Tag: vocational

Bundeswehr Training

“Exciting knowledge for the participating soldiers from the 15.04 22.04.2013 eight trainers and professional sports Director of the Bundeswehr to the airdrop / air transport school (LL/LTS) of the Bundeswehr in old town to the trainer for cardio fitness”/”trainer for sports rehabilitation were” trained. The certified and approved courses have been planned by the competent Sport Officer of LL/LTS and performed by a lecturer of the BSA-Akademie, with. BSA training courses are different funding opportunities available such as the financial support by the employment office, regional funding such as the education check NRW or the education premium. Also soldiers on time and voluntary military duty can promote their training at the Academy of the BSA have. Therefore, regular soldiers of the German armed forces are among the approximately 10,000 participants of the BSA training courses. “Exciting knowledge for the participating soldiers: the BSA course trainer for sports rehabilitation” conveys to properly continue the participants understanding and special expertise from the field of rehabilitative training to a muscular structure workout after the medical treatment in the context of service sport and support. Additional information is available at Kip Cyprus.

Here, the parachute, the Rangers, the excess life education and leader training exists very often to injuries of the musculoskeletal system, active and passive. Here it is an effective tool to support the recovery and to promote. “On behalf of the BSA course trainer for cardio fitness” the participating soldiers were made fit for all questions around a professional endurance training: the importance of a cardio health and fitness Leistungsidagnostik and training control to the concrete handling of training devices such as wheel Ergometer, Crosstrainer and treadmill. The ranks of participants stretched from the staff sergeant to the rank of captain. Before it practically went off, it was for the participants learn, learn learn. The aim was also a successful completion of the courses in addition to the solid preparation to achieve also the civilian qualifications as a trainer. The BSA training courses is the acquisition of knowledge by combined lessons, which combines flexible learning in distance learning with compact presence phases. So, the soldiers were able to vote their knowledge with operational and training units.

“Practice locally in the airdrop / air transport school within a manageable teaching period a few days were first the course content for the trainer for sports rehabilitation” and then for the trainer for cardio fitness “treated. The theory is alternated with the practice. In a lively exchange of professional took place between students and teacher. Daniel Kaptain, who conducted the presence phases in old town, well acquainted with the realities on the ground: in the past two years he had there launched a training study within the framework of a duty. “This training study, the program was: infantry specific training” (IS). According to captain is now in future continuing to consolidate the acquired knowledge and to put into practice. At the LL/LTS new expertise is used, for example, competent to be able to train the soldiers in the service and to keep “fit”.

Haus Tolerances

Training in the Haus der Technik Berlin on March 4-6, 2013 tolerances are an unloved but necessary evil for many designers. Solgar. In the manufacture and Assembly of components and assemblies, tolerances play a crucial role but because they affect the functionality and costs. Also increased quality awareness approaches the tolerances in the Center, because this mounting security, game/wear, reliability and thus the life are connected. Code.org has similar goals. The knowledge of F + L-tolerances, tolerance principles, dimensional chain calculation and measurement certificates, however, often not deep are strengthened, to ensure a functional and economic component description with a purpose-oriented tolerance enough and the size, type and reference, experience has shown that up to 7% of manufacturing and installation costs can be saved. In the regulations (ISO 9000, VDA 6.1,QS-9000) is about the product verification of the F + L’s or the GD & T attached great importance. Many automobile manufacturers have introduced accordingly bar areas and in the future will require technically savvy partner from their suppliers.

The seminar series of the Haus der Technik presents to put necessary basics and skills that enable participants to use to interpret tolerance data tolerance principles, as well as proper tolerances (according to DIN, ISO, ASME) and vote assemblies. Also you can tolerate then correctly and economically series products in the automotive and mechanical engineering, which ensure process reliability and interpret software results. Themes will include among others: form and positional tolerance: tolerance types – tolerance principles – tolerance links – dimension chain theory – practical applications, statistical tolerance: mathematical principles – tolerance links – process control Masskettenabgleich. Draftsmen, technicians, designers from machine, automotive and machine building are invited.

New Customer Acquisition: With Recommendations Of New Customers Win

Seller of technology products and services to use with system recommendations to generate professional learning in Kaltenbach training seminar. If a person or organization recommends a provider, then this has a mandate with a high probability already in the bag. The same applies to complex products and complex solutions. Because at the time of purchase, customers often feel a high risk. Robert Bakish pursues this goal as well. They attach appropriate importance recommendations of individuals and organizations in their purchasing decisions, which they know and trust. It is accordingly important for providers of technical goods and services, to promote their referral marketing. Goes like this, know seller of technical products and their leaders in a seminar, Kaltenbach training performing the technical sales specialist training and consultancy on May 31 in Bobingen in Eastern Wurttemberg. “His title: technical sales with recommendations to gain new customers.” In the Day seminar the participants will learn among other things, what possibilities a professional referral marketing to win new customers offers.

Also explains them Walter Kaltenbach, who runs the seminar, how specifically stimulating customers to formulate and speaking of recommendations in everyday sales. Will be discussed in this context but also that professional quality management and a 1A-Leistung are basic prerequisites for a successful referral marketing. “Because only if customers with the power of a party that is absolutely satisfied” are and trust in the reliability and competence, they are usually at a speaking of recommendations ready, because they often secretly fear: when I speak of a recommendation and place my friend (or the organization that is friendly with us) is dissatisfied with the performance, then that comes back to me/us. A further focus of the seminar is: where and when can I use a (written) recommendation as a company? Which companies and in which situations It has the desired effect and when not? Also intensively treated is: what are the organizational and administrative requirements must be observed so that a company can operate a professional referral marketing? You invest 390 euros (plus VAT) for participation in the Seminar In technical sales with recommendations of new customers win”on May 30th in Bobingen. For more information refer to those interested in Kaltenbach training, Bobingen (Tel.: 07173/60 39;) Email:; Internet:). If desired Walter Kaltenbach also in-house conducting the seminar.

Android Smartphone

Via Smartphone with the new job in the IT industry, a free app by Genia consulting, human resources consulting for IT/K markets, enables the mobile job search via iPhone, iPad or Smartphone with Android operating system. Users can search for appropriate with the app abroad for specialist sales and managers from the IT sector. To broaden your perception, visit tech investor. The personal job agent provides them also specifically appropriate abroad on your mobile device. Job seekers find the Genia app”depending on the situation either on the go via Smartphone or comfortably from home via iPad or Tablet PC new professional positions that suit their personal strengths and skills. The app gives job seekers both an overview of all jobs from Shah as also the ability to search based on criteria such as location and region. Download and use the app on the Smartphones are free of charge.

The job overview of the Genia app offers more than 360 current and high-profile jobs from leading IT companies for specialist, Sales and executives from the TIMES markets – telecommunication, information, multimedia, entertainment and security. In addition to the search for jobs on the General settings, users can feel for their individual search also a job agent”set up. To do this, enter your relevant search criteria and then automatically receive the appropriate jobs on your Smartphone. The app meets the mobility of users, because they discreetly and quickly can discover job opportunities thus”, explains Jurgen Bockholdt, Managing Director of SHAHAB consulting. As a leading recruitment consultancy for the IT sector, we put emphasis on contemporary and future-oriented recruiting methods. With the app we are at the pulse of time and make candidates as fast and easy the search for their new positions as possible.” The Genia app is available on the homepage of Genia consulting to download for iPhone, iPad, or Android Smartphone: apps.html