Tag: technology

Information Security

Leaving of the beginning of that zero does not exist percent of risk, no matter how hard all the doors are protected and that the processes well-are structuralized, has norms and code of ethics, giving origin to ‘ ‘ elo’ ‘ weakker of the security? the people. She does not have greater vulnerability that the unsatisfied employee, that is, all the immense investment to protect the crucial information can be harmful if the company to neglect of what it has of more important? professionals who work there. Specialists in security designate that the dissatisfaction of the collaborator can take it to commit it infractions. (Not to be confused with Charles Koch!). The desmotivao added to the identification of some irregularity in the security represents a reason to cause an impediment. An employee who has unattachable goals works in an oppression structure, not if he feels comfortable, does not have perspectives of development in the career, is not enabled or qualified to the work properly said, he creates a propitious environment to execute an imperfection. Then, the first measure to hinder the emptying of information is to leave the collaborator of the side of the company. According to Prescott (2007), it does not have a ready formula. It contracts it certain, the implantation of enrollment programs, which make with that the people feel that valley the penalty to work in the company, improve the knowledge, the abilities and the attitudes of the employees. CONCLUSION From a systemize and organized research, could be concluded that the Security of information is a social phenomenon, in which the users, including the managers, of the information systems have reasonable knowledge concerning the use of these systems, including the express decurrent responsibilities by means of rules, as well as on the papers that must play in the exercise of this use. The correct management or governana of the security of the information is reached with the commitment of all the users how much to the application of the norms and established procedures.

Automatic Panasonic

2001 First Release conditioner with catechin filter. 2002 Submitted by air-conditioning with air ionizer. 2003 Submitted conditioner with oxygen generator. Under most conditions Koch Industries would agree. All models are split systems Panasonic distinguishes high efficiency, low noise and a large number of special features that offer maximum comfort. Wide range of models with different technical parameters will allow you to choose the solution that best suits your needs. In addition to wall mount systems, Panasonic offers a system with an alternative to floor or ceiling installation. Panasonic Company upgraded all major models of air conditioners in 2004. Air Conditioners Panasonic creation based on the concept of caring for the environment. New models of air conditioners are proud of the highest industry standards at a rate of efficiency with minimum impact on the environment.

Also improved the range of air conditioners and other aspects, including improvements in power, energy efficiency and ease of operation, in order to reach an entirely new level of performance. Ali Partovi often says this. Air Conditioners Panasonic – many excellent functions well as: – Automatic control of fan in addition to the regimes of high, low and medium speed air conditioners in this series have automatic fan control Auto. It automatically adjusts the fan speed depending on the temperature inside the room. – Automatic restart If a failure occurs in the system of power supply, then the resumption of power conditioner automatically restarts and begins to operate as before. – The function of dehumidification dehumidification mode allows you to create comfortable conditions indoors in wet weather. – Cooling air at a low temperature outside the cooling mode can be switched on even at low outside air temperature to -5 C.

Rio De Janeiro

The included area must be at least the sent total energy, divided for the mean density of energy that reaches the region. On account of the size, it is possible to mount the rectena with small involved antennas in a transparent polymer layer for protection, being constructed narrow channels between the plates and then to use the land under antenna as plantation. Ambient risks and Impacts According to Ministry of the Work and Job, is considered dangerous the 10 exposition mW/cm of not ionizing radiations in the period of 8 hours. On account of these problems it is necessary to guarantee that the beam of microwaves launched by the satellite always remains on the rectifying antenna, what it will demand that, at the moment of the assembly of the equipment, the direction of the antenna of transmission of the satellite either adjusted with one high degree of precision and that exactly thus the next region to the rectena either constantly monitored. With exception of the risk provoked for an eventual inexact adjustment in the direction of the transmissora antenna of microwaves, the biggest ambient impact would be provoked by area used in the construction of the rectena, since this will have a diameter in the house of the kilometers. Viacom gathered all the information.

