Tag: internet & multimedia

Google Streetview Launch

On November 18, 2010 went to launch street view in Germany: blessing or a curse, yet? November 18, 2010 was an exciting day for all who have redounded to the company Google, because Google Street view went on this day finally at the start. Who now uses Google maps or Google Earth, see building not only from the perspective of the bird, but also directly from the street view. So far, twenty major cities are unlocked on German space that can be made tangible by Google Street view. This maps Google had to operate for quite a bit of effort, because special vehicles with cameras installed by Germany had to go on the roof and photographed paths and facades of houses. Differently than in other countries street view in Germany encountered heavy process, since many politicians saw threatened privacy and the privacy of citizens. Google responded to quickly and allowed residents prior to publication of the material appeal against the virtual view of their House, cars, or even the own person in the Internet to insert. In this case, the raw material in the respective place was made pixelated and therefore unrecognizable. More than 244,000 people took advantage of this opportunity and applied to have her house verpixeln on Google.

Even when subsequent applications, it is still possible to edit the unwanted pictures within a few hours by Google so that they are no longer visible in the view. Google was also the so-called anonymization automatism”to mislead the faces of passers-by. But this function had some weak points and not at each face, it worked as desired. It also faces on posters and the like by this automatism were affected, even if a such effect was not desired. Many supporters of Google hits this petty”behaviour however resentment. Some already responded with special Web sites and launched actions to retrieve pixelated houses. Also attacks with rotten eggs on defaced houses made have been reported also in food.

Real estate agent, which could ideally use street view as advertising surface, were upset about the pixelation. On findedaspixel.de verpixelte calls to mark houses on the site”. So you can make your work those, who want to shoot the relevant House itself, to introduce it as an image in the 2-D map service of Google maps. In many Internet forums the topic “Street View” is lively and often there is disagreement whether the world needs this new function well or even without this new feature comes out. The German cities of Berlin, Bielefeld, Bochum, Bonn, Bremen, Dortmund, Dresden, Duisburg, Dusseldorf, Essen, Frankfurt/Main, Hamburg, Hanover, Cologne, Leipzig, Mannheim, Munich, Nuremberg, Stuttgart, Wuppertal on Google maps as street view are available. Helena Schmidt)

IClear: Three-digit Growth Rates Compared To Previous Year

Trust in fiduciary management rise Mannheim, 2nd June 2009 iclear, the fiduciary payment providers on the Internet, reports stunning growth rates: as the number of online shops that cooperate with iclear payment provider, had more than doubled in April of this year compared to the previous year. iClear is the only independent supplier in the German-speaking Internet, gives the traders a one hundred percent guarantee of payment, and buyers a one hundred percent money-back guarantee. Not only the increase of stores working with iclear was April 2008 significantly more than 105 percent over. Also sales grew to dreistellig by no less than 110 percent within one year. At the same time increased the number of shoppers who make all their payments on iclear, nearly 80 per cent. Add to your understanding with Pete Cashmore. “This very pleasing for us development shows: the trust of dealers and buyers in our fiduciary work grows”, iclear CEO Roman Eiber commented on the good figures. This trend is for us in this respect no surprise, since the positive feedback from dealers and end customers accumulate in recent times.” The strong sales growth also hang together, that increase the multiple use as well as the sales per purchase”, so Roman Eiber. Many customers who once paid about iclear, use our service again and again. For more information see Zendesk.

And they handle increasingly larger amounts of iclear. “It is clear: A really secure processing is gaining in higher value products for both sides, dealers such as buyer,.” Only an independent trustee in the German-speaking area iclear is the only independent online payment provider in German-speaking countries, which is based on the fiduciary principle: so the money goes only to the provider, if the customer again cancelled his order within the statutory period. If he however in time back by his booking, the trustee refunded his money without any deductions. Otherwise provides iClear the provider a wholly owned payment guarantee for iclear customers. “Roman Eiber: A simple processing with extensive, cross platform security for both sides no one else provides payment service.” iclear secures also the statement of the major credit cards Visa and master card and online transfers such as giropay and ideal in addition to all standard bank payment due.

