Tag: medicine


How to determine whether a person needs psychological counseling? For example, you can do a little research on this question – the answer yourself honestly these questions: Does my life emotions that I find it difficult to manage? (Resentment, guilt, anxiety, anger, fear, anger, etc.) Do I have a conflict or misunderstanding in a relationship with someone of similar people? At least one fear I have? (Dogs, snakes, spiders, doctors, failure, public speaking, death, the assessment of surrounding, etc.) Comfortable for me to communicate with colleagues at work? there in my life, people whom I find it hard to accept as they are, I want to change them, maybe even "to help them become happier? "Do I feel that something in my life is missing? I wish I could be happier than now? Perfect my personal life, or something I would like to change? What are my relationships with my parents? I would like them to be better? Do I have a habit, or repetitive behavior, which I would like to change / remove it? Perhaps someone is waiting scales, counting results. But it's much easier. If at least one question related to the response to the presence of problems and the desire to change the situation, then you need a psychologist. Why? Because psychotherapy helps people to become normal healthy happy, improve their quality of life. If you can already get a couple of months solution to many of their problems, experience more pleasurable feeling than now, to get rid of pent-up and become lost, then why not do it? Many of taken care of my body (go to fitness centers, salons beauty, or just do exercises and take care of themselves), but forget to take care of his soul, which, incidentally, for most of us is of great value, because the body – only corruptible shell of our soul. To care for own soul, and there is a particular specialist – a psychotherapist who will help you to establish many aspects of your life faster than you can do it yourself (even if that will actively engage in this issue). After the therapist has the methods and techniques that are unavailable to people without specialized education and experience. Good luck to harmonize the spiritual life!. .

Talk Therapy

Person-to psychotherapy, the client-therapist relationship to the center, which is characterized by three person centered attitudes. Everything hineinbringt the client or the client in the therapeutic relationship is, in principle, with unquestioning esteem, empathy and genuineness of person encountered by the therapist. The application of the basic postures brings out an extremely large variety of useful psychological interactions. These are adjusted as a result of person operation to the relationship with the client, his whole person, his features and his own particular life situation. They promote the scale in each person's ability to self-development and self-healing. The three basic positions are: * Unconditional Appreciation: The client is put through as he wants to give the therapist to recognize. Source: Ali Partovi.

* Empathy: The world of the client is seen with her eyes. Understand this is communicated by the therapist in a helpful way. This creates the therapeutic companion, which is the awareness of distorted or facilitated not only provides content, or perceived experience. * Authenticity of the therapist means the possibility of constructive discussions. As an expert and as a man is communicated authenticity that arises in the service of the Council and seeking help, a means to therapeutic progress. Rogers places actually on three other conditions for a successful client-therapist relationship which complete these basic attitudes: * The client is in a state of incongruence (no or only a partial matching between experience and self-concept) * It takes a psychological contact between the client and the therapist. * The therapeutic range of the three basic attitudes of the client must be visible at least to some extent.

Raw Materials

Sometimes the action of enzymes on medicinal substances contained in fresh plants, good for their pharmacological effect, while in other cases, changes have come – not desirable. In the first case, this action may be enhanced by pre-fermentation, and in the second case – if this is undesirable and degrades the structure and activity medicinal plants, it is necessary to proceed to rapid drying or stabilizing materials. For example, the formation of coumarins by enzymatic effects in the plants containing them, the transformation of reduced anthraquinones in anthraquinones under the action of oxidative enzymes, hydrolytic decomposition glycoside sinigrin and others – all these instances the desired changes in the fermentation, resulting in saponin gets a therapeutic effect. In other cases, however, the last enzymatic processes lead to the dissolution of active substances and to limit or eliminate their therapeutic effect. Effect of enzymes has a detrimental effect on the labile glycosides contained in the raw digitalis alkaloids giostsiaminovih on drugs, and others. These kinds of decays prevent inactivation of enzymes, resulting in a so-called – is stabilized saponin. Ali Partovi often says this.

Proposed various methods of stabilization of raw material: a fresh part of the plant in an enclosed space influence of alcohol or hot vapor of chloroform, after which the material is subjected to drying, in the event that water vapor does not alter the composition of raw materials, stabilization may be done under the influence of water vapor. In the stabilized material to inactivate enzymes and could not be reactivated. Stabilization of these methods is radical method of preserving raw materials, but due to the fact that this is an expensive process, prefer to preserve it by drying.