Tag: internet


For successful promotion of a site on the Internet was a major problem. Only some of the search engines were able to 'see' links in Flash and go over them. This is the third obstacle was, and still more by inertia, or even once, is the principal that alienates customers and promoters from the use of Flash technology on the sites, except perhaps Flash banners, but it does not count. However, given the great potential Flash, the growing popularity of this technology, as well as the above problems, the company Macromedia has released a special module 'Macromedia Flash Search Engine SDK' to index the content of Flash files by search engines. In a nutshell – this module converts text and links from Flash to HTML file to be indexed by search engines. Here brief excerpt from the documentation on this module, that he can do: Links. By default, swf2html extracts found links (URLs) from ActionScript code on the following criteria: * links contained within single ('') or double ('') quotes, links with the prefix * HTTP, * links with suffixes HTM, HTML, CFM, SWF, JPG, JPEG, GIF, MP3, or WAV. You may find that Robert Bakish can contribute to your knowledge. Text.

By default, swf2html extracts the following: * text on the stage in this video (dynamic text, static text, or text entry fields, with an assigned original value) * text to the stage in the instance of the clip created by movieClip. attachMovie (). So, if the Flash movie has several scenes, and implied that these are different sections of the site is likely to be spread in every scene separate. SWF file. Each file is embedded in its own page by using the OBJECT. It should not be neglected attribute in the OBJECT TITLE and EMBED: the more that likely be necessary to optimize each separate page for specific, different keywords.

Navigation links at the same time as possible should contain keywords (anchor text). This is followed correctly to make the site title TITLE, since it very important part of the page. About META 'description' and META 'keywords' also should not forget here, too, must be present key words, though many search engines no longer consider their content to rank the document. Further. Regulations drafting the Flash file is the same as in HTML – the density and frequency of keywords should be within acceptable limits. Since the location of the keywords is also important, they should be positioned closer to the beginning of the text, as well as desirable and in the end. The text must be present keywords that are in the document header and TITLE tags, META 'description' and META 'keywords'. This rule must act, and vice versa – in the title and meta tags to website attend the keywords that appear in the text. Finally, as we know, dynamic text in Flash understands some HTML formatting tags – and. Isolation of key words or phrases as these tags Though not essential, but it increases the weight in the eyes of search engines. It remains to add that the major search engines have already included this module in their algorithms. Major – it's not all, but it's just a matter of time. Apply for Flash pages or not, eventually the customer to decide, but if he insisted on it, then the above recommendations will help to solve the problem of optimizing your site and successful promotion. Though perhaps in the future.

Server Error Directives

To. Htaccess file can be use, appropriate setting of the main configuration file httpd.conf, which must be prescribed by the directive, which allowed. htaccess file to override the configuration of the Web-server in the directory. A list of these directives zadaetsyadirektivoy AllowOverride. AllowOverride directive may include one of the following directives, or a combination thereof: AuthConfig, FileInfo, Indexes, Limit, Options, All, to give directives. Htaccess file the maximum of the right to change the guidelines, the value of AllowOverride directive in the file httpd.conf must be set to All. It is the default. Under most conditions Peter Asaro would agree. AllowOverride All Deny override any directives in the configuration files.

Htaccess is possible using the value of None: AllowOverride NoneZamechanie name of the configuration file can be changed, and For example, do not call him. htaccess, access.conf. For the name of the file corresponds to the directive AccessFileName in the file httpd.conf. Changing the name of the configuration file. Htaccess is not recommended because it may complicate further support servera.Sintaksis.

htaccessPered those will be considered as examples, discuss the syntax of the directives in the files. htaccess.Puti to files and directories should be made from the root servers, for example, / pub / articles / masters / php / When specifying the absolute url must be zaadany protocols for example: Redirect / In. htaccess file are not allowed gaps in the guidance file paths and names of the files themselves, as This leads to the generation of the response code 500 – the server configuration error: 'Internal Server Error'.

