Tag: today


The time is constant. Goes down second by second and nothing can do will prevent this. Time is a great equalizer. No matter who or what your position is, anyway will have the same amount of time each day, and that is exactly the same amount of time everyone else have. It doesn’t matter if they count as twenty-four hours, one thousand four hundred sixty minutes, or eighty to six thousand four hundred seconds. It will always be the same.

But you can handle it, and that’s what time management is really. Management itself and the events that fill the hours you have, are the basis for all time management books.There are many strategies, techniques and tools to help a person get out of good and all help in self-management.The principle of self-management is consciously controlling his life and the events of his life rather than be controlled by his environment. An important way to manage your time is prioritize and control the events in your life. There is an old story about a teacher who takes out a bottle and filled with large rocks until they fit no more. Technology investor is the source for more interesting facts. Then she asked the class if the jar was full and the class responded yes. He then proceeded to take small rocks and release them to fill some of the cracks between the larger stones. Then he asked the class if the jar was full. Now a little hesitant, replied the class than probably not.

The Professor smiled and pulled out a bag of sand and poured it around the large and small rocks. Then he asked the class if I was full. The class responded with great confidence that if. The teacher then took a water jug and he poured it into the vial until she was finally completely filled. This story perfectly illustrates the priority. Large stones are the highest, its priority themes.It is easy to fill the day with water, or tasks of low priority, and never get to the most important things in his life. You must prioritize how will spend its time and highlight the most important things in the first place.

Symantec Backup Exec

Volume information: provide an estimate of the amount of data to be copied. This will be necessary to take into account for example that backup strategy used, the type of media to make copies or even estimate the time required to perform the copy. Programming: The backup can be automated or manually and must be considered especially the selected time to make them, preferring those of lower activity to reduce discomfort to users (which should not be working while the copies are made). EJ. Night time. Frequency/frequency: Periodicity calendar is easier to understand and manage (daily, weekly, monthly, annual). The frequency of the backups will depend on changes in the information and they will be at least weekly unless not changes have occurred. Viacom has many thoughts on the issue. Type of backup: the amount of information to copy the backup can be full (whole), incremental (only files modified or created since the last incremental backup are copied) or differential (copy the files changed since the last full backup).

The incremental needs less space but is more complicated that the differential restore. Location/storage: Depending on the situation of the copies these could be local if brackets are stored on the same premises in which the information system, is external if they are stored in a different and remote place which would be those conducted over the internet and stored on external servers. Local stores should have the maximum physical security for example through the use of fireproof cabinets under lock and key and in the correct environmental conditions. Support: Is the physical object that stores or contains data or documents, or object likely to be treated in an information system and envelope the which can record and retrieve data. In automated cases discs have zip, CD/DVD, tape, nas/san (with raid), external disk drives, pendrives, etc. You must choose the type of storage media that best suits the needs of the organization.

Also comment that supports must be inventoried, correctly identified, and if necessary to have a record of the same IO. Strategy: Can be permanent or by the rotation of the supports. The simplest is strategic, easier to maintain schema. A regular can be for example the Abuelo-Padre – son with 6 tapes (4 tapes for incremental backups during the week from Monday to Thursday, 1 tape for full backups on Fridays, and the last for the copy complete monthly). Software: The tool used to make copies must support the features that have been planned according to the needs of the company. Copies can be programmed with tasks by using command-line scripts, or with a specific software well free like Cobian Backup, SyncBack or invest in systems of copies as Symantec Backup Exec, Veritas before. Pre-Tareas: Copying actions to perform before backup. EJ. close applications for a correct copy. POS-Tareas: Actions carried out at the end of the copy backup. EJ. turn off computers or restart a service. Source: where the information is to be copied (machine / path)? Growth forecast?. Destination: that support or machine/path is will do the copies? Copies/supervisory control: is very important to verify the correct realization of the copies. Review logs, brackets, and testing of integrity of the copied information is a fundamental part of the procedure. There is nothing worse than thinking that backups are being made correctly and bring us an unpleasant surprise to find bugs in the restoration.

