But there are few scientific or medical experts go a step further on the origin of the disease or how to cause wars, which are even grounds for a future as bleak. You could say it all starts in our negative thoughts as these poisonous substances deposited in the nervous system. Hostile thoughts lead to discharges in the nervous system and nerves emit poisons. In the book entitled “Origin and formation of disease,” we read: “The nerves that are in strong tension secrete poisons as the vibration of each body, attack weak or poison organs throughout the body. Through the elimination of nerve poisons can declare the so-called nervous fever, which through the central nervous system in vibration makes all the nerves, so that the entire body is heated, ie, feverish. ” That is, we who we ourselves basking feverish with negative thoughts, thoughts of fire.

Both a home match as a whole is very hot war and thus also heats all the encouragement, also reaching the disturbance to the cells. We’re talking about inflammation, inflamed discord, but also ignites a disease. Through the nervous system is then removed and they are poisonous to the body. One could then say that the war starts first in our thoughts. Often beginning with desires, anxieties, passions, if not met lead to aggression, then hatred, envy and hostility. All this has its effect on our body, so that ultimately we ourselves war and this war we eventually hardens. This hardness is also reflected in the cellular structure, so that the cellular structure becomes antagonism, and can not perform their functions harmoniously and harmony that flows through it.

From history we know that the ancient Spartans stiffened their children for war. Therefore, this dullness in our sensations is condition for making war, but it is also the condition for our cellular structure is set, cool. The coldness in us leads to the coldness of heart and many cold hearts strewn with millions of thoughts of hatred, enmity, greed, jealousy and envy lead to armed conflict, which after a few know how or how it started out. Just toughness, aggressiveness, brutality is what is presented today as a rising force in our society, appearing often in the media even in the movies as a sign of value. This pacifist teaching of Jesus of Nazareth is also in the so-called Christian countries, practically turned upside down, then to the extent that humans harden, harden their consciences, which is equal to losing scruples. Today so-called “feel” is something that is increasingly difficult in this world. Do we know really how we feel? Have we all become accustomed and hardened to such violence? Do we want to keep hardened and thus more and more sick? If not we should reorient our lives to the high ethics that brought Jesus of Nazareth and morality of the Sermon on the Mount that is valid more than ever for all peoples and races, for in it we find the key to a peaceful life and happy, also the key to getting out of wars and conflicts, and the solution for the Earth once again become a livable and healthy.