Hot Web Design

Standard processing of global parts and graphics – the state of dynamic elements, color schemes, HTML, the choice of font sizes, headers, background features – all require facilities that can be used to all the pages in the final stage of site redesign. In addition to determining the type of graphic treatment of global elements should be standardized, and other specific areas of design that are not identified and approved by the stage of sketching the layout. This includes design elements, found only on one page, not a few: some form, pop-up screens or error messages, dropdown lists, pop-up windows and etc. In addition, there may enter and additional graphic elements that were not on stage, create the final outline of the design. And of course, with the advent of the final text and images prepared by any new changes.

Without standards for each of these elements will work with them in their own way, bringing chaos to the overall style. These recommendations do not necessarily sign the customer, only if it is approved layouts, which is visible basic standardization. All documentation prepared by the Standards and approved by the project team to make sure that during the site redesign and the creation of graphical templates, developers will follow the style general style. Maintain communication and constant collaboration between project team members to issue standards do not always have to decide to creating a new standard, and then go to work on the new sections. In this case, the designers – HTML coder does not have a lot to think of themselves.

Changes that are initialized by the customer. Swelling of the project is elusive. We are not talking about explicit requests for changes in the project. When a customer requests directly enter an additional opportunity or a new module that are not included in the original formulation of the project, you can smile with confidence and respond to him: "Sure, no problem, by the end of the day we will submit a separate plan and budget." This approach is very effective against the swelling of the project. The customer himself can refuse or accept new plans for official changes to the project. ( The material was prepared by studio redesign – Hot Web Design


Word of the banner with the English language can be translated as a banner, flag or banner. The most widely it gets no outdoor advertising, where, in fact, there was the concept, namely in advertising over the Internet. In Internet as a banner usually use dynamic image format flash or gif. Most often, online banner advertising placed directly in view, and moreover, any banner links to a page the same or another site, which is advertised. With the help of a banner can be advertised himself online resource, and product or service described on this site. Banner advertising was virtually ubiquitous on the Internet, because is the most convenient and time efficient way to advertise the site. On how the banner is designed, where it is housed, and determine the effectiveness of advertising campaign. Details can be found by clicking Viacom or emailing the administrator.

Banner should be visible, bright, and that very importantly, unobtrusive, not irritating. Banners should be as professional placement – a strategic and purposeful. Suschetsvuet and this form of banners, as automated banners which sends the user to the advertised site already and if he only put things on it with the mouse. This is very beneficial for those who post the banner, but extremely pleasant to the visitor that redirects to another site, regardless of his wishes. There are also some of the traditional sizes of banners: banner size is 468×60, 120×60, 100×100 and 88×31 pixels. Other sizes of banners are much less common, but it is very important that the weight of the banner average no more than ten kilobytes.

While using the format flash stick to the limits in the amount of fairly easy. The main index, which measures the effectiveness of banner advertising – the so-called index CTR (Click-Through Rate – the level of CTR), which represents the response banner. For example, if the index CTR = 0,05, then it means that the banner of 100 hits pressed five times. Naturally, such a CTR is quite rare. The average value of the response banner – this is 2-3%. For what purposes are now using a banner? First, create a positive company image in the eyes of customers. Second, the spectacular representation of the product or service. Thirdly, of course, attracting new visitors to the site, ie potential customers. To summarize, we note that the banner has the same function as the normal multimedia or graphic advertising, banner ads but has a much great potential for the most diverse and creative ideas.

Mobile Contract

Surely you will be in agreement with which there is nothing no better than to sail without cables, of the same safe form you will give the reason me if I mention to you that there is nothing like contracting the best movable Internet. But this varies of person to person and we are going to you to explain why. Some consider that the best option is that one than allow them to save, nevertheless, others consider that the best movable Internet is that one that allows them to sail at a great speed the 24 hours of the day. For first case saving will be good option, whereas the second case, the price can be lifted, Surely you will be in agreement with which is nothing no better than to sail without cables, of the same safe form you will give the reason me if I mention to you that there is nothing as to contract but the quality of the service is much greater. So these aspects ten in account before contracting movable Internet. Surely you will be in agreement with which there is nothing no better than to sail without cables, of the same safe form you will give the reason me if I mention to you that there is nothing like contracting the best movable Internet. But this varies of person a person and we are going to you to explain why.

