Tag: home and family


When considering freedom be must balance societal good against the freedom of the individual. “Right to proceed as in them seems, contanto that this right does not go against the right of outrem’ ‘. In these terms we can understand that the freedom is possibility to act as our desires without harming the other people’s life. Then, it ties here what it moved in this structure? The mental and formal construction of the human being on this concept of family. If before the people searched to exactly coexist the differences and this age what guarantee the evolution of this independent nucleus of the problems, today already is not more than this way. The people of the world contemporary have revealed the power will choose with who desire to coexist. Peter Asaro has plenty of information regarding this issue. We can say then, that she has freedom to exclude either for the religion, sexual option, race and color people of its familiar nucleus. It is not more necessary from anti-nuclear-traditional vision to coexist the sanguineous relatives (parents, grandmothers, uncles and cousins). For some reasons, between them: the sexual option where the people decide to live differently of the traditional model with regard to a spouse and is repudiated by this determination; the problems with drugs in which some integrant one of the familiar group has faced this illness and left of side waiting to be died for the policy, dealer or by itself; people who present psychological or psychiatric problems and are excluded from the familiar conviviality and live the grace of the destination; the religious fundamentalismo where the people make value judgment and decide to coexist more strangers and leaving of side all its history of life.

Soon, the society in general way presents this profile to exclude the people who are same part in symbolic way of ‘ ‘ family of passado’ ‘. For the people who grow, learn and develop from these values if she becomes something normal. If its old parents, grandfathers, grandmothers, uncles and cousins for are not part of its form to think if they become dismissable. What it has is the freedom to choose its new parents, uncles, grandmothers, cousins, that is, its new famlia.ConclusoA family still continues existing same with this structure that dumb to each moment. The people are if organizing for affinities and leaving of side the question of its gnese. More still, experiences that the people could learn with the exchange of ideas between its consanguineous parents, children, grandmothers, grandmothers, uncles and cousins could guarantee the evolution and the maintenance of each one’s individuality.


If it had 2 shelves of you ahead, one to the left and another one to the right, you would know to separate there what it was – or not – important in the week that passed? Quanta thing people heard, and quanta people said and said everything at the same time together. You obtained (or she wanted) to hear that everything? Messages in web, the high MP3, the reporters 24h, super-offers of TV LCD and the cellular one that it does not stop. The habit of the noises, and the immense profusion of visual, auditory and sensorial apelos in them reach in all the places, and risk here to say that, in certain measure, they confuse our quality of life. Perhaps therefore ours ‘ eu’ – from time to time – in the part: – Psiu silence, please. in this hour is good for looking for there, in recndido of the soul, the absolute presence of the Pai.Ele is an inexhaustible source of tranquilidade, with pure and limpid waters, that bring blessing and move away the anxiety. It has today the disposal to stop a bit to enjoy of the company of the Perpetual one. It exerts its faith – despite small – to receive peace answers for everything what to need. goes recadinho there: it is certain that a moment solo, talking with God, valley more than what all information that the common world can it trazer.’ ‘ Therefore, I say that everything to you what to ask for, praying, you believe you will receive that it and you-lo-eis’ ‘ Mateus 11:24 Today reads: Lc 9:37 – 45; Mc 9:13 – (23) – 32; Sl 19:1 extracted Stretch of the book ‘ ‘ A Window For the Eterno’ ‘ , of authorship of Shepherd Elcio Loureno.