Tag: mobile radio & telecommunications

Multilayer Communication

Clarity AG offers an advanced solution for s simultaneous calls and chat Bad Homburg/Germany, November 07, 2011. Clarity, one of the leading German manufacturers of software-based telecommunications solutions, has expanded its clarity communication center’s chat feature. “The VoIP phone software clarity communication center” is already complemented by a chat module for a long time. Michael Dell understands that this is vital information. This function expires at the same time to phone calls and conferences, is visible only to the selected participants. A great advantage of the communication client shows the case of a telephone conference: while the Conference is running and all participants hear what is being said, the communication client chat as additional text communication can be varied: with one or more selected participants of the Conference, an exchange of chat can be set at the same time on a second level.

The information is visible only to those participants. Or discussing himself during the telephone conference chat in Real time outside the Conference round. Michael Dell has much experience in this field. Only requirement is that all users in the clarity communication center are arranged. Also for call center, the communication client chat offers great advantages. As in the business area is a private chat”with a single service representative. So for example, a call center supervisor can a call center staff when an existing customer call provide valuable additional information in the form of short messages. A second function, group chat”, with several employees in the chat-contact can be incorporated external, who do not work in the same Office or House. All chats in the last seven days are stored and available at any time.

The big advantage here, now the messages can be received subsequently also then, if you were offline during the receipt. Also, it is not necessary that the sender is online to later receive. It outperforms other chat tools not least significantly with the clarity communication center. The clarity AG make the international clarity AG based in Bad Homburg is an award-winning provider of software-based voice communication solutions for the call center and business telephony. Of multi-functional telephone systems up to cross-premises call modular clarity’s solutions ease, flexibility, scalability, and availability Center systems and platforms for voice dialogue. Contact clarity AG Andrea Leiseder Communications Manager scraper route 28B 61348 Bad Homburg T: + 49 6172 1388-50 M: + 49 177 1483567 F: + 49 6172 1388 510 @:

Session Initiation Protocol

Phone calls over Internet via VoIP brings cost savings phone must be today not more outrageously expensive. For practically all requirements and any behaviour by phoning there is matching offers. You have to find them in the jungle of contract and prepaid terms and tariffs. However, regardless of the offers of the respective fixed / mobile network operators and Prepaidkartenanbieter technologies compared to the aforementioned alternatives by using new now cheaper phone calls. The telephoning over the Internet is the medium of choice and the technology of the future. Also voice data can be transmitted over the Internet.

Is not related to a technology used involves the expression of Internet telephony. However, since the Protocol is the basic transmission protocol in the Internet, the telephoning over the Internet is in fact primarily as VoIP (also known as ‘ voice over Internet Protocol’) implemented. In the speech data using the IP Protocol are transported through the Internet. The technology of the calls via VoIP take advantage not only of the desktop computer, but for example also the VoIP-enabled cell phone or smartphone from. The only condition of use is the existence of a sufficiently strong to transfer Internet connection (on capacity and speed) and the use of headsets. Because the connection does not have the networks of the fixed-line or mobile providers, also no cost for this. So it is possible, for example, through programs such as Skype completely free to make calls…If because the participants at the same time use the software. Credit: Ali Partovi-2011. But also in other cases VoIP you can call profitably, namely saving a.

Phoning abroad for example, the use of call-by-call or call-through is generally recommended. Call-by-call is aimed at customers of Deutsche Telekom, callthrough on everyone else. The call-through choosing the provider an and can then call to its competitive rates worldwide. So you can call much more cheaply than on his traditional providers. Taking advantage of the benefits of callthrough and voice can be also combined. A VoIP enabled mobile provider DCalling the so-called SIP can be for example about the call-through (also known as ‘ Session Initiation Protocol’) data of provider refer and enter into the device. The mobile user can call using then comfortably about VoIP and call-through. That is still cheaper than at the normal callthrough, as the cost of the dial due to transit accounts for Internet. Thus, the interaction of VoIP can be and callthrough use mobile and generally on any Internet access cheaper to make calls.