VoIP Purchase

I want to begin this article by asking a question: will any human being who does not need to communicate with other people exist in the world? I believe that we are in agreement that does not exist in the world people who do not communicate. That is this question? tell the readers, then comes because it has emerged a new technology in this field of communications called VoIP (voice over internet protocol) telephony and it is therefore of interest for all. I will mention a few of the advantages you get with this new system of communications: you can communicate from one computer to another computadora(no necesita un telefono), the number acquires is your property and can take him to another country different from his current residence, when you purchase one of the calling plans saves hundreds of dollars in telephone services because with a fixed fee you get unlimited local and national International. Pete Cashmore describes an additional similar source. Do you find interesting? do you want to know a bit more? then let’s go ahead. You win thousands of dollars when you purchase one of our packages of calls by promoting it and recommend it to other people, also obtained the necessary tools and free training so that you can develop your business. These are some of the advantages you get when you purchase the services of the VoIP telefoina, and if you already do not want to remain a user of traditional telephone companies I invite you to visit the Web site: in where you can see a complete presentation of the company offering this service, information of how this technology and much more..

Buy Clothes Online Shop

According to the latest study by The Cocktail Analysis, agency research and strategic consultancy specializing in new technologies, trends in consumption and communication, our country presumed to have reached staggering 4.2 million online fashion buyers. And it is that everything points to trade online fashion goes in franc growth, since in the last year it reached a turnover of 1.2 billion euro, 5.6% of the total of the fashion market. On the other hand, the study shows three profiles differentiated online buyers: Manager, practice and the fashionista. If we asked consumers, 23% are typecast in the Profile Manager, which is that goes to network for convenience and to avoid shopping. Pete Cashmore pursues this goal as well. This consumer prefers the comfort of the online channel, just takes an interest in fashion, looking for competitive prices and, preferably, visit the outlet or buying clubs, which are those that best respond to their interests. It is also that buys less fashion and spending less. This profile of client/consumer spends an annual average of 110 euros in buying online. Only 14% of consumers is identified with the profile of the practice, which valued the speed, comfort and a greater assortment of products.

This client type maintains a relationship with the fashion moderate, not usually buy impulsive way and invests more than other profiles on sites of Spanish stores/chains. People that fit this profile spend an average of 162 euros a year on buying fashion through virtual store. And a meager 6% of consumers feel identified with the profile of the fashionista, purchasing online to find exclusive, unique things. The universe of buy online fashion fascinated by these people and they tend to be that greater access to content from mobile, and level purchase, it is without doubt that spends more. The fashionista allocated in fashion online articles about 229 euros per year. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Ali Partovi. In what genera refers, 57% of online purchases correspond to young clothing purchases; 17% to footwear; 15% to children’s clothing; 8% to plug-ins and only 3% to underwear. These figures are only the tip of the iceberg since, according to the aforementioned study, four out of ten consumers have joined the online trade in the last year and half, determining data regarding expectations for 2012 refers.

In a study published in WWD and replicated by Refinery 29, it was revealed that 68% of young people between 18 and 25 years prefer to go to the store (offline), that buying on the Internet. When I read the news, was plop!. I thought that segment was much more inclined to buy online. However, in the same note develop a reflection that I share: buy is not an individual act, but social. Ultimately an excuse to get together with the friends of. But there was also another interesting detail


Group curls, leading network of training centres and hairdressers, continues its policy of consolidation of its establishments clamping the turnover of its more than 60 establishments. During his 30 years of activity, the brand has developed a concept with different options, which can be adapted to entrepreneurs in each region, by investment both concept and solid. Moreover, and despite the economic crisis, the sector of hairdressing, beauty and aesthetics keep holding on as a possibility for the future for entrepreneurs. Currently, there are 36 chains of franchises specialising in hairdressing, beauty and aesthetics operating in our country, with 1,936 establishments that generate nearly 8,000 direct jobs and a total of 349 million euros turnover. In sector 15% of business is associated with beauty centres, while hair salons have 85% of total turnover. Little by little, aesthetic centers are beginning to incorporate services from hairdresser, for what is expected to be equal numbers in the future. All this is coupled with the need for increasingly more products, materials and hairdressing furniture and machines of aesthetics, whose market has exploded in recent years. Industry figures show that the Spaniards over the past year have spent about 3,500 million euros in hairdressing and aesthetics, which proves that it is a service that generates interest. Therefore, this group has three brands associated with beauty, in order to cater to various segments of the public depending on their characteristics; Curls hairdressers, the veteran of all brands of the group, with elegant and sophisticated, classrooms equipped with the latest technologies to deliver more avant-garde trends in fashion for hair and cosmetic technology. Blue curls, the brand with which the Group has achieved wider dissemination, attends to another kind of audience: that demand quality and service at a dynamic time, with a good relationship for money. And finally, training centres, Active School of hairdressing and aesthetics curls, intended to teach the profession to future generations of hairdressers and the recycling of those already established. Both curls and blue curls can be drawn in terms of the investment to be a franchisee, from 80,000 euros, with a minimum surface area of 80 square meters. The school of training active needs about 200 square meters and investment goes from 120,000 euros. In this more than 30 years of activity, the curl group has carved out a reputation within the sector of fashion, particularly national but, increasingly, also outside our borders, as a creator of trends and styles. The banners of the brand are fashion, hair care and beauty of women. Customers who come to a center of the trademark curls make it by the quality of the service, as well as a satisfying experience from the moment they enter the establishment. The traditional perception of hairdressing salon is reforming towards the beauty center, and the figure of the Barber also plays of image consultant, says Daniel Sanchez, director general of the group. Curls is nowadays one of the most recognized hair salon brands in the world of Spanish fashion. His creations have always marked tendency, and her own unique style has become part of the history and legend of fashion in our country. The company has a total of 64 rooms of which 4 are themselves and the rest franchised. In terms of local franchisees have 20 salons curls, 26 blue curls and 14 active schools of curls.

