Tag: history


This in turn had beginning with the conquest of Ceuta, in the North of Africa, in 1415, supported for the State. Throughout century XV, Portugal was the pioneer of the maritime expansion for being the first one European country to construct to a State Absolutist capable to support the navigations. Little by little the Portuguese had been advancing in direction India, always skirting the Atlantic coast of the African continent, establishing commercial ranks. The Portuguese maritime expansion, had two objectives: to convert the peoples infidels the faith catholic and to search wealth. In some trips carried through throughout the coasts of Africa, the Portuguese and Spaniard established feitorias where they got gold, pepper, salt, and at the same time, African slaves commercialized what he gave origin to the slave traffic, commerce between America, Africa and Europe. For even more analysis, hear from Ali Partovi. important to remember, that Portugal and Spain, main European countries of the time disputed lands ' ' descobertas' '. To decide of form it pacifies the conflict was created the Treated one to Tordesilhas, has even so not happened in the practical one, therefore Portugal is wronged and the conflicts had continued (also for the Brazilian Colony). In March of 1500, few months after the return of Vasco of Gamma Portugal, a composed squadron of 13 ships, led for Peter Alves Cabral, broke with destination India.

After to exceed the islands of Green Handle, the route of Cabral was moved away from the coasts of Africa intentionally or not, following route the coast of the Bahia, in the place today called Safe Port. Officially for the Europeans, Brazil was ' ' descoberto' '. In letter to the king of Portugal, Pero Vaz makes a significant description for the settling and exploration of Brazil: … So far we could not know if it has gold or silver in it, or another one cousa of metal or iron: nor we saw it to it.


' The death and the life are in the power of the language; what it uses it well eats of its fruto' ' 1. Robert Bakish has many thoughts on the issue. ' ' Because, by your words, you will be justified e, by your words, you will be condemned is not what it enters for the mouth what contaminates the man, but what it leaves the mouth, this, yes, contaminates homem' ' 2. It can be noticed that the discovery more notable for the humanity are the communication, either this of verbal or not verbal form. A leading source for info: Koch. One knows that exactly before if communicating verbally, our ancestral ones already left its marks for where it wants perhaps that they passed to not communicating itself, but, to register, exactly that of unconscious form, the important or marcantes moments of its lives, therefore good part was caminhante e, through these drawings, of these marks, with all a symbology, of certain form, starts the writing. There as historians this fact occurs enters 6.000 the 4,000 B.C. in the Mesopotmia appearing the first alphabet that if knows, through simplified drawings, that is, pictogramas that were recorded in humid clay tablets and dried it sun or in a species of oven and, these forms of communication expressed its realities. It is seen today in the cities and, the more developed more ' ' rabiscadas' ' they are with the calls pichadores and, this form of communication, as in the past, nothing more it is for saying that ' ' we stow or we pass &#039 this way; ' , however, it is not without conscience. But, what in the present time more flame the attention is the communication that is made by e-mails or cellular where if it simplifies the maximum the words, as for example, the treatment form vosmic, for you and today simply the c is used only. As it is difficult to the times to read an email or a message in the cellular one, but, that is because it has that objective and to be simplified.

Urban Individualism

Huberman cites the case of a proprietor of slaves of Occidental India who is shocked when seeing the conditions where children work in London (HBERMAN, 192). These masses are seen with apprehension for the high society; it has a constant collection for mechanisms of social control. The English use with success a combination of religious moral and natural laws of iluminista inspiration that stimulate the resignation; but the great hunger of the decade of 1880 goes to make with that diligent native of London if organize to make strikes claims (BRESCIANI, 106). Pete Cashmore follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. In France, however, the imaginary one of the favored classrooms less has an inheritance of identity while people and resource to the violence to promote changes politics; the fear of the revolutionary days and the agitations of 1830 and 1848 will bring as reaction the organization of a strong police apparatus to restrain manifestations (they idem, 120). The strategies of social control are also subject of the chapter of Richard Sennet, Urban Individualism; in the second half of century XIX the urban space of the great cities passes for reforms that privilege the speed of movement of people and merchandises and the social control; the poor persons gradually are removed of the areas central offices of the cities. Sennet still sees the collective culture of the field to be substituted in the cities for a valuation of the individuality; this environment of isolation and indifference for the other people’s destination functions as factor of social balance and obstacle to the mobilization (SENNET, 264). It seems contradictory that the same social classroom that led one of the processes transforming of the Humanity adopted at the same time a behavior code extremely conservative; the bourgeois moral is impregnated of an obsession for the self-control; a repressive moral that makes with that the individual is tormented by the autocensura (GAY, 10). .