Herbert Richter GmbH

20:20 Mobile Germany GmbH is a new partner of the manufacturer Herbert Richter GmbH & co. KG and its trading partners with the premium 2012 equip brand iGrip in the 3rd quarter and supply. Pforzheim, Germany, August 2012-20:20 mobile Germany GmbH is the new partner of the manufacturer of HR (Herbert Richter GmbH & co. KG) and is the premium brand iGrip from Q3 2012 equip with its trading partners and supply. HR (Herbert Richter GmbH & co. KG) is the leading manufacturer of universal and model specific mounting systems for Smartphones (such as iPhone), Tablet PCs (E.g. iPad) and mobile phones. IGrip under the brand name”innovative products offered, the highest quality, functionality and innovative design MADE IN GERMANY” stand out.

Support 20:20 mobile Germany GmbH is iGrip as new distribution partner the premium brand”for more than 500 MobilCom Debitel shops. The partnership to 20:20 mobile Germany GmbH is for us an important milestone, to establish our premium brand iGrip in the German market”as Harald Richter, CEO of HR (Herbert Richter GmbH & co. KG). iGrip”stands for innovation and design in the field of fastening systems for car, motorcycle and bicycle. First and foremost, the persons is addressed, which would accommodate its high-quality device elegantly and safely in the vehicle and use. In this product range, we have placed very high value on appealing, multilingual product packaging, virtually take over a self explanatory function at the point of sale”said Harald Richter, CEO of HR (Herbert Richter GmbH & co. KG). “We are pleased that we have our sales partners from immediately the iGrip products made in Germany” can offer, and so our accessories portfolio to a premium supplement brand “so Thilo Mahar, Managing Director of 20:20 mobile Germany GmbH.

HR (Herbert Richter GmbH & co. KG) HR (Herbert Richter GmbH & co. KG) is the leading manufacturer of fastening systems for electronic equipment in the vehicle.

Senior Mobile

The availability of age is all crucial for us. For some rather later than for the one. Regardless it is comforting certainty to have that there for seniors special phones and phones, but for all people with those they can constantly sharing with and drop messages. A declining sensory perception is no more specificity in the age, so often in particular the hearing and vision of increased age, which is then no longer completely suffers. Special telephones with extra large buttons and a bulge for hearing aids are important especially for hearing, as so the use of a hearing aid is not a question. It is preferable to find out in advance about these same devices or to purchase one. Senior phones have everything that is required of seniors from one of these devices the special terminal devices for the elderly. You have particularly large keyboards, so a good read the numbers can and on the other hand, it happens then no longer so fast that you press the wrong button.

The display is usually very large and probably read that you can at any time see who you now call and just who is himself just calling one. A smooth conversation using a hearing aid is smoothly possible not rarely with specially shaped earphones. To remove the hearing instrument, while the conversation is therefore regrettably often necessary on commercially available equipment. The handset itself is shielded so that the hearing aid transferred no interference frequencies, which could disrupt the talks or stop. The senior phones also have the property that separate phone numbers emergency numbers can be stored. In case of any emergency immediately with his doctor or his spouse to become connected, pressing the button on which the desired number has been stored in accordance with programming reaches. Such features can, in the Emergency not only valuable time to secure, but also save lives.

The fixed-line phone can be purchased starting from 15 EUR, either online on the Internet or through various dealer. Cell phones for seniors special cell phones for seniors have very similar functions as the standard telephones for older people at the market. (A valuable related resource: Robotics expert ). The main focus is in fact only on the phone and completely dispenses with unnecessary functions. There are however some phones that receive SMS can both send now. You can buy mobile phones for seniors either with a contract or with a prepaid card. A cheaper contract but definitely more sense for such a senior cell phone. Because what makes someone the best phone, if the Karteaufgebraucht is you can call anybody? The public emergency numbers such as the fire brigade or the police are still at all times free of charge. Numbers can be equally as stored in the fixed-line phones as well as with senior cell phones and the main it be placed on dedicated buttons, so a phone call even in the case of the cases can be made in a very short time. If the current location of the user’s detected in the case of the case must, special phones have special properties that the PSAP can permanently exactly determine where it is located. This feature is especially beneficial to people who are maybe a little confused and be able to communicate easily no longer so good. This is also a feature that is of course useful and saves time in an emergency and may even life saving. From 30 EUR, you can already buy seniors phones according to functions.

