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Alejandro Rutto Martinez

A well trained ear can differentiate the notes produced by the instruments of the Orchestra; and distinguish with certainty the infinite sounds of the forest in a cheerful sunny afternoon, and older undoubtedly perceive shades of corresponding to known people voices. The ear is clear is, a wonderful organ by which we can contact in a special way with the unlimited grandeur of the universe. In the case of the leaders the ear must be tuned and ready to be moved with the voices of the people and in this function be well accompanied by the entire team of inner hearing which is part a sensitive eyes to the milder gestures, a heart willing to feel the underlying message in the main message; a mind sharp to read between the lines that connect groups and even a mood in full attitude of winning the confidence of who should and wants to say something. Listening to the other is one of the most important demonstrations of respect that to be expressed. It’s a different attitude to perceive sounds, almost exclusive task of the ear. It goes beyond the simple passive message reception because, as it happens, is required for a full-time, practically in body, soul and spirit. Listen to the soft sound of the wind brushing over the leaves of the trees is more important to hear all the fury of the hurricane whose strong breezes cause a noise frightening and shocking, well, listening to understand, to comprehend, analyze and judge is an art that applied either will offer fruits constant and generous to those who want to be a leader prospero and well accepted among his followers by that because it is an art is necessary to know them so that We can apply and enjoy its benefits, we share below some recommendation so the leader can hear the voice of the heart of his people:-when you want to chat with someone hear but listen to it really, focus on what tells your caller and disconnected from everything else. This involves close the phonebook in which he wrote, put the cellphone vibrator on or turn it off, forget about the situation of the country and their personal problems, at least for a moment, and looked at another person with sincere gesture that can interpret the expression: speak, tell me what you want.

My time and my attention is just for you. Read the second part read the third part Alejandro Rutto Martinez is a renowned journalist and Colombian writer, linked as a teacher at several Colombian universities. He is author of four books and co-author of three others in which addresses the theme of leadership, ethics, and human development. He is frequently invited as a speaker at conferences, forums, and other academic events.

Women Causes

Many women operate in a State of anxiety from low grade that can erupt into episodes of panic attacks, phobias or anxiety disorders in the face of an increase in stress or biological changes such as menstruation, the birth of a child, or menopause. Over time, women who have chronic anxiety can come to think in constant anxiety as normal. The majority of patients with generalized anxiety are so accustomed to live with her, which do not mention it until asked, or until entering perimenopause and their anxiety symptoms worsen. Psychologists, ever saw the anxiety as a purely emotional problem. But more than 30 years of research show that anxiety has real, physiological, causes that should also be treated to obtain a lasting relief.

This is especially the case of anxiety associated with a hormonal imbalance a surprisingly common cause of anxiety in women of all ages. Other causes may include physiological imbalances adrenal, thyroid and digestive imbalance problems. This means that not just live with the constant anxiety or medicate their symptoms when you feel overwhelmed by them. Once you understand both the physiological causes as emotional from its anxiety, you will see that there are many things you can do to solve the problem. What is anxiety? Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time.

Our ability to feel fear is as an integrated alarm system that uses the entire weight of our mental and physical dexterity to support each time that we have the sense of danger. This acute fight or flight triggers a complex interaction between the mind and the body to deal with a perceived threat either real or imaginary. What is not natural (or sound) is to remain on perpetual alert emotionally and physically, when our lives are not at stake. Symptoms of chronic anxiety include a range of intensities and impacts, from a vague until the severely disabling background noise.

Executive Coaching

Coaching is a process of work whose general objective has to do with the coachee reaches its maximum personal and professional development in a safe, stress-free way and develop lasting behaviour so that the result remains even after you finish the process. The specific objectives are set by the coachee in agreement with the coach. In fact the Executive Coaching or Executive Coaching seeks to help the directors to develop skills and competencies to plan, manage, administer and conduct your company or Department, division or area of business that is under its responsibility with a responsible approach, ethical and sustainable, taken into account the people who make it part of your environment (stakeholders) and the objectives of your company or business inside of which must frame its action plan to achieve the proposed objectives. Byron Trott will not settle for partial explanations. Business ethics can not develop without considering corporate social responsibility, by virtue of which business objectives should be considered the influence that exert their actions at the environment, beneficial or harmful consequences that its activity can exert on the environment and in social groups that are related to it and the way you should give back to society part of the benefits that takes her to the realization of your business. The Executive which makes part of a coaching process must project the benefit of the process to its different stakeholders or interest groups, applying the benefits of the learning process to achieve convergence between the needs of your company, with the of customers, suppliers, shareholders, employees and community that operates. Executive coaching helps executives develop organizations where profit is not the only value that must be achieved, development of corporate values power necessary, financial objectives for the sustainability of business and satisfaction of the shareholder with the socially responsible approach, which allows the sustainable, supportive and ethical business, which the company will gain in value and recognition by the public concerned in its activity.

