Tag: Technology Repair

Administrative Code

Of the Administrative Code, unauthorized alterations to dwellings in apartment houses sanctioned by administrative fines. Please note that the requirement could be followed balansoderzhatelya (owner) of a building to bring the room to its former state. Based on experience, strongly recommend to make alterations to issue documents, which allows you to avoid many problems in the future. – What repairs do not agree? Definition of redevelopment we have given on the basis of it, that the repairs that do not require changing the data in the data sheet and do not change configuration of the apartment, do not agree. For example, installation or disassembly of built-in furniture, replacement of plumbing, redecoration. It should be understood that alterations may be different, there are many normative documents that define the kinds of repair work and do not engage in self-alignment. You'll save time, save up your nerves if you contact the experts who speak professionally information and qualified, in the short term to help you agree on the most complicated versions of the planned or already implemented alterations apartments in accordance with the regulations. The firm "Arbi" 17 years engaged in design work on residential, civil, industrial, agricultural buildings, engineering structures and systems for new construction, reconstruction, major repairs, as well as restoration of monuments of architecture, history and culture. Our specialists will perform the tonnage-finding work, and will form an expert opinion on the technical condition of the foundations and grounds (soil) building designs, engineers, building systems and structures for various purposes, conduct all necessary approvals, be transferred to non-residential apartment fund (when the former apartment under different purposes) and hand over the object in operation after contracting organization of construction and repair works on the approved project. Koch Brothers has plenty of information regarding this issue. I invite you to the site of the firm 'Arbi', where you can ask advice on the page, and I will try to give a qualified answer to every situation in the field of replanning, design, expertise buildings.

Softwood Lumber

For the manufacture of chopped wood houses are usually used materials conifers: pine, spruce, larch, cedar and fir. Check out Peter Asaro for additional information. Softwood lumber is superior to the strength of the most common hardwood and less susceptible to decay. The trunks of conifers have a regular shape that allows better use their volume. Pine different maximum straightness of the barrel, the minimum number of knots and good technical properties. With a high resistance to decay yet has a tendency to "blue" (high humidity, especially in July and August). The blue of itself does not alter the physical and mechanical properties of wood, but spoils the appearance. Pine is the most common material for construction of wooden houses, as we do, so and in Europe. Spruce rarely used in construction.

In the dry wood of spruce on the strength of almost the same as pine. Spruce is more susceptible to decay, but much less blue. It is worse than any other tree species resists moisture, so it is preferable to use for interior decoration. Spruce has a slightly looser structure, but due to this somewhat warmer than the pine. Although its consumer properties somewhat worse suitable for the manufacture of chopped walls due to lower density and lower tar content, however, a spruce forest can be recommended for the manufacture of floor supporting elements (beams, slightly). On the world market spruce quoted above pine trees. For the short-lived coniferous spruce – rarely grows more than 200 years.

Larch is stronger, denser and more resistant to decay than pine, but more difficult to process and easy to split. It is ideally suitable as a wall material, is used as material for structures (beams, valley, rafters, tightening, etc.). Larch is more resistant to moisture, is highly valued, is 2-3 times more expensive than pine. Larch – a single tree, not rotting in the sea. Used for the manufacture of log wood with a diameter of 26 cm to 40 cm, and sometimes higher.

Construction Of House Or Cottage

The company offers its customers Ankorbild construction of houses and cottages in Kiev and the region. Through collaboration with a number of suppliers of building materials, own transportation fleet, we can offer you building a house or cottage in the Kyiv city and region at reasonable prices. How to start building a house or cottage you decide to start building a house or cottage. In the design of dwellings should be pay particular attention to several factors, including the purpose, which will serve as the house. For example, whether it's a home for permanent residence or summer, or perhaps it will be leased? Will it be a vacation home hunting lodge or guest house? Once you decide to, you can proceed directly to the design of the house. Choose carefully architectural design Try not to choose an architectural project the principle of "he's handsome." Do not forget that the project must meet the requirements of your family for years. The first thing to pay attention to size and floor plan home, and consider their financial opportunities.

Remember, the more the house, the more costs required for its construction and later for maintenance. Important: The law of any repairs, he can not simultaneously be a quick, inexpensive and good quality. In the best If carried out, only two of these conditions, at worst – not one. And this is largely dependent on the contractor you choose for the construction and repair work. Since ancient times, people are always choosing a place to at home, so that people like it is, built at higher elevations, or where children were playing … Over time, as the development of the standard of living has increased, and increased human needs. And the house or cottage is no longer simply refuge, and became a place for psychological relief, habitat of the family, leisure. People used to build houses themselves attracted to the construction of houses of relatives and friends, today you can find a company that builds affordable house, and bring the project to your home to perfection.