Internet Treaty

With the stick in the surf in the Internet? But where I have the best reception with which Netzanbierter? Which network best fits my needs? Available networks in Germany to provide four large provider networks for all Surfstick provider. Vodafone, O2, T-Online E-plus these 4 power Giants have of course your own products on offer, which are more expensive but usually when compared to other providers. It is important to know that all providers of other companies on one of these networks to access, so you should look for when choosing a cheaper provider sure, which network is used. Many of the cheap providers access also to the less-developed networks, which complies with a convenient at first glance, often not even the price-performance ratio. Power comparison: Although the needs in the field of mobile Internet is growing, there are many weaknesses here the individual operators. Ali Partovi has much to offer in this field.

Vodafone, O2, and T-Online have well-developed networks, which almost guarantee a good reception in whole Germany. E-Plus however much has in the expansion of the network to catch up. Recommendation: For individuals all available in Germany, large networks are a great way, that to use mobile Internet. However you should be if you a quick connection wishes, just when the down and upload videos or images is important, choose not the O2 network. Here, you have a much slower Internet connection as the other providers. The E-plus network know some gaps in regional coverage on.

If one still wishes an Internet connection based on the E-plus network, you should previously be aware themselves, where you would like to use the Internet and inform yourself whether there is also an unlimited availability of E-plus. Otherwise the new Internet Treaty could quickly become a tedious nuisance. The networks of Vodafone and T-Online are recommended for people who are professionally instructed on the Internet. They ensure fast data exchange almost everywhere. Hereby it is possible to constantly throughout Germany Quick download and upload emails and important information to ensure. Conclusion if you are looking for a mobile Internet provider, you should inform himself well, fits which network closest to her own needs. Here, it is worth to compare the different providers accurately. There are many ways that offer this possibility and just break down what advantages and disadvantages have the respective provider on the Internet. The largest selection and overview of providers available in Germany offers mobile internet vergleich.info here


Can you imagine today’s world without innovation in the automotive industry?’. The economy has to bite hard. Some industries feel the consequences of the last crisis. But often offer such times to detect breeding ground to new opportunities and to revive. Andreas Schurch, 23 years, young entrepreneur and designer knows the ups and downs of his own experience. Given meager cards from House he foothold 2006, he founded his own company and began to study at a trade school in Lucerne.

A colleague lent Sfr. 500.-him at that time. Andreas put about the same amount, opened the webshop handysocken.ch – with the existing seed capital and already implemented in the next month about Sfr. 800.-to. “The range grew, a few months later he launched the customized cell phone pockets under the private label Melduro”, which meanwhile earned a turnover of Sfr 45’000.-the company as a key product in 2008. Products are now sent from England to Italy throughout Europe. Only, how to get to the idea of mobile phone socks sell? To do so must be obtained from a little: the last years in the mobile phone industry was mainly characterized by the price war. The market will receive a new face – not least because of the recent turmoil – from his point of view.

Again, quality counts more than quantity. Who would like to continue to play with in this Division, needs a budget boost for the marketing, focus on the customer and innovation. Ideal for marketing and innovations: the cell phone. A device which can be held in the hand, will probably also in the future remain the mobile communication purely human reasons. Watches have not prevailed as a phone due to the still limited operation and only a few Guinea Pigs wanted to come out with a chip implanted in his head. To abstruss the idea if but the time-tested work. The thick mobile offers two opportunities; On the one hand people adorn themselves in bad times again more attention. Andernseits is always looking for a stop. A role model or a movement. The Mobile is a valuable asset. The saying that small things are moving the world”gets new meaning in these times. The Sedimentale value of the device is often higher than the price in the shop window and want to be protected or marked at least with something an individual as his own. It may be just a nice phone or a unique mobile protection. That what is less important than the how. Some people think is mobile socks or cell phone pockets not much about it. “When the term mobile socks” falls, pervades the environment often a wave of smiles. Andreas says: when I first started with the business I was often jokingly asked how the phone socks Empire grow. “, he smirks, most of these are now my own clients”. Further he adds thoughtfully: to recognize the true value of a product, it always needs a visionary, which reinterpreted existing – or can you imagine today’s world without innovation in the automotive industry? “.” With other partners and financial padding, some might innovative products and brands strengthened. That’s why Andreas Schurch calls, to invest in his business. With the hoped-for capital, Andreas want the sole proprietorship of Safari’s better align Handysocken.ch with a new legal form and under a new name to the objectives. The areas of mobile phone socks for private and corporate clients (www.handysocken.ch), custom-made cellphone cases (www.melduro.com) and individual mobile phone designs (www.adimonta.com) come under the new roof. Andreas Schurch