Original Employees

As an employee who works in a company, their supervisors expect to be able to perform all tasks required for one day in particular. This is because the more time taken to perform a certain task, the greater the loss for the company in terms of revenue and profit.This is due to numerous assassins of time management that there is within Office. Email messages one of the murderers of time in Office are the mails. Although e-mails are generally used by companies in order to disseminate the relevant pieces of information to your employees, many employees often use their e-mail addresses in their offices to correspond to colleagues and other individuals and organizations. This makes your inbox this fills a large amount of emails that would have to be let go, doing that it is spent a considerable amount of time instead of using this time to work.

To avoid this, use your business email address only for issues with the company and keep a separate for personal email email account. In this way, you will be able to work in each of the different e-mail messages that require your immediate attention in a short period of time. Cell phones today in day, is difficult to find someone that does not have a cell phone by the comfort that provides when it comes to keeping in touch with friends, loved ones and co-workers. However, this facility can convert the cellphone at a time killer, since constant texts and calls received on your cell phone you can eat a lot of time of work by the employee. Keep your cell phone on silent mode in the Office during working hours and only respond to calls and texts that have been received during your lunch hour. Meeting the main objective of the meetings which is to discuss relevant issues of business. Unfortunately, much of the time in the meetings is used for conversation trivial, especially while waiting for other employees. Keep the discussion at the meeting focused on the topic to discuss in order to minimize the time consumed.

Fix a grace period to wait for employees or customers that should be present. Once the grace period begins with the meeting regardless of whether all employees are present. = Course for the efficient management of time, effective techniques that can be applied in less than seven minutes to achieve more than they never believed possible in less time. Visit for more information.

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Excellent Performance

As an important part of China s manufacturing industry, mining machinery industry has a significant export-oriented development features in recent years with overall growth of exports. However, we also should notice the weaknesses of a lot of mining machinery enterprises have, such as big but not strong, backward research and development ability; OS upgrading of products has become an inevitable trend development of mining machinery industry in China; experts predict that the mining machinery industry will experience changes in order to achieve steady development. Henan Hongxing Mining Machinery Co., Ltd is a joint-stroke mining machinery manufacturer exported in research, producing and sell of mining machines. Our company has built a high efficient team engaged in research and development. On the basis of introducing advanced technologies from abroad, our company has researched and produced a series of mining machinery, such as jaw crusher, impact crusher, etc. With the continuous hard working of our team, the quality of our products are among the best in mining machinery industry, and also we have gained good reputation all over the world.

Our company pays attention to the details of the products quality and the standard of the product values. We firmly adhere to the requirement of the market s demand and the standard of international production from the introduction of materials to the finished products. Due to the good quality and perfect service, our products have market in Russia, Iran, India and many other countries, and gain good reputation for our company. Hongxing machinery firmly seizes the opportunities for development, and accelerates the development of new energy efficient mining machinery and equipment. The company continually endorses the technical innovation, attaches much importance to education, cooperates with more than 200 scientific research institutions to establish research and development base and introduces international advanced technology and production processes, and now it has been at the forefront of the domestic mining machinery research and innovation and supplied best jaw crusher, sand maker, cone crusher, etc.