Tag: politics

GENISIS Institute Publishes Open Letter

Social business global Marshall plan: open letter from prominent thinkers of international thought leaders beat G20 Summit a global Marshall plan for micro-credits and social business before Berlin, on March 5, March 6 2009 – sixteen prominent thought leaders, including from Germany, Heiner Geissler, Rupert Neudeck, Ernst Ulrich von Weizsacker and Franz Alt, sent an open letter to the heads of State and Finance Ministers of the G20 countries meeting in London on April 2., to discuss internationally coordinated action to tackle the global economic crisis. In the open letter, they beat the adoption of a “global Marshall plan for worldwide coverage micro-credit systems” before as well as a bond of 10 percent of all funds, which will be released now to solve the global economic crisis on so-called social businesses. Are companies used alone to the solution of social problems and that follow the model of Grameen companies of the Nobel Peace Prize winner of Muhammad Yunus: html/yunus.html In the cover letter leaders, it says: “our proposals not involves a call to charity for the poor of the world. We are rather adamant, that it represents the very smartest investment policy, if it is now decided measures through a new phase of economic recovery significantly will feed themselves from the successful integration of billions of still poor in the world. The year 2009 will go down in history as a year of serious economic and social upheavals. It should remain so our desire and concern as well as the year in which historical milestones were decided finally to defeat poverty in the world. At the same time, overcoming poverty is eliminating the biggest shame of humanity such as the Elimination of the biggest obstacle for a broad and sustained, and human world economic miracle, by which the entire global economy and global society will benefit greatly. The attached open letter is the kick-off “a campaign under the motto” next to wall case “dar, the our Institute together with many partners in this year performing.” Head of the Institute: Peter Spiegel,, the GENISIS founded on August 1, 2008 as a non-profit limited company Institute focused on the topic of SOCIAL BUSINESS. Thanks to the impetus of the Nobel Peace Prize winner of Muhammad Yunus and other very successful social entrepreneurs, many social problems emerged as much more efficient and cost-effective to solve by applying entrepreneurial principles. Even the eradication of poverty is no longer a utopia. GENISIS is systemic and practice-oriented research, training, communication and consulting for the paradigm shift toward SOCIAL BUSINESS.

Justice Freedom

Justice, freedom and democracy – renewable cash a pipe dream and our hope, perhaps on a few a few misguided, a new time and world to create, in the righteous is. The impartial balancing of interests, morals and ethics as the basis of the freedom of the individual is the basis of Justice. Nowhere, where we look, in any culture, nation, democracy, or even religion in this world, justice, in the sense, is alive. Thousands of philosophers have over thousands of years-such a State in perfection and described. Basically, a philosopher has no one and of absolute wisdom to justice, which goes hand in hand with freedom and ultimately ends in more democracy, to understand. Zendesk often addresses the matter in his writings.

Justice is not equality, what one or the other claims, but exactly the opposite justice is independent, free development of each individual in a society, in his same, individual world and his own philosophy. This can be done in the most diverse ways, the no There are limits, in the pursuit of knowledge, prosperity, security, peace and even wealth. Has been through the spectrum of political wisdom and the related ideologies, on the way, make justice to this vision. The successes were just fatal part. Until today in the 21st century this is not really succeeded.

Revolutions, wars, starving people, good, bad or no medical care, limited education, which disregards the child as the focal point and social because of its position on the route can be, well or at all no supply in the age and care, a catastrophic pollution and climate change, as well as collapsing nuclear power plants, are the results that it has created a so-called rest risk technology. Oversized problems, rather than solutions. The good meinende it ‘half democracies’, that is not right, which was the largest effort by redistribution in their social systems, to establish justice, failed miserably.

Party Freedom

“Information meeting of the Hamburg State Association for prospects and supporting members in May 2011, dear friends and supporters of the party of freedom in Hamburg, short on behalf of the coordination team of the civil rights party for more freedom and democracy, freedom” in Hamburg, I would like to invite you to our next info meeting on Friday, May 13, 2011 from 7 pm to approx. 21:00. The fifth meeting of information will take place again this year in the Stavenhagenhaus in Hamburg. Technology investor is actively involved in the matter. The address of the venue is Frust Bergstrasse 4 22453 Hamburg and is by two bus lines (bus line 114 between U Klosterstern <-> Lufthansa base;) Bus line 23 between U Niendorf market <-> U Billstedt) connected to all Hamburg U – Bahn lines and the S1 and S11. You take the confirmation in the connection details to the directions please on your registration. For safety reasons we are still forced to carry our information meetings as closed events with invitation list so that we can exercise the right of the House.

