For some time I was working in the Ministry of labour of my country (Peru), performing advisory for people looking for employment. The program was called Superate and was a proposal to decrease unemployment. People with more than 06 months unemployed are freshmen and were evaluated, subject to talks on employability and business management. Following others in the talks and employability consultants, other officials I found back then developed its work focusing on the curriculum vitae and interview. Up to be had a video showing where developing an interview type, indicating that it should be and which not. As Knight said. However, they all had clear was that: If a person to State looking for employment by more than 06 months and has not been able to find, it is not possible that with talks and recommendations of specialists, you can find it in the coming months 06 and finish the year working. With us or against us there is a story about the Bay of pigs (Cuba).

As the group responsible for developing the strategy of invasion by the U.S. marines, they had made body of group and they had focused only on the use of weapons which had by omitting the moment that was lived. Even one of the members gave the voice of alert before this error, but… You know, the pressure of the team. A Penguin in the world of gulls this demonstrated that the way more quickly and effectively to find employment, no is replying to notices in newspapers, nor in the Internet, and least by sending your resume in an indiscriminate way to each company that is put in front.

The truth is that the best way is going down the path of the network of contacts. You are not a hermit. With support from statistics and validated with people who were freshmen in the program which involved, it was discovered that more than 85% had found work through any friendship or recommendation of someone close. However do as say that management its network of? contacts? Your friend is your best enemy first developed a process of knowledge of people (SWOT) and after the presentation of the various mechanisms for Marketearse in the market. The network of contacts (some call it the network of influence), also mentioned, but it was not understood more well it looked like something obvious. But people are not obvious people, we are emotional beings. The teller of this drama of an act ended that, the program only advisers should give general guidelines. They are interested parties who must choose which to use. This only developed a circle Vice: not found employment, and now with some theoretical concepts you already knew they wouldn’t find. The result was that the majority ended up in additional generation of small business workshops. And you like manages your network of contacts?To not leave with honey on the lips, he commented that the best way to manage a network of contact is to avoid isolation. If, when a person seeks employment, tends to be a kind of hermit for their colleagues (shame for being unemployed!!!), or avoids the issue openly. (I’m doing independent consulting work). Attend professional meetings, keep the link with people who share your specialty, become partner of the Professional Association, voluntarily participate in activities of their specialty… We are going is simple first step Lic. Ricardo Candela houses web of the author: original author and source of the article.