Arabian Watercolors

The Watercolour dates from that man learned to paint and interpret his environment. However, being as old as it is, is not as commercial as the painting in acrylic and oil, since these techniques are more modern. Cezanne used, Eugene Delacroix, Francois Marius Granet, Henri-Joseph Harpignies did excellent work with it and a number of teachers entered this art. But for centuries, the issue of watercolor basically is that it cannot maintain its colors for long periods of time. Be desvancece quickly and very few artists use it currently.The actual development of modern watercolor painting in what refers to its preparation and commercial viability data of a little more than a hundred years ago. Too recent in comparison with majorities of visual art media, which makes that teachers today use acrylics and oils in his paintings. Therefore, once rare watercolor paintings have commercial success. However, watercolor is a wonderful to work because it is more portable, more easy to maintain and It is not toxic.

For centuries remained in the background, never so popular, but the demand for watercolor paintings has always been there. Before the 1800s, the acurela was the perfect medium of paint, they bought their pigments in pharmacies, and they mixed their own colors. 18Th century to 19 saw an increase in the market of printing books in which the usual vehicle of illustrators is watercolor. Consequently, there was also an increase in the demand for watercolor, because it became fashionable during this period of time using this medium, especially in the upper classes of society. Then the manufacturers gave him a touch more commercial watercolor.At that time, covers that were used in the watercolors were made from carbohydrates of plants. Similarly, the pigments were drawn were drawn in to the paper using cellular components of the newspaper where remained. This left the exposed pigment as left on paper arena, leaving the powdered pigments to disperse them when they were very dry desvaneciendolo quickly.

Today, however the rubber Arabian used as the main deck, with improvements done to improve their resistance to light. The lightfastness of the watercolors are measured by their numerical score and it is printed on the packaging for its identification. In fact, if an artist uses watercolors today with high resistance to light and to carry out the work of file in paper, pigments adhere, transaparencia in brightness that only watercolors can offer will remain, and the work will last longer than those made with oil or acrylic. the applications have also changed. While the paintings used brush (including watercolor) as its main tool, nowadays are used modern tools that include the use of sponges, tissue paper, plastic, crayons, sprinklers and other materials, organic and non-organic to create a piece of artwork, which is possible with watercolors. They have also changed the concepts in which refers to the use of watercolor. The precept that the paintings in black and white no longer used in place only the

Mobile Batteries

Scientists have developed mobile batteries which can be charged in just 10 seconds. These new revolutionary mobile batteries will be recharged in 10 seconds instead of several hours and will save the hours of waiting. These mobile batteries are very useful especially when one is in a hurry and can’t wait more to charge your battery. The new mobile batteries to charge 100 times faster than conventional batteries of mobile and could also be used in phones, laptops, iPods and digital cameras within a few years. Why these batteries in mobile are revolutionary.

This technology could even allow an electric car that will be charged at the same time needed to fill a gasoline car. The mobile for fast charging batteries are the creation of the engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of technology. The MIT team say that his invention of mobile batteries using materials already available to the Mobile battery manufacturers and would be easy to produce in large candidades. The invention of these batteries for mobile is based on rechargeable mobile conventional conventional lithium ions encountered in most cameras, phones and laptops. Lithium ion batteries are used in portable devices, since they store a lot of energy into a small space. However, they are also relatively slow recharge that can be a nuisance for anyone who forgets to charge your phone overnight. The man who designed the new batteries, said that the batteries of electric cars have a lot of energy so that you can drive at 55 mph for a long time, but the energy is low.