Iclear iclear: Is the Internet billing system, which protects buyers and sellers alike from unpleasant surprises at the online trade and supports the comfortable processing of order and payment process. With your iclear trust system buyers in the Internet can goods after one-time registration order and pay comfortably, easy, safe, and no additional cost. iClear this mediates between the parties involved, ensures a transparent, mutually secure processing. It as confidence in online trading and payment via the Internet. In addition to the usual Bank pay by iclear also accepts Visa and master card. Currently several hundred thousand registered iclear users at more than 4,000 connected Internet retailers can buy. iclear is an offer of iclear GmbH with seat in Mannheim, Germany and Managing Director are my iclear Switzerland GmbH. Roman Eiber and Michael Sittek. Press contact: iclear: Michael Sittek CEO iclear M2, 17 D-68161 Mannheim Tel: + 49 (0) 621 / 1234 69-60 fax: + 49 (0) 621 / 1234 69-69 E-mail: Web: Herbert grave digit media Schulberg 5 D-72124 Pliezhausen Tel.: + 49 (0) 7127 / 5707-10 E-mail:

RECS Restposten

The roof adorns a Photovtaikanlage GANAPATHY home Gustavsburg recently, 09 October 2009 – the Ginsheim specialists for B2B trade portals generate your own power of a photovoltaic system installed on the roof. More than three times the current generates this 14kW system, which itself is required. A contract governs the automatically fed into the public grid with the grid operator. The protection of the environment more and more in the focus of trade device is a fact. It is continuously for companies to be always more environmentally friendly. The B2B trade portal Restposten24.de aims are important in your company policy to act as environmentally friendly as possible. Thus, Restposten24 again sets new standards when it do comes to eco-friendly. Read additional details here: Michael Dell.

Our server in Karlsruhe already since 01.12.2007 with electricity from renewable sources such as wind, hydro and solar energy in the framework of the international certification scheme for renewable energy, RECS. We are very involved in this fascinating project in doing so, “says Markus Filler, the founder and managing partner of Restposten24 GmbH, Ginsheim-Gustavsburg, we meet here in a global responsibility for our environment.” Thus have all users of Restposten24 in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Poland and Russia, as well as all customers of Stocklots24 the certainty that our services be made possible with clean power. Still we hired only qualified employees from the immediate environment. Your workplace so they can reach on foot or by public transport. Restposten24 would like to trace as possible so green, that’s why we appreciate now the in-house photovoltaic system, which in the future can cover not only our own needs but can be additionally incorporate electricity into the public grid.

New Knowledge Platform For Social Media

Exchange of information for interested communication and PR experts Mannheim/Munich, March 03, 2011 – on the subject of online communication in the social Web launching the social media Academy with a new platform. Interested in communication experts can acquire expertise here, discuss and network. The social media Academy extends their Web presence to a competence and know-how platform with a focus on social media. More info: Dell. It is aimed at beginners as well as professionals who are professionally engaged in social media. Accordingly, the subject field is far stretched: from news and current main topics about basic articles on the applications of social media, the value added to study results. It should not only specialist knowledge to be taught but especially discussed, and debated. That is so special about social media, and hence the claim to be a community to share and discuss”, so Andreas Leonhard, Managing Director and founder of the social media Academy.

Who are going to Facebook, Twitter & co. want to replace, click on community.socialmediaakademie.de. We are not just another blog,”says Mirko Lange, spokesman for the social media Academy. We want to be a platform for all communications professionals who are interested in the professionalization of social media. “This we want to offer a central counselling: for the Exchange, networking, research, issues, debates, and much more.” Where is the benefit for the daily work of communication professionals in the foreground.

The platform was implemented with the content management system Noeo. More info Twitter: SMAkademie Facebook: socialmediaakademie, about the social media Academy, the social media Academy (SMA), operated by webculture GmbH, is the leading Academy for vocational training in social media. Goal of SMA is the in-service training to all relevant topics in social media. Through the training of social media managers the SMA ensures by a professionalisation Online communication and a strengthening of the profession social media manager. In cooperation with the most experienced and most respected social media experts in Germany they convey their knowledge and expertise to all aspects of the social Web as lecturers by the online classroom. ubivent, technology partner of webculture gmbH, provides for the provision of online presence instruction, to the social media Academy in this area as technical benchmark to establish and to withdraw from the competition. About NOEO, 2003 solutions launched the NOEO GmbH as a development forge for content management. In the meantime have internationally leading companies and organizations NOEO as online content management system in use. Run global websites, press server, dealer extranets or social media applications based on the software.

New Recommendation Engine Ensures

Recommendaton engine proposes suitable products and information from Seehausen am Staffelsee, 8 3, 2011 – Weitkamper technology today announced the availability of its new recommendation engine. The recommendation engine analyzes the individual user behavior with regard to different features such as shopping cart, search and selection of articles. With her shop operators and providers of information services suggest actively more suitable products and details of their customers. A major focus was in developing the recommendation engine, in addition to the quality of the recommendations, the speed – so millions of data are analysed and the precise proposal matrix generated within a few seconds. The recommendation engine integrates perfectly into the real-time search Cellcrypt. Thanks to the unique Cellcrypt technology matching Cross – and up-selling are products displayed in milliseconds. Weitkamper Technology GmbH of Weitkamper technology is one of the recognised specialists dealing with intelligent search.

