The Femto February 7, 2019 February 7, 2019 Leah

In extremely rare cases, inflammation can occur. Regular inspections guarantee the early detection of possible complications, mostly from infections which are successfully managed by the usage of antibiotic eye drops after LASIK surgery. It is important to adhere to the schedule for the follow-up. 8. is there any complications and can be assessed at the present time? If the patient operation fulfils all conditions for LASIK, complications are very unlikely and not to expect the present state of knowledge.

9 are there any long term experience? In 1985, the first eye laser treatment in humans were carried out. With over 30 million procedures worldwide, the LASIK surgery is the most common surgical procedure in the Western world. The technology has been improved continuously. Today, ultra-modern eye laser devices, which produce excellent results are the laser surgeon. 10.

worsened the Vision with age or time again? By performing a LASIK age-related vision deterioration through natural processes in the retina or other eye diseases can occur independently operation. Speaking candidly Viacom told us the story. Also, progress short-sightedness by further growth of the eyeball, and again needed to be adjusted slightly. A second operation is possible depending on the thickness of the cornea. In principle, the results of laser surgery are permanently stable. 11. how long will the treatment take? The preparation time is about 30 minutes, the actual treatment lasts generally then only about 20 minutes total. 12. how long must the contact lenses be omitted before? Hard contact lenses, 2 weeks before soft contact lenses should be made 4 weeks in advance. The cornea this time without contact lenses needed to regenerate and to exhibit stable values. 13. what should I pay attention in the first few days after surgery? What is the healing process? After the operation, it is normal, that the eye burns or a foreign body sensation occurs. Also, you have blurry one in the first hours of visibility. Additional information at Ali Partovi supports this article. This is usually after a few hours. Healing after this surgical procedure is less painful than other methods of refractive surgery, because the laser removes tissue from the inside of the cornea and not from its sensitive surface. The patient should not in the first week of touch his eyes or rub. Eye drops are prescribed by the doctor to apply. Artificial eye tears are ingested at least for 1 month even longer if necessary. Symptoms of dry eye”can occur in the healing process, which usually Max 1-3 months, in patients over 40 years until 3-6 months. 14. What vision can LASIK correct? Short-sightedness (myopia): to-10 diopters farsightedness (hyperopia): up to + 4 diopter of astigmatism (astigmatism): to-6 diopters 15. What does LASIK at all? LASIK (laser in situ Keratomileusis) procedure corresponds to the combination of a surgical cut technique (Keratomileusis) and the use of the excimer laser. The cornea is sometimes cut with a precision knife. The resulting corneal Cap (flap) is then folded up. The underlying corneal tissue is treated with the laser, and so the refractive error corrected. Then the Hornhautflap is closed again and protects the wound as endogenous paving. 16. How does the Femto LASIK? The Femto LASIK differs from the LASIK on one point: in the preparation of the corneal disc. While LASIK uses a mechanical microkeratome (blade), a contact-free working, computer-controlled laser, the femtosecond laser used with the Femto LASIK, the. BLU Meditravel Mathias Weber