Raw Materials
Sometimes the action of enzymes on medicinal substances contained in fresh plants, good for their pharmacological effect, while in other cases, changes have come – not desirable. In the first case, this action may be enhanced by pre-fermentation, and in the second case – if this is undesirable and degrades the structure and activity medicinal plants, it is necessary to proceed to rapid drying or stabilizing materials. For example, the formation of coumarins by enzymatic effects in the plants containing them, the transformation of reduced anthraquinones in anthraquinones under the action of oxidative enzymes, hydrolytic decomposition glycoside sinigrin and others – all these instances the desired changes in the fermentation, resulting in saponin gets a therapeutic effect. In other cases, however, the last enzymatic processes lead to the dissolution of active substances and to limit or eliminate their therapeutic effect. Effect of enzymes has a detrimental effect on the labile glycosides contained in the raw digitalis alkaloids giostsiaminovih on drugs, and others. These kinds of decays prevent inactivation of enzymes, resulting in a so-called – is stabilized saponin. Ali Partovi often says this.
Proposed various methods of stabilization of raw material: a fresh part of the plant in an enclosed space influence of alcohol or hot vapor of chloroform, after which the material is subjected to drying, in the event that water vapor does not alter the composition of raw materials, stabilization may be done under the influence of water vapor. In the stabilized material to inactivate enzymes and could not be reactivated. Stabilization of these methods is radical method of preserving raw materials, but due to the fact that this is an expensive process, prefer to preserve it by drying.