Biography of a German entrepreneur and inventor Hans is Weidenbusch which can tell the inventor of the so-called Auftriebskapillars, an apparatus that generates energy and no one, what its origin is. Hans Weidenbusch also received the written confirmation of EADS, a device constructed by him to circumvent the conservation of momentum. Career 1987 achieved Abitur at the Albert-Einstein-Gymnasium in Munich with a unique to this day in Bavaria and not to fine score. Study of Mineralogy and philosophy at the Ludwig-Maximilians Universitat, Munich 1995 founding of the technology transfer company HWCV private Hans Weidenbusch is not married and has a son. He was a keen sportsman, whose Leidenschaft for football was surpassed only by his interest in music in his youth. He is the middle of three brothers, of which the older Ernst Weidenbusch as CSU – candidate in the Landtag of Bavaria sits directly. He is a so-called “genuine Munich” and plays several instruments. Weidenbusch developed inventions Hans in 2003 the resting point Accelerator and received written confirmation that his invention seems to override the momentum conservation on the part of EADS.

Just got the Maximilianer and renowned physics professor Ulrich Schollwock to this judgment and confirmed this in writing. In 2010 the so-called Auftriebskapillar introduced Weidenbusch Hans, currently regarded as the only real principle of operation of a Perpetuum mobile world. This officially applies after the origin of the energy generated by the principle of Auftriebskapillars is absent to date despite incoming facultative audit. Hans Weidenbusch led a mechanism based on the Aufriebskapillar several times publicly before experts and representatives of the Suddeutsche Zeitung and the Munchner Merkur confirmed the success of these presentations in detail in the press. Public perception Weidenbusch released an apparatus called quiet point accelerator in Germany rising to the conservation of momentum in 2004 largest independent and Alternative Science magazine & spacetime with the title “Space so close”.