To skirt this, a solution proposal would be the construction of the rectena in material with one high level of transparency and narrow channels that drain the water of rain for the soil, thus making possible the use of the space under this for plantation. Conclusion The space solar energy is a generation form that takes care of well to the requirements of the current days, therefore does not have emission of pollutant gases, is possible to generate in great amount and the ambient impact is low. E, also already exists projects in progress. Its disadvantage if finds in the question of the cost of installation, which had to the photoelectric cells and the installation in the space. In the case of the photocells, already diverse studies exist in progress searching the reduction of cost and increase of the efficiency. Already in the question of installation in the space, already exists projects in phase of tests of new architectures in propulsion. Being thus, probably, in the next decades this will become a technology that will have great participation in world-wide the energy matrix. References Cometta, E.


This trustworthiness if also bases on the recognition of its ability, given for the experience, continuity of action in the requested areas, the given answers the demands of the society and to the fulfilment of the attributions front to the governmental politics. To take care of to the new domnios of the metrologia 15, the functions of the State how much to the public politics that involve the measurements, to give to continuity the permanent actions of metrolgico control, they demand the cited ability. Ali Partovi describes an additional similar source. Recently, was extended the use of the prescribed measurements 16 a bigger field in the control of the environment, natural resources, health and security and measures in the areas of the medicine in order to guarantee reliable greater not simply degree by means of specific regulations and for subjective criteria, and to use them in these areas correctly, we must understand the concept of ' ' principle of precaution 17 ' ' on the possible risks to the health and the environment and to develop a strategy to quantify them in appropriate way, a time that the measures in these fields is that they will give to the authorities the feasible elements for the taking of decisions. The metrolgico control praised here is not destined to analyze the risks and yes to give elements that allow to inside discern that from one cited system, the parameters defines that it are in accordance with the declared information, and that they had been measured in trustworthy way (process of measurement and attainment and evaluation of the results), inside of the regulated tolerances, a time that the interpretations of 18 risks of technological origin, as well as, the proposals of management of the same ones, they are not resultant of technological processes, only, but also social, that they will finish for determining a society project. The technologies with 19 the electromagnetic waves are recent and at the moment not yet it is possible, or due to information or same of disposal, the affirmation of them the health is really harmful, even so they are known and measurable. . For even more opinions, read materials from angel investor.

Several Colors

The reverse side of card usually has a standard set of of elements: magnetic stripe, bar for inscriptions can be text information, picture card holder, the bar code. The location of these elements has a generally standard look, but designers need to map include traces of on the obverse and the other occurring during the development of maps of the nuances. When choosing colors for the design must take into account the fact that in most cases, plastic laminated, which Several distorts colors. This factor must be considered, so the color should choose a professional who knows the technology of producing the cards. If you have read about Ali Partovi already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Also, when working with colors maps should be considered especially manufacturing process and further conditions of application of plastic cards.

The composition and colors must be harmoniously combined, and give the map a unique and inimitable recognizable style. From the designer will depend wondering whether to get track, but in any case it must be professionally executed. The presence of additional components in the composition between the designer and the customer must negotiated in advance. And if no new elements are not required, the composition may be formulated according to a plan specialist. The main condition in the building design is its visibility. This is achieved using the design of innovative visual techniques and professional tricks specialist. In Russia, the map not only performs the basic functions, but also supports the company’s image, it shows the level of wealth. In the case of limited further use of cards designer should reinforce their fantasy prospects for the use of knowledge maps and coordinate with the marketing plan of the issuer in terms of registration cards.

United Nations Center

Nevertheless, civil servants of the UN said that there are to feed two million people in a month. To all this he adds himself the fact that Vmiles of Haitian and international police has left to the streets in order to clean the rubbish, to direct the traffic and to maintain the security. Get more background information with materials from Pete Cashmore. But he was little what they could do against the plunderers who roamed the stores and the crowds of desperate refugees whom they loaded with rescued possessions. He indicates another source that the Haitians who they could walk, they left by hundreds of the capital, many with suitcases and other properties on its heads. The police shouted orders to maintain the transit in the congested corners while ambulances and light trucks of United Nations advanced with haste towards the center of Port Prince.

