August Resort
Teberda is located in the middle of the mountains of the western Caucasus in about a hundred kilometers south of Cherkessk, at an altitude of 1300-1350m above sea level and surrounded on all sides by mountain ranges Kendelenle, Muhu Dzhamagat, Hatipara, Garalov Cole. Teberda in Translated from karachaevskogooznachaet "gift of God" – "Teiri Birdie" in this valley flows the river of the same name and (the left tributary of the Kuban River). In the 80s of XIX century. there were some huts loggers. Weekday gathered all the information. Already at that time, scientists and physicians have been evaluated therapeutic properties of mountain air and mild climate of the valley Teberda. In 1925 he opened a sanatorium here.
Then the city was open rest houses and other resorts. Some time later, the village has become well known as a summer resort and resort destination. Today, the resort town Teberda, with a population of about 8000 people – this is a tourist center and klimatobalneologicheskogo treatment, untreated mineral waters. Rest in Teberda in Many Russians associate with the winter ski vacation, but you can relax in Teberda and treatment throughout the year. The climate here is dry, cool, sunny days on the number of Teberda second only Arkhyz, but not much. Most Precipitation in May. Winter is not cold, soft. January temperature does not drop less than -5-7 C.
Snow falls in late November and practically does not melt until March. In the summer is not hot, but cool for the summer, the average August temperature 15 C 20 C. Teberda is not just a resort city, but also a great place for sightseeing. Vacationers who choose the things to do in Teberda can visit such wonderful places as: Teberdinsk Reserve Museum mountaineering, tourism and history of the resort Teberda Museum Teberdinsky Reserve, Museum of minerals, ores, gems 'Amazing in stone'. Teberdinsk reserve was established in 1936, its total area – 69, 5 thousand hectares.