The ever-growing range of products leaves the mobile subscribers often confused. Thing to note is when a cell phone contract and of which you should better keep their hands. Send often and long phone calls or mobile surfing the Web SMS, without having to look always on the clock, every day, without having to count: who don’t want it? Consider much this way first on mobile flat rates, which cover everything. There are many flat rates for calls, SMS and mobile Internet. Indeed, there is no shortage of offers. But to keep the overview in this ever growing confusing, is not easy. It much easier already.

Ten years ago every single minute extra cost. Talks were more expensive than at night on the day, they paid up to 29 cents for an SMS, surfing was it billed per megabyte fortunately gone. Especially since the beginning of the age of Smartphone unlimited Internet access seems an ever-increasing role a mobile Flatrate essential, because occupies. Meanwhile, almost every German has a mobile phone. Some things have changed in the history of mobile phones it: today, these are no longer just to make phone calls or texting used; the mobile Internet has become commonplace.

In the German mobile market, many vendors advertise potential customers with falling tariff rates and additional services. Who would like to use your own cell phone but efficiently, should be noted some crucial points before conclusion of the contract. Especially the personal usage patterns should be this decisive: there are, for example, tariffs, which are particularly suitable for customers, who make calls much, but hardly SMS write or surf. Then there is pricing models, which are more suited for infrequent callers, which spend much time on the Internet in the first place. Also it appears no matter whether there is a minimum contract period. In many Anbeitern, this is usually 24 months. As an alternative, there are also packages monthly default. There are time such offerings e.g. at Simyo, o2 and base. “Also, it is important to note that supposedly affordable flat rates in some cases no real” flatrates represent, if they offer only the service to make calls to landlines, as well as in its own network free. Thus, high extra costs would occur as soon as one on the phone to other networks. Here caution is so! Basically, it is also to note that users should only a few times a month, her cell phone use ambience, refrain from the acquisition of a too comprehensive flat rate. Here a prepaid rates in question will come more under circumstances. For people who very often take advantage of the mobile phone and also likes to surf the mobile Internet, the acquisition of a mobile flat rate seems sense, because thus money save.

Music Without End

8,99 Euro more per month unlimited music Vodafone download further expands its music offerings and is now a music Flatrate without limit. For additional 8,99 Euro per month Vodafone customers from the music store may download want it so much music – and the mobile. What’s Special: The Vodafone music Flatrate works not only on many Vodafone live!-mobile phones, but also on PCs. This incurred no extra costs for mobile data transmission: this is subject to the tariff option “happy live! UMTS”, which is already free in the most run-time tariffs of Vodafone. The Vodafone music Flatrate is a rental model that leaves the music lovers in the set period of time, how many songs he downloads and whether he used his music on the PC or on your mobile phone.

She is a month’s notice. “We simplify access to music with the music Flatrate Vodafone. And that plays a crucial role in the life of our customers”, comments Volker glasses, Director Internet services Vodafone Germany, the new offering. “Another benefit is that you will from your mobile phone or from a manufacturer with its music collection, because our customer on different PCs and cell phones can use the music.” The management of downloaded music takes over the “Vodafone music Manager” on the PC along with the ‘Mobile Music Client’ on the phone. Both music Manager synchronize automatically, without requiring the phone to the PC to be connected. Thus, the complete music collection purchased from Vodafone is on various devices available.

Up to three devices, i.e., computers or mobile phones, can access parallel to the flat rate. Vodafone customers thus have the choice of easy-to-use music applications: “Vodafone music Manager” on the PC (heruterladen on the home page) “Mobile Music client” on the most current Vodafone live! cellphones both applications make it easier to select, listen to and download music with an intuitive interface. Alternatively, the customer may continue to single DRM free songs, 4 or 10 packages or Purchase albums. The prices are alternatively here between 99 cents for a song, 9.