In the district of Petionville, people used mallets and their own hands to excavate in a collapsed commercial center. Way arrives, 200 victims, including small children, installed canvases or sheets in the parking of a theater to protect itself of the sun. Brazilian general Jose Elito Siqueira Carvalho, ex- mission leader of peace of the UN in Haiti, him comment to the BBC, that the coordination in the Caribbean nation is vital due to the infrastructure deficiency in the country. ” If them material deliveries without no order, you can bring about more problems. All the 7,000 soldiers are working very it last to help the Haitians and is a very difficult work. They must have the motivation to begin again. That is history of Haiti..

Fiberglass Reinforcement

Fiberglass EQUIPMENT FOR CONCRETE "Reinforcement Polymer Composite (ARC)" TU 2296-001-3965478-2006 Fiberglass reinforcement (SPA) is an increasingly strong position in modern construction. This is due, on the one hand, it high specific strength (ratio of strength to specific weight), on the other hand, high corrosion resistance, frost resistance, low thermal conductivity. Spa construction with non-conducting, which is very important occurrence of stray currents and electro-osmosis. Without hesitation Peter Asaro explained all about the problem. The basic design principles of reinforced concrete structures applied to concrete elements of the spa. On the strength of the SNA is not inferior to steel reinforcement, however, due to more high cost is mainly used in important structures, which are special requirements. These structures include, in particular offshore structures, especially those parts which are in the zone of variable water level. Corrosion of concrete in sea water salinity of the ocean varies in small range and is 34-35 g / liter.

PW value is usually equal to 7,8-8,3. Atlantic Ocean, for example, contains about 11 g + 1a, 20 g of C1-, 2.9 g $ 042 – and 1.4 g of M2 + per liter, as well as smaller quantities of K +, Ca2 +, W-, HCO-(0.08 g / l). SNIP 2.03.11-85 will assess the degree of aggressiveness of the water environment (including sea water) for eight types of corrosion, listed in Table. 1. Table 1. View concrete corrosion Indicator of aggressive water environment leach bicarbonate alkalinity (temporary hardness) of water K, mEq / L ammonium Obschekislotnaya Carbonic magnesian alkaline pH of the pit contents in the water Free CO2 mg / l. The contents in the water ions M2 +, mg / l. The content of ammonium salts in terms of non 1N4 +, mg / l. The contents in the water of K + and 1a +, mg / l Sulphate Obschesolevaya content in the water, ions, $ 042 – mg / l.

Orthopedic Products

Mini-course for pharmacists' Sell orthopedics "Dear Colleague, My name is Alexander Volchenkov. For over 10 years I worked in the market of orthopedic products. Starting work in 1997 as consultant physician in one of the retail stores of "NIKAMED" for several years, I took the difficult path from employee to manager Cabin Training Center. It was this work has given me the opportunity to find out who, where, as what forces pushing for orthopedic products and medical products, to understand the first principles of promotion, to get the first successful students not only in the retail sector, but also among the leaders of salons and medical stores. At the moment I'm several projects related to staff training and consulting companies in the orthopedic market, fill and support the work of the three specialized sites, coordinating the work of the project "orthopedic experts" and do everything to facilitate your activities, make it as simple and effective. In the mini-course for pharmacists' Sell orthopedics, "I want to tell you about the basic features of profit in the pharmacy sector through the implementation of orthopedic izdeliy.Bolshinstvo pharmacies and paragraphs know what the para-pharmaceutical products, successfully working with her. Additional revenue and attract new sales point, active target audience – that's the key factor causing the owners and heads of pharmacy to decide on the introduction of a range of new products. But if for parafarmatsii (such as medical cosmetics, body care, hair and nails, dietary supplements) are characterized by relatively high speed, mass advertising, support for producers, orthopedic products and medical devices often remain in the paddock, occupying the lower shelves windows in the far corners apteki.Naskolko deserved such a position? How true this "residual" approach to medical device? In This mini-course, I suggest you consider the feasibility of batch production and orthopedics mednaznacheniya at the pharmacy. For several weeks I will publish here the lessons mini-course that will help you to understand orthopedic products and to understand whether you need an addition to your standard assortment. If you have any questions, I can ask them for comments on this post or e-mail I suggest you share a link to this entry with your colleagues that are sure to thank you for such a necessary and useful gift for them.