PVC Pipes

How to choose the pipe?. Now there are a lot of materyalov and technologies in the production trub.Tak what do you choose the pipe for our needs. Advantages and disadvantages of polyethylene and polypropylene pipes of the following Polyvinyl chloride materials (PVC pipe), PVC pipes have high rigidity, which allows their use for production risers of large diameter sewers. PVC pipe can be used up to 45C, and from Chlorinated PVC – up to 95S. Pipes are not combustible and have a lower coefficient of linear thermal expansion compared to pipes made of PE and PP polypropylene (PPR – PPR pipes), such pipes should be avoided for drinking vody.Luchshim application is cleared sewage and sewage levnevaya Polyethylene Pipes: Polyethylene (PE), high durability (warranty period – 50 years). The absence of all types of corrosion.

Low microbial fouling. Non-toxic – no impact on taste and odor of water. Hydrodynamic capacity polyethylene pipe does not deteriorate with time (almost no mechanical tube overgrowth due to low surface roughness). High reliability under mechanical loads due to such properties of PE, such as viscosity and elasticity at the same time. Good insulation properties. Polyethylene pipes are in 2 – 4 times lighter than steel, which facilitates transportation and assembly.

Available in lengths up to 13 m long bays and up to 400 m. The butt welding of polyethylene pipes is fully automated, inexpensive, simple and requires no additional consumables. These pipes are not outwardly beautiful so is used mainly for outdoor gazovodoprovodov with the closed method prokladki.Pri that they can simply be buried in the ground and "forget". Cross-linked polyethylene (PEX), PEX pipes are characterized by the following properties: fatigue resistance even at elevated temperatures (up to 110 C), dimensional stability (no load application material does not deformed up to 200 C) fracture toughness, impact resistance and toughness in the notch even at temperatures below -50 C; high wear resistance to abrasion and incision; good shrink properties.


If you decide not to buy ready-made vacation home, and build to your taste, you must select a plot. You've got to pay attention to the following points. Parameters of the village First, determine for itself the requirements for own locality or village. Ali Partovis opinions are not widely known. Here, besides the price per hundred square meters, the direction and distance, determine what value you have to: the status of the settlement, the stage of development and population of the village, the existing infrastructure and surrounding nature. When choosing a settlement notice is also on the communication-all and have permission and they fall in the price of land. Naturally, the examination of documents on the ground is mandatory when choosing a settlement.

Options Plot Second, after determining the settlement, you have to choose from free sites. It should evaluate the following characteristics of the land: The location in the village settlement area may located on the outskirts, at the entrance or inside the village. The ends are usually more expensive towns in the 5-10%, as around you will not be neighbors. Land near the entrance to some it seems safer and udobnee.Landshaft site Mountains, valleys, slope – look attention to it. Hard to build on a slope, but you can make an interesting design – level drops look amazing! The presence of trees on the site is a plus, if they are not too many. Pay attention to the type of trees may have your family is allergic to pollen, then it is better to choose a site with pine porodami.Razmer and form part It's all very individual, but you should not choose elongated and narrow sections. The complex shape of the site complicates Landscaping and expensive fence. Plot size depends on what kind of house you build, as well as other planned buildings, bath, garden, patio. All my tips are quite simple and probably all known, but have carry a cheat sheet to check whether you've accounted for everything when choosing a site user-friendly. Good luck, future land owners!

Cutting And Grinding Concrete

Milling and grinding machines produce coatings MSH-300, BF-400, equipped with the working bodies of diamond tools. Diamond tools are different from traditional in that abrasive material in them is a diamond powder, grains of which are fixed by an appropriate binder. As a working body of machines for concrete pavements used diamond grinding wheels. Diamond grinding wheel consists of a body and mounted on it the working layer of diamond, which is a conglomerate of grains of diamond powder and binder, and in some cases, and the filler. The main characteristics of the diamond layer, defining it performance characteristics are as follows: grade and brand of diamond, diamond powder grain size, type, and physical and mechanical properties of ligaments, the concentration of diamond in the bunch. Get more background information with materials from Douglas R. Oberhelman.

For processing concrete and reinforced most widely used tools for metal bond. Before milling and grinding surfaces cultivated area should be exempt from building parts, debris, tools and equipment for production construction works. For cutting concrete cutting use conventional diamond grinding wheels, mounted on one shaft, specially designed cutters with diamond zachekanennymi of the helix and cutter with soldered on helix diamond segments. Most appropriate for the type-setting of the diamond wheels of mills use segmented circles with narrow and wide inter-segment slots. The cutter diameter of 250-500 mm. Milling is carried out on concrete overlapping parallel lines with the band during the subsequent milling of the aisle at 2-3 cm translational motion of a milling machine should be set after the cutter required speed and penetration to proper depth of milling. Milling depth of concrete in a single pass is 2-7 mm, depending on the physical and mechanical properties of concrete. Concrete coating is treated to a maximum aggregate exposure of grains to achieving concrete strength as excluding the possibility of chipping the core. Concrete flooring is most often used two-step process.