You can not accelerate quickly. This scientist and his colleagues have found a way to speed up this process as they report several magazines. Conventional lithium-ion batteries contain two electrodes a made one carbon immersed in a liquid or paste called electrolyte and lithium. When the batteries of mobile are charging up, ions or atoms with positive charge flow from electrodes of lithium until the carbon. When a battery is discharged, the ions flow in reverse. Batteries for mobile charging or discharging of the batteries of mobile is u process slow because it takes time to separate ions of an electrode and absorb them into the other. The researchers took a conventional electrode iron phosphate lithium and changed its surface structure, so that the ions are released and absorbed 100 times faster than normal. The result of using this new technique could be load or download complete in only 10 to 20 seconds. Normal batteries of mobile of similar size take six minutes to load. Unlike other battery materials, the new material does not degrade when the battery is charging or recharging repeatedly. That could lead to the life of the batteries of mobile takes between two to three years.

Technological Website

Today the creation of Web pages, is not subject to great technological knowledge, or hiring a Web Designer. In the network there is a without number of tools, which can be found on Web pages which provide us with a hosting services, and provide you the necessary elements to create yours. There are also other alternatives such as blogs, which in three simple steps you can generate your page, and they are also Ebooks or programs with a minimum of instruction, (some of these sold at a low cost) can take you to the same end. For even more details, read what Mashable says on the issue. Does that type of information need your own Web site, so that it has an impact on the visitor, texts of interest, banners, animations, music or videos? Which will make your website interesting, will not be all the things already mentioned, if not an answer, and why not a solution to a need. Everything will depend on the product or service that we are providing, or trying to sell, and besides how also are promoting it. All these points they will determine us, the tools that we will use to sell from our website. A Web site attractive and with good information, can be the perfect lever to enlarge your company or business. Why is essential, devote some time to this project, and establish which will be your purpose of your website. If you want to know more about this and other topics visit Luis Gonzalez. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Ali Partovi. Original author and source of the article

Cellular Therapy Axes

From 15 to 17 June the twenty-second Congress of the SETS (Spanish society of Blood Transfusion and Cellular therapy), will take place in the Palace of fairs and Congress Center of Malaga event declared by the General direction of quality, research and knowledge management, the Ministry of health of the Junta de Andalucia with distinctive scientific interest. These disciplines influence decisively on numerous medical fields of crucial importance: from clinical practice to the field of research and the development of advances.Blood transfusion and Cellular therapy, axes of a Congress in Malaga as responsible for this Congressional event, it’s a commitment to disseminating new knowledge, which will have repercussions on other medical and surgical specialities. 4 Important prizes, endowed with EUR 1000 shall be granted during the Congress. On the one hand to the three best communications free accepted in the areas of organization, management and promotion; Production of blood components: extraction, processing, and screening of communicable agents; and tissues and cell therapy. The other award, which comes under the heading of prize Dr. Duran i Jorda, will be delivered to the best work in the areas of hematological Immunology, haemovigilance, and Transfusion. The delivery will be made during the closing of the Congress dinner. Your accommodation to attend this Congress can make it in one of the hotels in Malaga with category 4 stars superior, our Hotel Monte Malaga, which for this occasion offers rooms to attendees to this meeting. To make reservations at our hotel where we will apply you rate meetings/events with prices from 87 per room and night with breakfast buffet and taxes included, simply click on the following link: book room in the HOTEL MONTE MLAGA important: to qualify for this rate will be indispensable to present at the reception of the hotel updated documentation attesting to its assistance to the CONGRESS/EVENT/MEETING. Government of Colima weblog archive SSyBS: course medicine 10 main foods increase blood circulation therapy for osteoporosis with bisphosphonates Health Articles

