What is the service – engineering? Engineering – (from Lat. Ingenium – ingenuity, knowledge, invention), a form of international commercial relations in the sphere of science and technology, the main activity being the provision of bringing the experimental design and research and development to production stage. Engineering company that monitors compliance with the terms of the required work, conducts monitoring of compliance expenditure budgets approved by optimizing costs. For a given direction and provided special equipment, such as cytological set, climatic test chambers, etc. Robert Bakish brings even more insight to the discussion. Engineering services can be divided into 3 groups: 1) pre-production: Provide pre-service, such as validation of clean rooms, conducting socio-economic research, field research, market research, surveying, soil investigation, mineral exploration, feasibility studies, etc., as well as consultation and supervision of these works, the provision of engineering services (preparation schemes and master plans, working drawings, specifications, etc., as well as supervision and consultation); Post-project Support services (preparation of contract documentation, management of the project, monitor and control of the work, construction management, acceptance of work, etc.), and 2) the organization of production and enterprise management, and 3) to ensure sales.
There are three main methods of providing engineering services. The first method – when most of the work carried out by local firms or personnel of the customer. In this situation, an engineering firm only acts as a consultant and for the implementation of the project is not responsible. In the second method, a large part or all of the engineering services and, therefore, responsible for project implementation engineering firm. In the construction of "turnkey" apply the third method. In this case, provides engineering services to the general contractor as part of a whole range of services. Specialized engineering firms can be involved as subcontractors. The main and constant are functions such engineering company: oversee the compliance of the draft standards, codes and other documentation of work performed, (start-up, contract supervision, repair, Industrial equipment and supplies, etc.), quality control of all structures, materials and other products that are used in the process of supervision, of commissioning, servicing of equipment, and work on the delivery of equipment for production purposes, supervision and the presence of the appropriate filling of technical documentation, acceptance timely action in case of discrepancies with the project, coordination with the client, and monitoring compliance with the actual scope of work specified in the project of transportation or supply of industrial equipment, it repair and servicing, ensuring protection of the interests of the customer to suppliers of equipment for the production or the company that performs sales service industrial equipment. Functions of the engineering company are different depending on the type of activities, such as a industrial engineering, during commissioning, organizing the transport of industrial equipment, arranging supplies of industrial equipment, its repair and maintenance services.