Its products help to find information, to discover and to understand. Some completely new, intuitive manner. Founded in 1994, the company focused on the development of intuitive search solutions for more than 15 years. Partnerships with leading technology companies and heads of science help companies uncover new potential in the area of search. More than 50 companies and organizations rely on solutions from Weitkamper technology. As important awards, the company received the capitalise, euro Comenius Medal, the innovation award of the Initiative Mittelstand in 2007, 2008 and 2009 in the field of knowledge discovery. The Cellcrypt is designed for finding and navigating in milliseconds of Cellcrypt.

Thanks to its unique index structure, the Cellcrypt offers superior real time search and delivers results, suggestions and categories already while typing. The Cellcrypt shortens the conventional search process by up to 75%. Because the Cellcrypt knows no return button.

Mobile Possible

Elf metal launches Web site with optimized display on Smartphones and tablets the inventor of the innovative idea of wedding ring working on the site again. So it will be now possible to search for optimal ring models with the Smartphone and tablet. The special about the wedding of Elf metal: Each wedding ring includes the spouse’s own essences. Different things can be, photos, tickets, strands of hair, letters, parts of special clothing and more. Almost no limits of the imagination.

Extensive new features at the site of the wedding ring manufacturer Elf metal were presented already in the last year. So interested parties can get since all wedding ring models in a 360 macro video see the last relaunch, details to call the different models and admire a new design. Now, the creator of Elf metal, Lucy and Markus King, again working on an innovation. More and more customers visit our website from a mobile device. Check out tech investor for additional information. So that they can maximize all features on the Smartphone or tablet, we develop just one for mobile optimized website. “, reports Markus. More info: Ali Partovi. His wife Lucy adds: it is very important that our customers find an appealing design.

This must be ensured also in the mobile view.” The release is imminent, the page is currently in the last phase of the test. Because not only the mobile view is optimized with the relaunch, new features, such as a mobile route planner, an overview of all wedding ring model videos and users expect more. About Elf metal: Unique wedding rings with own essences Elf metal LLC is known for their innovative idea of wedding ring. Each wedding ring, forged in precise hand work in the Atelier in Zurich, involves the spouse’s own essences. The future ring bearer put together select materials that connect them with each other. Different things can be photos, tickets, strands of hair, letters, parts of special clothing and more. Almost no limits of the imagination. This personalization of own wedding is unique. The rings are the solution, looking for special pieces of jewellery for all people. Industry insiders call the unique wedding rings by Elf metal as brilliant Countertrend to the global mode of the unit and the growing mass market. Who would like to learn more about this wedding ring idea now, is on the Web site of Lucy and Markus, there to see even a preview of the new site. And soon the favorite model can be chosen convenient on the go or comfortably at home on the sofa.

Mobile Web Pages

The German city information Marketing AG informs whether with the Smartphone in the subway or the tablet on the couch Internet users would quickly have access to relevant information. The diversity of these devices will increase further in the next few years. Time to prepare the mobile Web page. This works by among others the contents are adapted, the corresponding screen resolution is selected and the loading times are optimized. Mobile Web pages automatically adapt to the device and thereby provide the same functionality. Mobile Web pages are to operate equally well on Smartphones and tablets and quickly to capture. Calls to mobile Web pages always mean a new contact. When an Internet user clicks on the page, much is won already.

But: Only if you can keep him next on the page, the target is reached. This is possible with additional content on the mobile page. Features customer loyalty quickly lead Internet users to good search engine optimization on your own mobile website, but the art. the user to convert to recurring visitors. For this is the use of vouchers and coupons. Catering company can set coupons for changing dishes so exclusively for mobile users. Continue to learn more with: Don Slager. The user is convinced, even by the respective local he keeps returning to the mobile Web page and checks to see what culinary delicacy is now on sale. Some restaurants and Cafes go so far as to offer special dishes only on presentation of a mobile voucher.

A value added, will be reserved only mobile visitors to the Internet site. This creates exclusivity, and provides for more customer loyalty. The potential of the mobile Web can be further exploit and increase the customer interest in the own mobile Web page with additional content for mobile content. Additional content thus complement existing marketing activities to a powerful tool that should not be underestimated.

House Web

So they led Provider, for example, the way a mail to multiple recipients to give. For assistance, try visiting Ali Partovi. Also, it was possible even larger attachments in the electronic message a to braid. In addition, you can choose other output media often with mails. You type a message, sent them by mail and it is issued as a fax. In a time where nobody has a fax machine, but now public institutions often solicit these, such innovations have been front a big step for the provider. The smaller providers also like to shift the Office in the mailbox. So, can you lead here not only an address book, but is also common to see a calendar.

