Tag: stories


Certain day, I had to be with one 17 years, remember that he was for June return or July because was cold, in the sky stars scintillated as never due to the rarefied air of the winter. Then, we receive the visit from the uncle Marcelino who comes of Paris where he was to study strange things, it he was physicist and he was interested in electromagnetism effect of electronic voice? FVE. I explain: As it took up quarters in our house I had the great happiness to know well my uncle very. In our nocturnal wheels of chimarro it counted to me on its experiments. He counted approximately on 50 years, however he mame look like to have little, she was an intellectual and adored I it. Wise person everything on literature, cinema and liked music very, but in the week ends she left to drink and to know women, was one will solteiro and always it took its traditional Scotch.

Here it is that ahead of my interest the uncle Marcelino finished introducing for me in the practical one of the FVE? listening of voices of deceased through electronic devices? I started to use a recorder to hear these sounds, my uncle I used an equipment well more complex of which I do not know to explain the details. In short, one is about frequencies that we do not obtain to hear of course. A ribbon Cassete is inserted in a recorder (the environment must be in absolute silence), where I liveed I was perfect, it is placed ribbon to record, later if it tries to interpret the sounds of deep. At last, since then with practical of the FVE I obtain to hear deceased. Doctor, them says everything to me. ' ' – Ours. Everything this is very curious.

The next stage would be to ask to it on its professional experiences, but I better find to ask the Mr. on its experiences with deceased. It continues! – Certain. I know it is doubting that you of what I am to count to it. Wise people who what we see are not what she really exists? The human eye enxerga only one small part of the electromagnetic specter, only the part of the visible light; we do not enxergamos the things subtle, nor the too much small neither colossal ones. With the hearing it occurs the same, it is imperfection and it cannot catch all the noises and frequencies. – I know. Interesting But, one counts on what they say deceased? – I know that this seems madness, but they speak to me above all, however, to the space between lineses I cannot count to it. They in hear all instant to them and I ask for not to count to me nobody. They are our secrets! I can say that I already wise person who would interview you me for the clerk vacant, them had counted to me that Mrs. would find paranico for hearing such insanities to me and that technical would define you me as esquizofrnico. – You are not worried Sir, is all certainty. I will be with its telephone in the case of the necessity of the act of contract. – Yes. It has a good day doctor. ' ' Ours, it did not ask nothing on my aptitudes, professional courses and experiences to me. That woman estranha' '! pause – However, to speak with deceased! I do not know, but of all the insane people who had appeared here, this me seemed to be pathological the least

The Commentaries

Ours that haste, but I am happy after all I go to leave this difficult place where it suffered very for not wanting to participate of the wrong way. We were even so with the little that we had, I and my mother, only in the two, tears in the eyes of my mother and at the same time relief to leave from there. Another school, another slum quarter, another barraco, the life continues, continued studying in another school, after all had dreams, dreams that I stops was not easy, but the life continues and goes to make of everything to be successful. My mother knew one another man and decided to live with it, wants to say it came to live with people, I accepted therefore wanted to see my mother, it happy a serious, closed man pro world of it, skirt early to work and came back late toward house. What it made? I only was to discover two years later when my mother it received a notice that it was died in a next uncultivated yard from there, my mother it had a shock, it was not possible this to have happened, but it happened, the facts we discover later in the velrio, the commentaries were clear: it deserved to die; he was a dangerous outlaw; one day it would kill I with fifteen years looked at the people who entered to see the body and to have the certainty of that it died. For many a relief, but for my mother and I not, therefore it in house in these two years was a good husband and played a role of a good father for me stimulated, me to study, bought the pertaining to school material and clothes so that I could always go well dress to the school. While the society earned, I and my mother lose, but we did not know of the past of it, what it made or left to make. .