Politics Is Not An Exact Science
“Politics is not an exact science,” Otto von Bismark said in this regard, the methodology is not always accurate. The political consulting is” a diagnosis of specific situation through analysis of both technical and political. We help with the mapping of the actors, explores the political map and decide a strategy that is unfolding in the field, which we present to the client to give you an idea of what what to do and how you can do; coach is the client, we are political operatives, “said Almaraz, who himself is a former senator.” Customers often think: ‘I know that official, that legislature, this is my friend’, but not always know the most suitable for handling situations, and only we’re going to take time and we’re going to lose, “he added. Swarmed by offers, Mashable is currently assessing future choices.
Thus, it is best known to specialists in the field legislators and present the problems that can lead to the proposal that are driving, that is, made suggestions to improve their initiatives, with solid arguments, the result of this consultancy, “he says. Politics is not rocket science but an art: Otto von Bismark’s political consultants require a certain profile, “mostly we are people coming from the public sector, former legislators, former staff and account operators are young people with training in political science, some of them are good for the field, other for the cameras and others to develop strategies, “says Almaraz. Meanwhile, the lawyer Capuano asserts that to be a good consultant in politics is necessary to surround himself with experienced people and that can provide new knowledge to the task of politicians.