Attic: The Specificity Of Space

The popularity of lofts has recently increased significantly. They not only significantly increase the usable area of construction, but also represent an unusually organized space that can be disposed of in Depending on the flavor and thickness of the purse. After all, such an opportunity to seek those who want to own a home, not like any other. But the attic rooms are very specific and require very careful approach to remodeling and upgrading. For example, because of the sloping sections of the ceiling attic room is almost always seem smaller than it actually is.

Meanwhile, the area of the attic is often little footprint home, which is seldom less than 20 square meters. m Thinking attic space organization, it is necessary to take into account parameters such as location of windows, ceiling height, location of stairs. Rooms can be divided into a variety of septa, and not necessarily stationary. It can be translucent blocks made of plastic, screens of translucent fabric. Ease of placement will give a white or very light colors. It is not necessary to paint the walls in the dark color – they were "pulled down" by the inhabitants of the attic and the interior will make heavy. Use textiles for decorating the windows, perhaps, too, is not worth it. Forum Bank advises blind, especially since they are inexpensive and incredibly varied in design, and materials and colors. But the curtains, especially "advanced" drapes, "eat" space, and most importantly – shut your eyes from the wonderful starry sky, under which, according to a forum the bank, so romantic sighs and whispers of love. Source: Omsk – News and Events

Choose A Plastic Window

Suppose you have an idea to buy in your apartment window, made of plastic. Currently, many companies engaged in production of plastic windows. For example, plastic windows in Russia you can buy from firms 'OknPlyus'. Before buying a PVC window, you must understand that what requires plastic windows, from which they are made, consider the pros and cons of plastic windows. many companies for some time engaged in the production of windows plastic, PVC windows put in today in almost all newly built homes. PVC windows are made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), so they called and PVC windows. This material is very useful when working with it, it does not rust, does not deteriorate with time, this material is plastic, it can be done from the windows of any model.

U PVC windows have great advantages over wood. For example, wooden windows are such a big disadvantage, as the hygroscopic which do not have plastic windows. List the advantages of PVC windows: PVC 1.Okna almost impossible to external influences from the aggressive atmosphere – in the end is very durable, many more than 20 years. 2.Pered you to choose any design, any color, shape, all affect the design of your apartment. For example, you can choose a plastic box with the texture of wood.

3.Okna PVC virtually waterproof, do not allow external noise to interfere with you about your business. This is a very important especially at night. Yet they retain heat. PVC windows 4.Za fairly easy to maintain. 5.Udobstvo to use – may open more than two options. 6.Okna PVC fireproof, they are made of such material, which does not burn. Many worry, there are harmless plastic windows for health and the environment. Now there is talk that the alleged PVC windows are not breathable, this question is answered in the windows installed special valve, which window allows you to penetrate the air. Some people think that windows made of plastic are dangerous to health, but they are wrong. In fact, the material of which consist of a window, starts to affect the environment only when temperature greater than 220 degrees. If you decide to install a plastic window, you need to accurately measure your windows or perhaps call a specialist who not only measure (and quite often for nothing), but also can tell you immediately how much it will cost you everything.

Ianto Evans

We did all the bricks the size of 40h20h20 cm, and had to be done 40h20h19 (or 41h20h20). Not take into account the thickness of the seam. Make a smooth wall was more difficult, although the task was feasible. Saman, like any other material that has positive and negative sides. If, for example, a car from a seemingly reliable material like metal you can not paint, you can spend on a trip to its maximum per year. Then he prorzhaveet, and crumble to pieces.

Same thing happens to Samana. To serve for decades, it has to be carefully protected from excessive moisture proofing and stucco. Therefore the question of durable exterior stucco adobe house I see it as one of the most principal. I must say that the book Ianto Evans and Linda head to plaster the most confusing and unclear. I had to reread it every 6 to investigate thoroughly all over. My grandmother told me that they have plastered adobe standard cement mortar.

We did not want to. One professional finishers who is interested in natural building, recommended to cover the acrylic primer and paint. We have processed a sample brick. It turns water-resistant film-like adhesive. The result is like. The instructions to acrylic written that she is breathing, but to make large-scale experiment on your own house afraid. Perhaps only some of the least processed protected places, such as window openings. If someone has to decide and get a good result will only be happy. We decided to make another pie: shingles fills, line the walls with plaster adobe, make lime-sand plaster and paint on top of lime paint. In order not to waste time, laying parallel I started doing stucco. Of boards and any trim to saw reechki thickness of approximately 4 mm and width of about 2 cm, these reechki I stuffed with nails (40-50 mm), weaving in a checkerboard pattern.