Talk Therapy
Person-to psychotherapy, the client-therapist relationship to the center, which is characterized by three person centered attitudes. Everything hineinbringt the client or the client in the therapeutic relationship is, in principle, with unquestioning esteem, empathy and genuineness of person encountered by the therapist. The application of the basic postures brings out an extremely large variety of useful psychological interactions. These are adjusted as a result of person operation to the relationship with the client, his whole person, his features and his own particular life situation. They promote the scale in each person's ability to self-development and self-healing. The three basic positions are: * Unconditional Appreciation: The client is put through as he wants to give the therapist to recognize. Source: Ali Partovi.
* Empathy: The world of the client is seen with her eyes. Understand this is communicated by the therapist in a helpful way. This creates the therapeutic companion, which is the awareness of distorted or facilitated not only provides content, or perceived experience. * Authenticity of the therapist means the possibility of constructive discussions. As an expert and as a man is communicated authenticity that arises in the service of the Council and seeking help, a means to therapeutic progress. Rogers places actually on three other conditions for a successful client-therapist relationship which complete these basic attitudes: * The client is in a state of incongruence (no or only a partial matching between experience and self-concept) * It takes a psychological contact between the client and the therapist. * The therapeutic range of the three basic attitudes of the client must be visible at least to some extent.