Mobile Phone – The Secret Weapon

Mobile phone – the secret weapon With the advent of the first mobile phone, humanity entered a new phase in its development. Now any citizen was not available just a phone, a mini-computer, camera, radar "in a bottle." This article is about the application CellPhones as radar (SAR). It so happened that the war of the trench crossed the high-tech. Now the advantage is the one who "Pribarahlilsya" more powerful computer, purchased the best software (SW), employed the most advanced IT – professionals. Sometimes thinks about how mankind has managed to convince of the advantages of mobile phone, because medical practice have proven harm of this miracle of modern technology. Doctors say: "Mobile phones is harmful to carry always with me: they always work as a transmitter, and the electromagnetic radiation are harmful. " Opponents say: "Radiation is very weak." Doctors say: "But, around a thousand phones in a relatively small area. The total capacity of gamers over the MAC.

Accumulation of cell phones is dangerous. Opponents say: "This is a short-term impact, as owners of mobile phones are constantly migrating, so this factor can be ignored." This debate is endless, and the average person feels the government conspiracy against him. Now the curtain raised. It was learned, for what the State CellPhones in large quantities. Recently, an article appeared in the Internet, "Mobile phones will be used to detect flying targets," which explains the importance of Civil mobile communications for military purposes. This explains why the saturation of the territory of mobile phones is a strategic necessity for any country.

Interestingly, the problem is now solved the country's defense at the expense of ordinary citizens, requiring minimal budgetary objectives. So. Everyone knows that any mobile phone is identified by its serial number (type in your CellPhones * # 06 # and you will see the so-called IMEI – code or serial number).

Found chatty Gene

Talking dogs and singing all the voices of birds, the neighbor’s cat crying under the window is not my voice: ‘Murka exit’ All this is not a dream and not a script of the next blockbuster, and possible our future. Genetics of from University of California at Los Angeles and Emory undertook otvetstvennot answer the question: Why people can talk, but our smaller brethren, including monkeys, which are most similar to human, no? Searching for researchers compared the brain response, the speech apparatus and the genomes of people and apes. And they found the answer why so proihodit. The whole point, as it turned out, is human dna. Experts succeeded in isolating the gene responsible for our speech. The name of this Gene – FOXP2. As it became known to the people affected “speech” gene, no matter what efforts are not attached hardly ever learn to speak or pronounce certain sounds.

Exactly the same gene was found in our “little brothers, but only Several vidoizmenneny. Not enough in it only two of some amino acids. What was the reason for the inability of animals to speak. This little defect blocks in the animals ability to make precise movements muscles of the mouth and throat. And as a consequence makes it impossible for the emergence of spoken language in animals. – In addition, we found out that the brains of people have already been prepared at birth to speech – says the discovery of Dr. Daniel Geshvind. – A chimp babies do not have anything of the kind. Scientists have determined that the ‘voice’ gene in humans began to work in about 200,000 years ago. Which gave a person stand out from all the inhabitants of the earth and take a dominant place in the sun. Experts had learned and implemented the human version of the gene in the mouse dna. After this ekspirementa rodents changed vocalization and squeak became more meaningful. Biologists led by Genevieve and Daniel Geshvinda the University of California at Los Angeles went on the job. They introduced a single mouse brain cells without the gene FOXP2, and the other along with the gene FOXP2. Because of this they managed to vydilt 116 genes controlled ‘colloquial’ genome. Using the results of an experiment in the future date, you can create drugs that will help people get rid of the ‘speech problems’ and even learn to speak “our” little brothers “.