Some consider that the best option is that one than allow them to save, nevertheless, others consider that the best movable Internet is that one that allows them to sail at a great speed the 24 hours of the day. For the first case the saving will be the best option, whereas the second case, the price can be lifted, but the quality of the service is much greater. So these aspects ten in account before contracting movable Internet. The movable Internet pre-payment has been gaining much welcome lately, so if you like to save you must consider this option. The movable Internet pre-payment has been gaining much welcome lately, so if you like to save you must consider this option..

Internet Advertising

Modern Internet advertising is simply amazing diversity of its variants, each of which seeks to promote the site. Site optimization and site promotion are impossible without a quality campaign, which will attract a large number of the target audience for the project and as a consequence of increased sales of goods and services offered on it. We would like to talk about such a highly sought after as a form of advertising banner advertising. Branding on the Internet is most effective when using banners, cost of accommodation which is quite low, but the task of attracting potential customers to the site banners cope just fine. Qualitative banner can attract user's attention.

Interested persons must visit the site, banner advertised brand, and all the rest, as they say – it technology and quality of the goods or services. It is important to realize that no search engine optimization or ppc or other advertising on the Internet may not perform image-feature, because until you visit the site, it is not be able to see the logo of your company. To broaden your perception, visit Howard Schultz. Even if your project is well promoted and ranked first in the results of the output of search engines, online advertising experts recommend not to neglect certain image features banner advertising. Pleasant fact is that currently banner advertising goes to a whole new level of development, many even, yet with some caution, but more and more frequently used such a term as "a banner art, revealing the essence of this phenomenon. You must agree to create a small picture (animated or not), seeing that people want to know more about the advertised company, seems more of an art that requires a certain state of mind. Instructive is the case, which occurred with a quite successful specialist in banner ads. This was our advertiser country at the source of origin of banners as a form of inernet advertising.

His banner advertising was very popular and with its role in attracting potential customers cope quite effectively. It is worth noting that in those days (and not so far, but today's crazy life rhythm and a rapid change in public taste, and sometimes two days to address many) of his banners to beat basically the same theme – frivolous, erotic, but within, so to speak, the conventional morality in society. So, for several reasons, our specialist not involved in banner ads for quite a long time, but then, for financial reasons back to the fact that he managed quite well. Imagine his surprise when he created banners (all the same direction a few years ago), the public simply have not been received – the audience was much more pereborchivoy and respect themselves. Moral of this story is simple enough – a modern customer wants to see is not something vulgarnenkoe and pohabnenkoe on the banner and truly high-quality, professionally manufactured product advertising art. Only in this case, the banner ads can do its image-function.

Online Surveys, Market Research

Surveys are a well-known means of marketing, however, have hardly been fundamental development behind. The original form is probably the direct questioning on the street is by an interviewer and will maintain in abundance, we only take survey projects in socially-oriented courses, for example. A further form is held by telephone survey in which more or less randomly selected telephone numbers and the person at the other end to be persuaded once charm must interrupting your existing work and to face the interview. Both types of surveys suffer from one crucial drawback: Time is of the surveys are to be disturbed and must be persuaded to participate. One advantage that superficially, the risk of subjective or systematic selection of respondents is small, but we must not forget that street interviews are at risk high in this respect since the surveys of the people choose themselves, and also the willingness of the survey depends on whether or the interviewer sympathetic telephone interviews is the danger that, merely by choosing the timing of the survey, many populations are excluded (working hours, etc.), also is not the human effort irrelevant. One possible solution to offer online surveys. Until recently was by Internet-based surveys hardly hope for a representative selection, but permeates the Internet and our society more and more afraid of contact dwindling from year to year. The advantage of an e-mail based automated survey is clear: The respondent can choose the date for the answer and there is even a possible manipulative dialogue situation.

Moreover, the effort is reduced considerably in staff. Basis for a good campaign is of course a corresponding database of potential donors believe, however, provide customer lists and other specialized databases, a seemingly inexhaustible supply. Another way represent scripts that a survey either directly place on a website, or even launch a corresponding pop-up when the page is opened. With the acceptance of the latter is at least questionable as a pop after all is a potentially disruptive element. In any case, is opening up the market research and statistical studies on-line surveys new opportunities both for the timeliness, responsiveness and cost efficiency.