Tag: psychology

NiMH Battery

Nowadays, cell phones have become, for increasingly more users in an inseparable partner linked to pictures, music and video connections with loved ones or business, which is difficult to be separated, sometimes seems an umbilical to the globalized world, however, batteries don’t have advanced to the same step that have done the number of applications and the degree of dependence that we keep to these mobile interaction devices, so it is useful to pay attention to best practices for efficient use of portable energy storage. With regard to maintain the life of the batteries you working longer, there are two separate aspects which are interrelated worthy of consideration, such as extending the time enters loads and as prolong the overall life of the battery. In the current market, there are 3 types of technologies for mobile phones, these are batteries: Lithium-ion, Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH) and Nickel-Cadmium (NiCD). Batteries with Lithium-ion technology are the most recommended for use in cellular are lighter and have a best performance compared to other types. They are generally 30% lighter and have a 20% performance better than a type a classification similar mAh NiMH battery (mAh is an abbreviation for mili-amper hours, which represent units of electric charge, in the case of similar voltage batteries one higher mAh value indicates that the battery has a better loading capacity and allow operation of the equipment for longer before needing to be recharged) another important advantage of Li-ion batteries It is that they are not susceptible to present the memory effect which reduces the load capacity of a battery and will be discussed later. It is advisable to condition a new Li-ion battery during the first 3 cycles of load, for this you must leave the battery in charging mode during the night and use it until it is completely empty, it is important to mention that they may be damaged if you overload persistently, for example leaving it connected for more than 24 hours.


It is the collator of the psychic processes. As Hall observes ' ' The Self is main arqutipo of unconscious the collective one, as well as the sun is the center of the solar system. The Self is arqutipo of the order, the organization and the unification; it attracts itself and it harmonizes the excessively arqutipos and its performances in the complexes and in the conscience, it joins the personality, conferring to it a sense of ' ' unidade' ' firmeza.' ' The objective of all personality is to arrive at the self-knowledge that is to know the proper Self. Jung appraised the Self of the following form: ' ' The Self represents the objective of the entire man, namely, the accomplishment of its totality and its individuality, with or against its will. The dynamics of this process is the instinct, that watches so that everything what it belongs to a life individual it appears there, accurately, with or without the agreement of the citizen, it wants has conscience of what it happens, wants no.' ' For Jung the complexes are the ways that allow in them to arrive at the unconscious one.

Carriers of substantial an energy load, the complexes have as nucleus arqutipo e, around this nucleus goes if concentrating ideas or full thoughts of affectivity. They structuralize themselves as independent entities when a part of psique will be cindida because of a trauma, an emotional shock or a moral conflict. As it is perceived in the film, where Finn enters in conflict not knowing to the certainty if really it wants to be married, therefore all its ouviada life its mother who the marriage was a bobagem, and that commitments for life all impossible age of if fulfilling. For Jung these conflicts are natural, the deriving tensions of the conflicts between the instances of psique are inevitable and essential, therefore, they are who constitute the proper essence of the life.