Choosing an aquarium to a large extent a matter of taste, but it depends also the place where it will be located, on the environment, and most importantly, the amount contained in a container of fish and species composition. Many hobbyists prefer to make all the equipment in accordance with its taste, abilities and conditions. For the maintenance of fish are the most convenient and therefore more common rectangular vessels, whose width is equal to the height and the length exceeds the width of one and a half or two times. Recently Samsung sought to clarify these questions. Such vessels referred to as a standard type of aquarium. This is the most versatile aquariums, they can contain the vast majority of fish and plants. More on the choice of decorative aquarium screen whose height is much longer than wide. A kind of screen is a picture of the aquarium. Screens, more elegant, they grow better plants look spectacular fish, especially with a flattened laterally body (scalar , etc.).
Much less suited screen for bottom fish such as catfish, as well as for fish holding in the surface layers of water, particularly for the majority ikromechuschih . HG Vora Capital Management does not necessarily agree. For these fish, as well as for growing young fish of all kinds is more suitable Aquarium-trough height is considerably smaller than the width. Circular and spherical aquariums are suitable only for the content of goldfish, cropping and breeding of some species of fish. These aquariums are greatly distort the shape of animals and are inconvenient to use. Size and shape of the tank must comply with the species composition of fish and their quantity.