No company or person who is happy to pay taxes or considers them fair amount. If you pay taxes all at once, then there can be no quiet sleep, which promises to tax authorities. Yes, and sleep peacefully on a bench in Park vryatli succeed. Obviously, the business, paying taxes without thinking – is doomed. Fortunately or unfortunately, this question ten, but our tax system is not perfect. And it is quite clear that there is no sense to pay taxes nemyslemye thoughtlessly.

There are professionals, tax consultants, people who are constantly decide problemma tax pritenzy that can defend your rights, give advice on minimizing taxes, defend your ineteresy in arbitration. Tax consultant with extensive experience can help you solve all your problems with the tax, obsalyutno legally. Act, multiplied by years of experience of its application, allows you to remove or significantly reduce the tax claims presented, including a challenge by a bankruptcy court decision involving the tax authority to the tax liability. But it is better not to go to arbitration, and in advance to develop and implement proactive personal tax model that will enable businesses to minimize tax payments, always staying within the law. How to solve problems with the tax and how it can help you tax consultant? Now there are services where you can get naloguvuyu advice without leaving the office, right online. Tax consultant in the shortest time will like your problemma and develop a plan for you minimize taxation.

Who is better: tax consultant or company? At first glance it might seem that the firm better protect the interests of the client because the company employs a lot of lawyers. However, the bankruptcy court acts not firm, and the actual lawyer. Payment also includes the cost of his work throughout the firm. Tax model developed by several lawyers, but then they can go to work at another firm, and who will be responsible for the consequences of their activities which may occur 2-3 years later? Who will make changes in the tax model developed by them when the tax laws? An independent consultant conducts its business independently and personally responsible for their results. He never will not resign, and his payment service provider only includes payment of his personal labor. Its main value – the name of its most important asset – the knowledge and experience. Moreover, the simple knowledge Law for the successful construction of the tax business models is not enough. Independent tax adviser should have personal experience of managing a company to understand the functioning of business units to know the basics strategic planning, management and marketing. As a rule, ordinary lawyers in law firms that experience does not possess.