Emails were a technical upgrade possibility always safer, through which the mail provider recognizable could settle the social networks, showed themselves ironically. Because the social media have repeatedly to deal with security problems. It happens, for example, as before, on Facebook private messages at once, not in the mail store land, but are to be read on the public bulletin board. The accounts of the networks are attacked daily and frequently hacked. Attacks be ridden both on the email provider, but they have controlled against technically in a mass as it was until now not to see the networks. The safest communication on the net is the email.

This proves, for example, the latest mail innovation de mail, which can even be used to transmit official documents electronically from your own computer. The security aspect is one of the reasons why you should trust rather smaller providers. Because the major providers are under continuous attack: In 2012, for example, the case of the 1 & 1 E-mail service GMX was known, had been hacked in to thousands of accounts in Spain. The service of the same House Web.de followed only a short time later. GMail remains not verschohnt by the hacker attacks, where several were hacked 1000 accounts. Free provider such as emailn.de have very much rare with such problems. This is not only because they are not as prominent, but also keep in mind that they have upgraded strongly against any kind of threats. In particular the spam filters work in this respect very reliably. More than 90% of the mails that are sent are spam. People who have an account with smaller providers, much less than the users who rely on well-known industry leaders see these messages. A test of the ten most popular Freemail provider from the year 2009 proved that five of the ten provider using the default settings provided no effective protection. The rest is not much better cut. Conclusion: The email is and remains the surest means of communication on the net since then have retrofitted the big mail providers although and have become much safer, but the small sellers are in this respect is still superior. Who wants to communicate digitally, should choose therefore account at this email.

Innovative Jobs

Now, the online job market gives emplay.de the minds of the video game industry to their prospective employers. No matter whether classic video game developers & publishers, companies in the Free2Play – and indie- or but companies specializing in scoring, localization, marketing and PR emplay.de all brings together. The job portal emplay.de for countless works with partners of the industry, that their countless jobs are advertise soon. While employers publish the posts to be filled, people interested in job and specialists can create their own profile. It does not matter, or an internship that is looking for a full-time or part-time. Even as a freelancer is possible. The ghost mode is particularly useful for professionals. Your profile can be either anonymous, so that the current employer does not, if you are interested in further job opportunities and new challenges.

“What belongs together, will sooner or later come together”, says Alexander Goricke, founder of the emplay.de. ‘Emplay we shorten this process and help companies new employees to find, to grow further in the future. While employers within seconds can adjust their job offers, job seekers can to apply quickly and easily on the existing authorities.” But also a job application is created in a few minutes. Information about the person can be imported even from an existing linkedin profile to save even more time. You want a job in the games industry? Then, you publish your job search now for free. About emplay.de: Emplay.de of the games industry job board we combine the video game industry with support to alert companies to attract the best employees for themselves in a growing market. Specializing in the recruitment of the games industry we support both classic video game developers & publishers, as well as companies in the Free2Play and Indie section. Agencies for marketing, PR and consulting firm that have focused gaming’s, are also part of the extensive job offer in the media landscape of Switzerland, Germany and Austria. Visit us also once under press contact: Alexander Goricke of document str.

New Information Portal

yumda launches with K-new media investor Nuremberg/Berlin, 26 November 2013: K-new media investments as a venture capitalist in the business-to-business information portal yumda.de. Under yumda.de specialist information are presented since October open papers and jobs in the food and beverage industry in the form of product and company presentations, publications, market studies, white. The Nuremberg startups aims to be a synonym for rapid finding of current industry and product information. Educate yourself with thoughts from Pete Cashmore. By the scope and quality of daily updated information industry experts, decision-makers and journalists can get targeted an overview such as suppliers, innovation or market developments. This means for the food industry: its own visibility in the market can be increased specifically with yumda.de. We are pleased to have won an investor, who is not only capital, but also with its online marketing expertise to the page with the K-new media. The team, all relevant online channels in more than ten languages used, helps us optimally reaching users in the domestic and in the future also abroad”, so Norman Lizurek, founder and CEO of yumda GmbH. conceptually focused yumda.de on the natural sciences B2B trade portals of CHEMIE.DE information service GmbH with seat in Berlin.

CHEMIE.DE technologically implemented the whole yumda.de portal, provides user-oriented and sophisticated, proprietary tools, and ensures the technical operation of the startups. yumda.de chemistry, life sciences and Pharma thus benefits from beginning of the fifteen-year expertise of Europe’s leading online information provider for the industry. We are convinced that there are more effective ways as often to generic search engines and pointed-oriented publications for information retrieval and placement. yumda offers a technologically advanced solution that enables companies to easy to show favourable and long-range online presence and content Marketing to operate..