It is therefore absolutely necessary, that you us your participation and that your acquaintances and friends, specifying the address, phone number and email address in advance, until no later than Wednesday, 11 May 2011, 18:00 by email confirmed, at the email address Ferdinand you then forwards obtaining the registration to learn more. the party its own network netzwerk.diefreiheit.org is used for active discussion about the issues of the new and revised programme of the party members. What do we stand for more freedom we for a company Act, whose Mitglieder can enjoy a high degree of freedom. We mean among other things the freedom of expression, the freedom of the press, freedom of Assembly, freedom from crime and violence, the freedom of choice of partner, and freedom of religion (which includes the freedom to have no religion). These freedoms apply to all people, regardless of origin, skin color, gender or sexual orientation. Freedom is not of course.

She had to be fought for over the centuries against authoritarian powers such as absolute monarchs and totalitarian dictators. Also today, freedom must be defended for example: against the sprawling bureaucracy of a debt-fueled State apparatus, which cuts them the pretext, to worry about the welfare of its citizens more freedoms against the not democratically legitimate rule of the Brussels Central State of which pulls more and more competences of its member countries in the spread of totalitarian ideologies, especially political Islam more democracy means democracy: Government by the people. The parliamentary system of the Federal Republic gives parties too much power. Many decisions are made by party leaders against the will of the majority of the population. This leads to disenchantment with politics, a steadily declining voter turnout and a growing alienation between the population and the political caste”. We are therefore for the addition of the parliamentary system by binding referendums on federal, State and municipal level after Swiss model, that the people constitutionally referendum the subsequent vote = to make allows, undo this right to veto decisions of Parliament. So, the parliamentarians are forced again to listen to the will of the people. Greetings Jens corner life the liberty civil rights party for more freedom and democracy Landesverband Hamburg i.g. 203143 PO box 20221 Hamburg

Count Saint Germain

The future Conference 2010 invites people in Hamburg this spiritual Congress, is to deal more with the theme of your own and the freedom of the general public. That was one of the favorite themes of the count Saint-Germain, which was well known in Europe as master of Alchemy and diplomacy for around 250 years ago and is the spiritual patron of the Congress, by the way. Long live the freedom “, that was the motto of the legendary count Saint Germain (18th century), a famous Alchemist and Europe United at that time in terms of on the road. Viacom gathered all the information. Saint Germain is in antiperspirant and representative of this Congress, which will take place on 9 and 10 October of this year. We are entering a new age people and the Earth. That can be seen clearly on the changes of our own lives and where the countries and the politics and the economy. Liberal thinking and life are one of the most important assets for the future.

Scientifically at the level of quantum physics this is clearly prove. Today, we know that every thought the own and also the lives of others altered. We are all connected in the divine field. No one goes his way alone. Therefore, Liberal, conscious thinking and living is so important for the future. Want, we examine all of this at the Congress. We would be glad if you are! Long live freedom! More information at

Human Rights Council

Speech of Islam scholar and Iran expert Dr. M. Azmayesh at the UN in Geneva, the culture of Iran’s Human Rights Council is like a carpet. A carpet with many and varied colors and patterns that are intertwined and linked. We can compare this with the various nations who live in a country called Iran, where all nations understand as part of Iran. So have for example Iranian Baluchis, Arabs, Turkmen and Lurs are still their own languages, ethnicity and culture. Within each ethnic group, there are also different faith affiliations.

It is found not only diverse ethnicities in the Iran, but also a wide variety of world views and beliefs. A look at Iran should take into account the entire population and their great diversity. In General, you think, there’s a style of music in the Iran. However, each tribe has its own folk dances, music, dress and religious beliefs. All of these aspects taken together form a carpet with Name of Iran, where all together live and had patriotic feelings. Who is Muslim and who is not? It is simply wrong to claim the most Iranians are Muslims and only a small minority is not Muslim. The ethnic groups of Iran’s society consist of different Nations and different tribes.

When we say Lurs, Kurds and Baluchis, we talk about different Nations and tribes with own area affiliations. The Qashqai, which have their own culture and follow their own traditions are the largest tribe of the province of Khochan, for example. People of various ethnic groups speak not only their own languages, but have their own customs, costumes, joy – and funeral celebrations and even play music instruments, which depict a very own sound spectrum. A Turkmen Dotar is not Turkish ways to play and also the Kurdish tambourine not to play Turkmen music is suitable. The Turkmen Dotar is only Turkmen music against.