Nuclear Delirium

It amazes me to read the figures of delirious arms expenditure of the deschavetado President of Venezuela. Five billion dollars representing poorly counted approximately ten billion pesos is what Chavez only buy him to Russia in the coming months under the excuse of preventing and/or respond worthily to fixed imperialist aggression of the United States commanded from the recently installed in Colombia military bases. Between 2005 and 2007 Chavez already had purchased almost five billion dollars more on military equipment and that is why that even analysts and leaders prominent Venezuelan may not discover from where will the money come to pay this new Bill, coming to consider that it is not, but a new slapstick of Chavez to regain leadership in the region. Assault rifles AK-47, antitank rockets, air defense systems, rifles Kalashnikov AK-103, multipurpose fighters Su-30MK2, helicopters Mi-17B-5, Mi-28N, Mi – 35 M and Mi-26T, a fleet of the most advanced model of MIG-29 fighters, Varshavianka diesel submarines, tanks T-72, BMP-3 armored, aircraft patrol Il-114, launchers of missile of Smerch multiple mouths and systems of air defense S-300PMU-2 Favorit, Antey-2500 and Tor-M2E, Mirazh, landing craft Murena-E patrol boats and mobile coastal artillery systems capable of tilting ships up to 130 miles away, among other military equipment are part of those lush weapons orders from Venezuela to Russia. United States is concerned at this news because that part of weapons could go into the hands of the Farc and announces that it will not allow any aggression military in the countries of the zone, while Putin enters Venezuela as Peter for his house and Chavez increases a torrid relationship with Iran, a country which has developed an aggressive approach to Latin America campaign at where has opened two new embassies in recent years.

But the foregoing not caused so much stir if not had announced by the same Chavez who is thinking goes far beyond the wishes of a dictadorzuelo drugged with a pile of petrodollars. Chavez wants to put a nuclear power plant in the area! Clear, the said that nuclear energy would be in it has only peaceful and productive purposes! How is it going! Imagine Chavez’s owner of a nuclear power plant in South America! We would have to vacate the region or make us a card stating us as members of his Bolivarian movement or, in the worst cases, as supporters of the Farc! I needed no more! Tremendous near future waiting for us but the questions are: what will we do?!! What it will do United States really? What will it say Unasur thereon, after both bochinche that was made with the U.S. bases in our country? What they will think of all this OE, the European Union and up to the UN? Lastly, I am anxious to know the position of each of the candidates for the Presidency of Colombia front This already overflowing situation.

Going Shopping

What best city for shopping than Paris, the capital of fashion? Paris is one of the most attractive European cities to make tremble to the credit card. Despite high prices, the variety, the quality and originality of the products is such that anyone resists them. The French label pays! Even so, in Paris there are shops for all tastes and pockets. For starters, it is good to know that most of establishments are open from Monday to Saturday, from 10: 00 am to 20: 00 p.m., approximately. Family businesses often pause at midday, between 12: 00 and 15: 00 hours. Now, choose where you want to start Que tal? if we take a walk through the very famous Galeries Lafayette Or perhaps you prefer to keep an eye on the haute-couture boutiques. Although thinking about it well, vintage stores would be a good way to kick off; If yours are the street markets, we run to the fleas, one of the largest in the world.

The Parisian department stores are the ideal place for those who have the time, money and desire to buy. Do if we get closer to the Boulevard Haussmann, find two malls: the Galeries Lafayette and Printemps, where you will find items of jewelry, footwear, branded apparel and the latest trends in major firms of the pr? t-?-porter. Lovers of good eating, you will find shops of the best international and national delicatessen. In case outside little, Lafayette Gourmet offers us a vinotera with 1800 of the finest wines in the world. These galleries receive more than 20 million visitors a year. It is the largest commercial area of the Western world and main great European by amount of business warehouse. The Publicis Drugstores are small malls with pharmacy, and who also sell books, gifts, perfumes and press.

And they are open until 2 am! Avenue Montaigne is a synonym of luxury and distinction. Here are the best boutiques of the most great designers. sta extends from the Seine River until the Champs-Elysees. Also, on this Avenue are located the best cafes, restaurants and hotels in the city. In addition, in the neighborhood of the Marais you can browse in the shops of young Parisian designers. Markets in Paris are a spectacle worthy of mention, especially the flea market (marches aux puces de Saint-Ouen), one of the largest markets in the world. It has more than 3000 seats divided in 7hectareas and opens every Saturday, Sunday and Monday from 10 am to 18 pm. This market gets more than 120,000 hits a day between tourists and Parisians! Here vendors selling illegal (clocks, tobacco and other contraband goods), you can see posts of fashion (which dominated the hip-hop aesthetic), as well as antiques and articles of all kinds. Other important markets where you can buy antiques are: market Aligre and the antique shops of the Geole at Versailles. Also worth a visit to the Conventio, one of the markets market food larger of Paris which is held on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. What are you waiting for? He caught the first flight to the French capital and remembers not to overfill the bags because you’ll come back loaded! Enjoy the best accommodation renting apartments in Paris at the best price.