keratomileusis) and the use of the excimer laser. The cornea is sometimes cut with a precision knife. The resulting corneal Cap (flap) is then folded up. The underlying corneal tissue is treated with the laser, and so the refractive error corrected. Then the Hornhautflap is closed again and protects the wound as endogenous paving. 16. How does the Femto LASIK? The Femto LASIK differs from the LASIK on one point: in the preparation of the corneal disc. While LASIK uses a mechanical microkeratome (blade), a contact-free working, computer-controlled laser, the femtosecond laser used with the Femto LASIK, the. BLU Meditravel Mathias Weber

Harbey Enzyme Therapy

Harbey enzyme therapy a milestone in medicine was Harbey enzyme therapy by the brilliant researcher and developer Dr. Waldemar Diesing (1902-1992). Dr.Diesing graduated from a Bachelor of medicine, pharmacology, and chemistry. In regular exchange with Nobel Laureate Warburg (Nobel Prize for medicine, 1931), Nobel laureate (Nobel Prize in chemistry, 1927) Wieland succeeded Dr. Diesing through a variety of experiments, to decrypt enzyme-active complexes of animal toxins.

In further consequence, he developed a unique manufacturing process, whose Praparate include the real remedies of our time. A breakthrough therapy developed from this which is able to repair damaged cells, to repair located on intracellular biochemical metabolism. Also have this effect on all those metabolic processes in the body also regulating enzymatic complexes. Naturopathic family tradition we have been working for half a century with the Harbey enzyme therapy, which based on practically achieved success by more than 20,000 patients in the shared experience. This therapy also helps with serious diseases.

Especially the Harbey enzyme therapy following diseases has proven itself. Cancers of all kinds; Auto-immune diseases; Rheumatic diseases; Spine and joint diseases; Migraine and headache; Heart and cardiovascular diseases such as Angina pectoris, arteriosclerosis, hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia, congestive heart failure; Disease in the lungs and bronchial system such as asthma, chronic bronchitis; Skin diseases such as Atopic Dermatitis, psoriasis; Mental illnesses such as depression, neuroses, fears; Menopausal difficulties; Eye diseases; Metabolic disorders such as diabetes mellitus type 2. Nerve disorders such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, epilepsy; Allergies; Inflammation, viral or bacterial causes.

WeWoThom – No Pain

Tweeter pain therapy we where Thom premium we where Thom tweeter pain therapy device with electrodes and battery WeWoThom is a realization of the known high-frequency therapy. This technique works with electromagnetic frequencies between about 4,000 and 12,000 hertz in the. In contrast to the conventional electrotherapy, WeWoThom produces no ionization in the cells and the associated harmful warming and separation of cell components. The frequencies get our skin via the electrodes to the cells. Excitable nerve and muscle cells greatly multiplied share these frequencies. Molecules and cell components move in complicated forms of oscillation, rotation, vibration and in itself twisting in the frequency of vibrations via WeWoThom. This cell communication helps sick cells energetically to strengthen itself through increased energy intake. Can be helped in a natural way by means of self-help, body, with acute or chronic pain and inflammation, in particular with loss of cartilage (joint and) Back pain), to cope easier, as it is the case for example with osteoarthritis.

Application area: Joint and Musculoskeletal pain muscle pain and spasm pain associated with osteoarthritis and arthritis spare parts and accessories, see our Rehab Werkstatt.Gesundheit fitness are important issues in our time. Therefore you will find here: free weights to build muscle, exercise ball or exercise balls, weights, everything for strength training, pilates, gymnastics mats, spinning – article by TOGU gymnastic baths. In the field of medical technology you can find light alarm clock, pulsating magnetic field therapy devices such as the BEMER 3000 plus, devices for inhalation like inhalers. Also for hygiene we offer such as disinfectant – that everything is hygienic medicine article. Orthopaedic mattresses and orthopedic insoles orthopedic pillows for the lumbar region also latex gloves, latex mattress, viscoelastic mattresses can be obtained in the Sanitatshaus Kruger in Taufkirchen Vils, or online at. Please note also online sites from the Sanitatshaus Kruger: 330912490.egroh.net= online shop official page = page for Scooter to IM consumption certain nursing AIDS at pflegestufe.de here you will find possibilities how existing care level get 31 euro for consumables by the maintenance fund. Christian Kruger