. Encouraged us to Mario and some teachers who accompanied us on this odyssey, the possibility of reaching a turning EGAII graduate institution fully identified and committed to the region and where participants meet new challenges, for it offers another style teaching, more open, andragogic, at least what to me accounted for more binding with the business reality of the region, more of the problems the country faced at that time. We can not deny that we had many barriers, often little enthusiasm from the authorities, however, never lose heart to this challenge, never wanted to express restrictions on all professionals who wanted to venture into the programs that were open and offered courses in leveling so when this was approved could join the program without problems. It was always my goal and keep the dynamic linking of the institution, with business, with other graduate institutions at national and international levels to make way for the exchange of students and teachers, develop Conferences, Conventions that benefited all concerned. I tried many times to link with the OAS, UN, governments and other foundations so that we collaborate, assist in the development of this project. I should point out that despite not being born in that country, and can deal with people of great talent, was not as harmful nationalism, as Mario, Ricardo Salgado gave me support and put their trust in favor of making this project a reality. Confidence was never disappointed, even though my heritage came from the ITESM. Thanks to the views of some graduates who have told me without knowing me, I could find out what our project represented in its formation.